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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. My nomination for Lyla Member Of The Month for June is Athena Lust athenalust is her Lyla Profile name and she is on Twitter too as @lust_athena A lady who sends positive shout outs (yes I'm one of the fortunate people) to many ladies and gents (I'm sure some of those ladies and gents getting shout outs know who I'm talking about) not to mention is a lot like Lyla..."if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything at all" If there was only one complaint I could make she's out west and I'm in Ontario😉 For all her continued positivity I am recommending Athena Lust as Lyla's June Member Of The Month A Rambling RG
  2. Congratulations Notch...well deserved and well earned 👍 RG
  3. A few movies (and shows too) on Netflix For Arnold Schwarzenegger fans "The 6th Day" An oldie (well made in 1990 LOL) The Hunt For Red October Broken City (fair movie not great) Space Force (tv comedy series not a great comedy but not bad either...thats talking out of both sides of my mouth I should be a politician LOL) If you've heard of the series Ozark watch...it's like Breaking Bad except in Missouri A depressing documentary but worth the watch Jeffrey Epstein Filthy Rich If you haven't heard of it a series Hollywood entertaining An action movie Extraction A comedy Game Night Yes there's a few shows, some may be repeats don't remember (I post both here and on Twitter) but while incarcerated...'er practicing social isolation (talk about a contradiction in terms) some shows on Netflix to watch (in between virtual companionship of course) A long winded rambling RG
  4. Another pair of pandemic apocalypse flannel pants arrived from Amazon today...the others getting a little ripe after repeated wearing's😵 🤢😵 (just kidding, I wash them LOL) But this pair is blue flannel. The only down side, they came in an envelope so Beatrix is sulking because she didn't get a box to play with A Rambling RG
  5. The arguments made for not purchasing on line services can be equally applied to seeing those companions who require deposits (or payment in full in advance) That said in the next day or two the final payment for an upcoming date will be made AND I'm going to purchase another online service Getting excited about receiving it from her A Rambling RG
  6. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-premier-announcement-queen-s-park-covid-19-cases-may-24-1.5582369
  7. Thank You. Unexpected but Very Much Appreciated RG
  8. Just did a random check on the internet and the cheese factory will be opening up it's store June 1st. Guess a little drive is in order that day, get some 10 year old cheddar, bag of fresh curd and we'll see what else awaits me. Store bought cheese doesn't come close in taste to cheese factory fresh cheese JMO🧀😋 Counting the days RG
  9. My nomination goes out to Ms Manda not just for her pics but her positive contributions to Lyla too. My only regret is that last summer when I was in Halifax (well Bedford actually) I couldn't make timings work out to meet Manda in person (damn family obligations LOL) RG
  10. Make sure no one sees you, one whiff and someone might call the paramedics thinking you're infected with covid not realizing you just overindulged in wild garlic LOL RG
  11. Well it arrived today from Amazon, my newer apocalypse outfit. Actually looks a lot like the one in the picture...the second pic that is Need to be appropriately attired for COVID 19 restrictions (and Netflix of course) RG
  12. "Three dates paid" (BTW true...Covid crisis go away) RG
  13. https://globalnews.ca/news/6952634/coronavirus-vaccine-trials-trudeau/
  14. https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/air-canada-layoffs-1.5572596
  15. Got paperwork from Ottawa today. No not application for CERB or anything like that. But it was from Service Canada sending me all the information I need to apply online for my CPP. Bonus I don't have to go into a Service Canada office with paperwork to apply (some of the friends I have 'er had 'er will have breakfast with again...damn covid19 had major paperwork hassles in applying) Come Tuesday I'm applying to get my CPP at age 60. The only down side in less than a year I'm 60 years old LOL The bonus my monthly income goes up substantially come April 2021 Double bonus, that extra money can go to...hmmm I wonder what ☺️ A Happy Rambling RG
  16. Maybe this link has some stickers you might like and could order https://www.redbubble.com/shop/sex+work+stickers Now I said yesterday I did my shopping so would be done for a week and half but noticed today I'm low on xtra strength Tylenols. So I went out this morning to the pharmacy to get a bottle (I need them for my knees, wish to f*ck they'd do the surgery on them but untill the covid crisis is over only essential surgery being done...my knees aren't essential😭...but the left one hurts like hell. While out I gassed up the truck. All things being equal that's it for a week and half RG
