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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Who is not watching the hockey game and glad today is the last day for the Winter Olympics. Should I have put this in the Highlights of the Day Thread RG :-)
  2. BP just too risky IMO. The reputable ladies aren't on BP. And they will likely require you to be verified/screened including your name before agreeing to see you. A way to find ladies is first use Google. But probably another way is look at the websites of some well known and respected CERB ladies who tour, see if they have banner exchanges with any U.S. ladies, and check those lady's websites. Even if not in the city your going to, those ladies may also have banner exchanges on their websites My two cents RG
  3. I bet we all would love to see you dance Emma RG
  4. Congratulations Frank on hitting the 1000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  5. Agree, don't like the automation in vehicles, hell I don't even like cruise control Don't like the feeling of handing over control of my vehicle to a computer... isn't that how Skynet took over the world (anyone who watched the Terminator series of movies knows what I'm talking about)...today computer assisted parking, tomorrow global thermonuclear war I'll be back RG
  6. One thing to add. There is a difference IMHO between being in love with someone and to love someone To me being in love means that person is the one person you can't live without. Someone you want to share and build a life with, forsaking all others (ok maybe, just maybe that's not realistic...that was the romantic in me coming out) You think about that person 24/7, miss her/him when they are away. Even at someone's absolute worst, you will still be in love with him/her, it is the person you are still in love with. Those feelings don't change. Case in point, my dad and his wife. Near the end besides being almost an invalid, finally bedridden, he needed a lot of daily medical care not done by medical professionals, such as draining his lungs. His wife did that sort of thing daily. He could not be left alone. It was more a caretaker/patient relationship but she did it because she was in love with him even though all the romantic aspects of their relationship were gone (they couldn't even sleep in the same bed any more) That is being in love with someone As opposed to love someone. To me that is a special affection, a deep friendship for a person. It does imply that, well obviously that you like them. You also trust and respect them. It doesn't mean you are looking for a serious relationship beyond being close friends. You are not looking to share and build a life with them, but you are glad they are a person in your life (if that makes sense) Being in love with someone is in my opinion a very strong emotion carrying with it intents of commitment, exclusivity building a life together and so on. To love someone indicates a deep affection and friendship, but there is no intention of building or attempting to build a life together or any sense of an exclusive relationship Probably worded badly, but a rambling for what it's worth RG
  7. Pot roast and baked potato, washed down with a Beck's no alcohol beer Not so sure about the pot roast yet, it's one of those pre made, just heat in the microwave jobbies...feel lazy about cooking today :-) Followed by mixed berries for desert, washed down with a decaf coffee RG
  8. Watching "The Longest Day" on my new TV Even old b&w movies look great on LED TV's After LED I can't go back, I won't RG
  9. Went grocery shopping, my cat insisted he needed food LOL But while a beautiful mild sunny day, the sidewalk was water covered with ice underneath...a skating rink, almost took a spill a couple times Ended up walking on the road with cars coming at me...a hell of a lot safer Town needs to put salt on the sidewalks, they are treacherous for walking, someone is going to end up injured RG
  10. Well the anticipation I had for three dates this year already, and it was a lot of anticipation believe me, well the dates met and far exceeded the anticipation I had...thank you to Emily Rushton, Kylie Daniels and Victoria Jolie for three great and highly anticipated encounters...all three ladies made this a warm and happy winter for me Now I am anticipating March...it always seems to me the month that is a precursor to spring, and I have another trip to Toronto and a highly anticipated encounter planned My 2014 is brighter than 2013 A rambling RG
  11. Having a coffee (about to have a second one) from my one new toy, a Keurig, surfing CERB, reading and answering some emails, and most of all enjoying tv on my new toy, a Samsung 40" LED tv...my life has changed LOL RG
  12. I know for me there are a lot of ladies I've met, some ladies I've seen again, and a lot of ladies I would like to meet. And I'm nervous quite a bit (yes really) even with those ladies I've seen before when I've booked and have an encounter scheduled. And if I wasn't, well what's the point...that nervousness that's all part of the excitement of an encounter. I've felt it each and every time I've had an encounter scheduled. If I didn't feel that way, well then, what's the point? RG :-)
  13. Mine is the theme from the tv show I'm watching right now BTW even though a old B&W tv show the picture is a lot better on my new tv than on my old Sony, would have replaced the tv a long time ago had I known...anyhow I digress RG
  14. Finished hooking up my new tv....WOW there is a real change in picture Not to mention the screen is much bigger than my old tv RG
  15. A Samsung 40" LED Smart TV...smarter than it's dumb owner LOL What a change in picture, night and day, compared to my old dinosaur Sony television May call Cogeco Monday about getting HD Cable RG
  16. After the "Deliverance" scene, well while having low standards, we realized we had to have some...no squealing like a pig allowed. Hell just some lubricant, KY Jelly or I guess in those backwoods, WD40, and the squealing would go away RG
  17. Is this the picture you were looking for BTW they tried to become Fat Bastard BBM's but even the FB BBM has standards, their application was rejected LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRxUbv90lLI RG
  18. Everyone knows when that truck is coming, Dueling Banjos is playing on the trucks 8 Track Player RG
  19. A couple options to consider from this guy's perspective, and hopefully I passed when giving these to ladies A gift card for a shopping mall...can be used in all stores in that mall A Visa (or MasterCard) gift card Recently, due to certain circumstances beyond my control, I gave a bigger tip...but normally I like to give a gift and tip But whatever is given I hope most of all what is appreciated is the thought Oh, I think a Tim Horton's gift card for $5.00, not a good idea JMO A rambling RG
  20. In Kingston, as far as delis go, the Golden Rooster Deli Not a fancy restaurant, stand up, wait for your number to be called, order, then get a table and wait for your hot meal to be served But good roughly in the $0-$20 range RG
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