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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Alannah Myles Still Got This Thing For You RG
  2. Normally I'm an outcall type of guy but as long as the incall is in a decent neighbourhood I'm good to go. I've been to hotels, houses, and condos And directed at Lee for his comments about my previous post, is the cold like the water...shrinkage A Seinfeld episode for every occasion RG
  3. I can imagine the police hard at work looking for those sexts Lee Sorry, couldn't resist RG :-)
  4. Contacted COGECO, going to have Hi Def Cable installed a week from Friday...and I'm switching to them for internet too. Now I'll have wireless internet. My old ISP only had old style internet connected to a phone line I'm finally going to be in the 20th century...mind you it's the 21st century LOL And got confirmation, seeing a couple friends for lunch Friday. RG
  5. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=20104 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=34148 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=102834&highlight=handles Just a few threads that covered this topic RG
  6. I personally don't give up on a first attempt. Most ladies I see require emails (some have asked for a follow up phone call) On occasion I haven't received a reply from a lady. But I figure maybe the email got lost in cyberspace or something, so if I haven't heard back from the lady in a week I send another email. If no reply to the second email, well then I move on. Yes an email, a respectful email btw, means wanting to connect, but I have to assume if no reply is given, the lady doesn't want to connect with me Anyhow my two cents RG
  7. Never had the sugar daddy experience, for most of all I don't have enough money. I think the key to a good SD/SB experience is the connection/chemistry between the two people Just the same as you can have great encounters between SP/Client, or bad encounters between SP/Client you can have a great SD/SB relationship or bad SD/SB relationship If both the lady and gentleman have a connection/chemistry and can arrange a mutually beneficial relationship a SD/SB can be a good thing If the connection/chemistry isn't there and/or the relationship isn't mutually beneficial then a SD/SB can be a bad thing The concept shouldn't be written off. But all participants must benefit Just the same as this lifestyle. It shouldn't be written off, but it must be a mutually beneficial lifestyle A rambling RG
  8. The Kingdom Started watching it once, but never got through it RG
  9. My cat's routine of late He sleeps with me at night (I know, I take a trip or two to the bathroom at night and he is in bed sound asleep) Then when I get up in the morning he follows me to the kitchen while I make my coffee, he has a drink of water, a nibble of kibble then follows me to the living room. I go to my recliner, he goes to the back of the couch, looks out the window for a bit, then lies down, and exhausted from this routine, he rests up by sleeping for a fair bit of the day. Imagine how tiring it must be to sleep that you need to rest up by sleeping A cat's life RG
  10. First as I have already posted, there is a difference between being in love with a lady versus to love a lady, at least there is in my opinion Now being in love is a treacherous minefield to navigate. And for the purposes of discussion lets assume you really are in love Not infatuated, not in lust, it's not the fantasy, but this lady is someone you want to share your life with, not just the good times but the bad times too. Remember it takes more than being in love to make a relationship work. For example, can you deal with the lady being a professional companion. As for it being unrequited love, how will you ever know unless one person brings it up and says those magic words "I've fallen in love with you and want to marry you" or words to that effect...and herein lies the minefield but it is a potential minefield that not just exists in this lifestyle but in any intimate relationship. But if a client or a lady really is in love with the other person how will they know if that feeling is mutual unless it is asked. But be fully prepared, given the nature of this lifestyle that those feelings aren't mutual. And how will you deal with being turned down if the feelings aren't reciprocated. Could you continue seeing her as a SP. Or would you no longer see her. And if she doesn't reciprocate your feelings, are you going to be mature about it or get angry with her. If you can't be mature about it, don't bring up the subject. Anyhow, a quick rambling from a happily single guy who intends to keep it that way RG
  11. Back from my eye exam....dropped $801.00 OUCH!!! for the glasses and the eye exam...kinda expected it though But my eyes dilated from the eye drops. Can barely function on the computer and can't see worth sh*t on my phone, and there are 3 text messages for me Be glad when the drops wear off RG
  12. Congratulations qwertyaccount on this milestone Looking forward to your next 2000 posts RG
  13. Start a walking program again...just three blocks to the grocery store you take your life in your hands with the ice/snow covered sidewalks...be nice to see bare pavement and have a nice long brisk walk It's almost a case of shuffling, making sure you don't slip right now...hardly any workout RG
  14. I really prefer no label...that sort of thing means nothing to me. To me what matters is the connection I think I might have with a lady (determined by her posts/profile/website) not some arbitrary label based on whether she has children or not or her age. Not to mention realistically, me being almost 53, how old would a cougar have to be to be labelled cougar if interested in me? But that's me A morning rambling RG
  15. Two hopefuls for the Canadian Olympic track team getting measured for their team uniforms Do the Fat Bastards BBM and Canada Proud RG
  16. One very special time did have something real sweet served It was during a GGGGJM ménage a trois (Gorgeous Goddess Gorgeous Goddess & Just Me) One of the Gorgeous Goddesses had her birthday so the three of us had chocolate birthday cake in bed...yes really Two of us sang Happy Birthday too. Yes there were crumbs left in the bed, and both those ladies can eat cake, crackers or whatever in my bed any day. Does this count as offering a snack during a encounter Anyhow a pleasant rambling memory RG
  17. I do agree I hope everyone had a good time...just having a bit of fun here:-) As for the figure skating..... RG :-)
  18. Good point about foods that leave a scent on your breath...trick is, if you both eat the same food, then you won't notice any scent on your partner's breath RG
  19. Good question. Me if being hosted I'll eat anything (no play on words intended). Usually I host and often I'll have a cheese tray made up of two or three different cheeses, crackers, olives, nuts well you get the idea I always bring two or three juices and bottled water. And before the encounter I'll email the lady asking what type of wine she would like to drink. And if she prefers something else to drink she can let me know One thing that really comes in handy seeing as I travel is a good cooler bag Anyhow, a rambling RG
  20. Maybe this will help http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/4251-63-getting-bluetooth-work-window Good Luck RG
  21. Gotta see the optometrist tomorrow. The exam no big deal, but, and he warned me last year, I'll be due for new glasses this year. Just plain ole glasses no problem, but I need progressives. Last time I got glasses (progressives) $600.00+ Ouch!!! RG
  22. I can't imagine any lady stay up waiting for a phone call for a possible maybe late night encounter. Just because the ladies are professional companions doesn't mean they are available 24/7...they have hours when they are available usually daytime to evening and hours when they can have their own life My experience, and I've seen ladies in small towns, like Ottawa, Hamilton and most of all Toronto, usually ladies' last call is around 9-10pm Perhaps pre booking a date with a lady is what you should do, she might be willing to accept a late night call RG
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