  17. Couple purchases over the past few days actually Today I bought groceries including the two most important staples...coffee and no alcohol beer The other day I paid my internet and cell phone bills RG
  18. I've seen Hollywood on Netflix. Good Show, Actually Very Good But All I'll say is I'll pump my own gas Thank You Very Much LOL Couple Movies- Gravity The Interpreter Red Sparrow The Big Lebowski Waco And Right Now Just Started Watching Reckoning RG
  19. Things That Suck...Insomnia. Just couldn't get to sleep last night till about 4am...today just been dragging my a$$ A Tired RG
  20. Just a quick couple thoughts here, and no, not trying to convert anyone or anything, just a quick couple thoughts thats all First if I was asked on Friday, I would have been in the school of "it doesn't float my boat" It really wasn't something that interested me at the time, never gave it a thought. It was a spur of the moment decision on Saturday while paying the second installment on a upcoming date (once covid restrictions lifted) to try virtual services offered by this lady. Yes I am paying for a virtual service. But besides getting something in return for what I am paying, it may also benefit the companion when she can't meet clients IRL. This allows her another way to get some income. True it's not IRL companionship, and virtual services don't replace IRL but then again IRL isn't readily available now nor will it be for quite awhile I'm guessing Anticipation...I got to "meet" a lady I've never met before. Anticipation helps the days go by, makes social isolation tolerable...I think some more anticipation with some ladies I have met and will see again are in my future. Now once the covid restrictions are lifted, well I already have three IRL dates to schedule. Online services I'm using now (well just tried for the first time now) because seeing a companion in person now just isn't possible and it's a way to both give/get back (guess best way to phrase it) to both companions/clients. I'm certainly not preaching from the pulpit, just saying thats why I'm glad I tried it, and I'll try it again...and I know with whom A Online Rambling RG 🙂
  21. Nothing (now😊) My first experience was a Great Experience. It's not IRL and once the COVID restrictions are safely lifted I will see companions IRL...in fact I have three dates lined up already, and it was a spur of the moment (I'd guess you'd say) decision to purchase online services (I was paying April in advance of our upcoming IRL date and perused her website at the time) Like I've said the online services exceeded expectations With that said, if you're thinking about trying online services well there is one lady I can recommend (oh I already did) but if you'd like to try another lady's online services contact her, you just might be pleasantly surprised. I was and still am Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to look at the Virtual Services package I received. It almost makes Social Isolation a fun thing A Happy Rambling RG
  22. Yesterday I sent April her second payment for a date we're going to have once all the restrictions are lifted and we can safely meet. After etransfering her payment I perused her website (again 😉)...this time noticing she also offers Virtual Services (aka online services) I took a closer look to see exactly what she offers. I decided to have a Virtual Experience and made my selection (I won't say exactly what, she offers different options catered to each client) I received my Virtual Services package today and lets just say paraphrasing April's words...I needed a little distraction in my day to day routine and April provided that distraction. And I got my virginity taken again, this time twice in one encounter. In ten years of seeing companions this is my very first Virtual Experience. And while I have written many recommendations over the years on Lyla/Cerb, this is both my first recommendation for April McAdams and my first recommendation for Online Services. After looking at what I received (again😉) I'm even more eager to meet her in person. But until we meet, I have my Virtual Encounter to look at. For those of you who would like to purchase April McAdams Virtual Services, the details can be found on her website aprilmcadams.ca She can be contacted at [email protected] And April, Thank You Again, You Spiced Up My Day😊 Now I think I'm going back to look again at the Virtual Services package April sent me
  23. Then everyone will think I want to be a fat Chippendale LOL RG
  24. I'd get the second one except on me people would scratch their heads seeing it over a beer (ok lottsa beer) belly LOL RG
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