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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I always thought I was pretty vanilla sexually, so my surprise at 34 But out of all of the choices one stands out, not because it is a bucket list item, but because it was a shared evening with two special friends and something I never thought I would do in my life. But the stars aligned for me and a very special evening took place, and I have a lasting memory of being with two Goddesses, and Friends. Thank you again Emily Rushton and Lonna Lux. Guess I'm not vanilla anymore I'm guess I'm more And three scoops for all three of us that night And if eating chocolate birthday cake in bed with two Goddesses was on the list, well......35:-) A happy memorable reflection Thank You To Emily and Lonna for making it possible And Thank You to Lonna for making it to this special evening, one of the last encounters, if not the last before your retirement RG
  2. Ah the reality of this lifestyle, which affects all of us, whether having a one hour, three hour, four hour or overnight encounter...yes there is an escape, the outside world and it's problems gone for the time booked, but when time is up, unfortunately it's back to the real world I think you had in your head an idea of how you wanted the encounter to go...but when you got together it unfolded differently...not badly, differently. I've had encounters, very special wonderful encounters btw, ones I will always look back on with fondness, where ahead of time I had an idea of how things would turn out, but the encounter unfolded differently, no sex, but lots of kissing, caressing, snuggling. That's how nature/fate if you will intended the encounter to unfold, that was how they did unfold, and they were wonderful and memorable encounters with caring affectionate ladies. Key to this is you are paying for the lady's time. What happens in that time, well it's something between two consenting adults, and something that takes place as a result of it unfolding naturally A quote comes to mind "Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is not found in finishing an activity but in doing it" It sounds like your encounter (the journey) was good but how it ended (the destination) was different than expected. Focus on the whole evening, that is where you will realize where the joy was, the finish, that was just different than expected. Anyhow a rambling. Philosophy 101 Class dismissed LOL RG
  3. Well yes and no. You wouldn't think you would be in the bathroom finishing yourself off, but then on the other hand (no pun) your session went past the time already and she just got a call that there was another appointment. Should she, when the clock already has run out, you both know that, and she has another appointment booked, at that point have sex with you It may not be how you planned for the encounter to go, but that is how it unfolded. At least she didn't just kick you out, she let you relieve yourself first RG
  4. It sounds like you both lost track of time. After the hour, everything and anything that happens is a bonus in my opinion. Your encounter just unfolded naturally the way it was intended. If you like her, see her again, and maybe if sex is important, keep an eye on the clock (wear a watch) and perhaps book a longer encounter too A rambling RG
  5. Home alone I always make sure to have a daily bubble bath LOL RG
  6. Kinda confused here, you talk about family but then no wife or girlfriend. Are you living at home with your parents, now not really clear about your situation. Even worse than a wife would be parents walking in, sure as sh*t they would view an escort as corrupting their child RG
  7. For A Few Dollars More RG
  8. This song might help you Pisaq Now back on track, for A Airplane!!! RG
  9. My experience, and I stay at many major chains, is hotels are willing to accept cash, so no need to pay by credit card. Only use a cc for reserving a room, not to pay for it. As for the so called paper trail, hotels have privacy policies and should be respecting their former customers' confidentiality. Yes there is a possible risk, but a probable risk another matter. And any hotel breaching a former customer's privacy risks losing future customers. Remember, it's men that see companions that are a major source of revenue for hotels...something not publically acknowledged but a hotel realizes. RG
  10. Well if you need a touring lady to meet with you, pick up her fare, or contact her well in advance so she can schedule a tour to a city you will be in at a certain time. She may need payment in advance but its the least you can do for her if she is willing to accommodate you. Worried about a good excuse as to why you were out. Much easier to come up with that excuse (wanted to go to Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Bass Pro Shops whatever) than fumbling with an excuse when you are caught in bed with a nude beautiful woman (hi honey, just helping her look for her earrings)...not to mention the cost of divorce. If worried about the expense of seeing a companion, think of the cost of divorce. And not judging anyone's marriage, but whether a bad or good marriage, no wife deserves to see her husband actually in bed with another woman. And no companion deserves to be drawn into the middle of any marital problems. Don't worry about check out time...as long as you pay the hotel is happy. What are they going to do, force you to stay? RG
