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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Seen it before, but right now I'm watching Skyfall on my new hi definition tv with hi definition cable...what a difference RG
  2. Scarface I confess I haven't seen it...yet RG
  3. Oh no not another "O" Octopussy ( another from the dark years of James Bond, the Roger Moore years) RG
  4. Oh Brother Where Art Thou RG
  5. I thought about it overnight, I contacted change.org asked them to delete my RG signature on the petition and I'm going to re-sign under my real name. Waiting to hear back and hopefully I can re-sign under my real name RG UPDATE Well tried contacting by replying to the email sent to me yesterday, but it's an automatic email, and my reply bounced back soooo There is an IM contact form I stumbled across on the site which I used, but alas, it bounced back too but I persevered and there is in the help centre a form used to contact them so I filled it out...so far no bounce back, keeping my fingers crossed
  6. Different people have different experiences. Just because an encounter with a lady went one way with a gentleman doesn't mean it will be the same way with every gentleman she sees. We are all unique individuals, with different personalities, likes and needs. And how we connect with a lady, just like in civilian life depends on who we are. Yes YMMV does mean factors like manners, hygiene etc affect how the lady will react to you (ie bad breath no kissing, dirty fingers no digits etc) YMMV can also mean things offered you may or may not get due to no fault of anyone. Example, MSOG, if your a twenty year old man, that means something, where as a fifty year old, well one SOG is likely it Finally YMMV means after reading the lady's website/profile/posts and recommendations you have an idea of what the lady is like to be with,but your encounter will be special and unique for you, not a copy of someone else's encounter. Not better, not worse, unique to you. As for fifty percent I have no idea where that number comes from, my experience, around ninety five percent, GOOD encounters A rambling RG
  7. First and foremost, if planning this for an evening encounter with a professional companion, ask her first. Some ladies may prefer to not go into a hot tub/Jacuzzi. RG
  8. You telling us you are a twenty one year old IT business owner only shows us that you can tell us you are a twenty one year old IT business owner. Which has nothing to do with seeing a lady. BTW encounters aren't about handling yourself Encounters are about a gentleman meeting a lady for a mutually beneficial time together Yes, in a perfect world generalizations aren't good, but ladies make their profession based on their experience dealing with people. And their experience shows them this age demographic isn't good for their business. It isn't about right or wrong, it's about the ladies do what is right for them So you have to show the lady you are a mature gentlemen, a man the lady would like to have as a client if you want to see her A rambling RG
  9. Getting hi speed wireless internet and hi definition cable installed today:-) and more importantly A email exchange with a special friend...her emails brighten my day here's a Thank You For Being You directed to her :-) RG
  10. You'll see roamingguy just signed too...board handle, I hope accepted RG
  11. My concern is not about change.org, but our government, a much different story. RG
  12. If it was Joe Smith it might pass, but roamingguy obviously not a real name LOL RG
  13. Dumb question, do you need to give your real name and address in this petition. If board handle is OK I'll have something...but a bit later today after new internet installed RG
  14. Not to change the subject but last week for dinner I had venison (deer) for dinner, I wish I had some moose in my freezer so I could have some for dinner now My mouth is watering RG
  15. Midnight Run Haven't seen it in years, but a funny movie RG
  16. Just so you know Kylie, in your case, it's the lady who made the jeans look good, not the jeans that made the lady look good RG
  17. I've been fortunate that the ladies I see prefer email contact. In just a couple cases did the lady want a follow up phone call. I followed up first by an email asking when is a good time to call plus when letting her know my good time for me to call her (once because people were over, I couldn't call for two days...didn't want her to think I forgot about her) Always in the back of my mind is the thought that my call could take place when the lady has people around and sometimes, although single, I do have people around to, so I want the call to be private and discrete I primarily use text only to contact the lady to let her know my hotel room number. But I'm not a tire kicker texter LOL, nor for that matter a tire kicker to begin with A rambling RG
  18. Second that, watch him, keep him out!!! Good spotting to the Liquor Maybe a report of him to Mod to keep an eye on him in case he changes his name to something else (can still keep track the way multiple accounts are noticed) is what is needed Sounds like a sick f*cker RG
  19. Well I find a bubble bath clears my head and thinking When I don't have a daily bubble bath, well I let my guard down and forget who I can trust So moral of the story, a daily bubble bath keeps your head out of a noose A Good, The Bad and The Ugly rambling RG :-)
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