  11. Your post got me to thinking. Would society and the government be OK with prostitution then if only single women were escorts and only single men partook in this lifestyle. But as for the walk on the wild side bit, I sure wish I had walked on the wild side much younger in life, like before I needed a walker to help with my walking LOL RG
  12. As someone who pre-books, quite far in advance ;-) I always check my calendar, plan things to have the encounter. I plan six seven even longer months in advance. And I make sure the day planned is free so I can make the encounter. Unfortunately sometimes the unforeseen happens (illness) in which case compensate the lady for you missing your encounter, or family circumstances (dying father) where in my case I put this lifestyle completely on hold. Always make sure of the date of the encounter...nothing scarier than a text message as you are about to go to work saying are we still on for tomorrow, and you thought the date was a week away :-) (a private humorous moment between Meg and me) A rambling RG
  13. In this lifestyle, speaking in generalities of course, with age comes with maturity. Where as a young man may think he's god's gift, with age comes a maturity, the realization that a gentleman knows he isn't god's gift, but he knows and appreciates that he is going to see one of god's gift, the Goddess he is sharing a hour or a few with. And he appreciates the time the lady has set aside to see him. He does not view her time as an entitlement for him. As has been suggested, contact a lady, build a rapport. When the time is right ask if she will see you. Offer to pay a deposit in advance (there are many well recommended ladies here on CERB in case you are worried about sending money in advance) plus volunteer verification information (your real name, board handle confirmed by PM, email, an unblocked contact phone number) a reference if you have one. She may need other information if you don't have a reference. And btw the ladies can be trusted with this information Be open, forthcoming, show you are more mature than your age, and you may get an companion agreeing to see you despite your youth. And if she declines your request, say thank you and move on. Even if you give her verification information, doesn't mean she owes you an encounter. Be mature at all times, even if you are declined A rambling from a fifty something bald man RG
  14. DON'T HAVE THE DATE AT YOUR HOME OR WHEN YOUR FAMILY COULD SHOW UP!!!!! Not only is it going to create a very major possible crisis for your family you also draw the escort in the middle of any family crisis that could evolve from you seeing her. Discretion is two way, you pay her to be discrete, but likewise the escort has all rights to expect you to be discrete. My advice, see an escort when your family isn't around, it is respectful to your family and to the escort Simple common sense goes a long way RG
  15. Well some spitballed thoughts here First is the idea that women need to be protected, men don't...and that women need in particular to be protected from men Second is perhaps the idea that sex while an enjoyable pleasurable act for the man, is something distasteful and bad for the woman. And woman need to be protected from men so they don't have to do something distasteful and bad Third is labels. As much as the women's right movement has advanced, there is a double standard about sex. A man with multiple partners, a ladies man. A woman with multiple partners, promiscuous, slut, tramp etc...but she isn't known as a mans' lady (in the same vein as a man called a ladies man) In other words it isn't complementary for a woman to have multiple partners, but it is for a man to have multiple partners Fourth, the idea that woman gives sex, men take it. And a man can take it with or without strings (but his choice), but a woman can only give it with strings, such as a relationship, marriage. Fifth sex has a value beyond money so when a lady charges for sex with no strings, she cheapens sex and herself...meanwhile the man enhances himself as a ladies man Sixth is the bias. If all sex workers were men, we wouldn't even be discussing this IMHO, because only women need protection, not men. Seventh is belief that all that a professional companion provides is sex and nothing more. They do provide that, but also provide so much more, companionship, intimacy (in the broader sense of the word), an escape, a non judging trusting environment, in some cases friendship. Some of the most wonderful memorable encounters I've had with some special ladies sex didn't even take place. Just a few off the cuff ramblings RG
  16. His first post, had he left it at that, well he'd probably be fine. With subsequent posts after his first one he could have said something like "I didn't know b&s photos such a problem, thanks for informing and educating me" But his second post, where he acknowledged this SP's bait and switch and still basically said she's ok is where his credibility was gone. We have seen numerous posts by gentlemen complaining about bait and switch providers (and a b&s photo is the first step in a client getting a b&s SP) And for professional companions who take the time to provide real photos of themselves, well it is SP's like this who make the true professional companions have to deal with questions like "is this your real photo" and make life for them difficult. He wasn't bashed, but challenged on his posts. And with his apologies afterwards he would have been, IMHO, ok and could have continued on in CERB. And he could have rebuilt his reputation, and this mistake treated just as that and we move on. But he as an adult chose to leave CERB, because of this and that's was his choice. Sorry he felt the need to leave, but it was his choice And a sidebar note. A lady who is a professional companion should present herself including her own photos. Maybe she isn't a Barbie doll type woman, but you know what, not all men want to see a Barbie doll type woman. Maybe the lady the man is looking for is the one the lady really looks like. As the saying goes "there is someone for everyone" so presenting her true self is the way to go. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  17. One more thought well a couple, sort of related to the topic at hand. When doing a sleepover, weekend escape, week holiday etc well first and foremost it should be with a lady you know and she knows you. Not something to be done with a lady and gentleman who have never met before...btw not a better start to the day than waking up with a special lady you know and really like lying beside you. It's not about sex, it's about companionship. But when you want to do such an escape, discuss together your plans for the escape. What both of you want to do. An overnight/weekend/week etc is not 24/7 sex/time in the bedroom. Maybe the lady has some ideas, and maybe you do too, and between the two of you, both of you can find something that you want to do together...it's about sharing your time together And, especially in longer escapes, make sure there is alone time. A lady may want time to herself. Maybe an hour or two by herself, or more, or less. She probably will let you know that when you are planning your escape. And it's not an unreasonable request for a lady to make A rambling RG
  18. I agree. I've been PM'd by some gentlemen (yes gentlemen) who are about to embark on this lifestyle and as newbies, understandably have questions,more along the lines etiquette tips...I have absolutely no issues with that But when someone seeks details of what took place between a lady and myself, well I write recommendations of all good encounters. If what I write in the recommendation isn't enough detail, guess what, that's because the rest of the details of an encounter are private between myself and the lady and will remain that way. A rambling RG
  19. High Plains Drifter RG
  20. The face along with her whole body is important. But no, I don't need to know what she looks like before meeting her. But an idea of what she looks like certainly creates interest and "opens the door" so to speak But if we look through the photos of the ladies on CERB, there are many beautiful ladies. In terms of technique you allude to, well many ladies have similar menus and techniques. What really is important, at least for me, is once the lady and I meet, a smile, a hug, and she is happy to be there, happy to be meeting me. I like an encounter to be an escape with a beautiful woman who wants to be there. And one more thing, for me at least, a lady could have a bad hair day, or whatever. But if she's positive, smiling and happy to be there, all is good with me. In short her attitude is far more important than anything else A long winded convoluted rambling, hope it makes sense RG
  21. Just to put a spin on it that maybe some gentlemen can appreciate. Would you guys consider going on a business trip, where your employer pays all the expenses a holiday, and if so, would you forgo your salary while on the business trip as long as expenses are covered. I think not, your salary, your income, pays your bills. It does seem forgotten by some, but that while both ladies and gentlemen are opposite sides of the same coin in this lifestyle, it is for the gentlemen an escape, for the ladies their livelihood. A livelihood that pays the lady's bills A lady that is at an encounter providing us with an escape, she is not having an escape, she is working...this is her job. Whether at a outcall hotel room on a Saturday night, being taken for dinner out, spending the night with a gentleman or a "vacation" in the sunny south, it is all her livelihood. A rambling RG
  22. The Guns Of Navarone RG
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