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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. That's a sad commentary on the Canadian public then. Drawn to a place because it has hired a disgraced Senator. Disgraced because of assault (spousal assault) and sexual assault charges, not to mention breech of trust and fraud charges over travel claims while in the Senate Why anyone would want to catch a glimpse of that escapes me. What's next, find out where Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin work to catch a glimpse of them too RG
  2. Lick Given the news today Most honest ethical profession, Senator or Day Manager at the Bare Fax RG ;-)
  3. I know myself I would be very reluctant to buy clothes...not only getting the right size, but am I getting something I want to see the lady in or am I getting something the lady likes I hope my gift giving to the ladies has passed muster. I know for certain personal reasons the past few encounters I haven't been able to get a gift, but I certainly hope I made up for it in tip Tip and gift, for me, just a way to show my appreciation to ladies for the companionship they provide, it has a intangible value far exceeding the donation requested. And although not required, a tip and gift I enjoy giving, in part because it isn't required...and thus it is something given from the heart A rambling RG
  4. Although, all things being equal, I like to give a gift card for an encounter, some guys may like to buy a lady for an encounter a gift. Some gifts being clothes which require the lady's measurements. Some guys want to know measurements for their own reasons, but some want to know measurements because they are buying a lady a gift. Just saying that not all requests for measurements should give a lady a feeling of being auctioned off. Just for some of us dumb guys it's hard to buy clothes unless we know what will fit...probably why I stick to gift cards Just saying, that's all RG
  5. Something I'm going to add to my earlier answer. For me at least, any error, real or imagined by the lady, is forgivable as long as the lady is genuinely happy to see you and be at the encounter. The most important part of an encounter for me is being with a woman who wants to be with you. Show up, no make up and a bad hair day but happy to be with me, all is good. Forget condoms, there are other ways to be affectionate. When a lady makes it clear she is there because she needs the money, she wants a recommendation, has no interest in the encounter etc she is someone I won't see again. Put another way, a lady who made errors (well being human) but wants to be with me passes one hundred percent compared to someone who provided the "technically perfect" encounter in every way except she didn't want to be there and didn't want to see me. A rambling RG
  6. Really only Mod can answer this. That said, escort review/recommendation boards exist for example in the United States where said activity is for the most part illegal. Likely CERB would still exist, maybe do some revamping. And we could all stay safe, never discuss buying cause that's illegal and bad, but we can discuss selling because that is legal and good (need a Tylenol or two, three or five, that concept is giving me a headache) A headached rambling LOL RG
  7. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_discussillegal Don't think it's a good idea to discus, right now it's illegal, who will offer advice on doing something illegal, irrespective of if the law changes and it becomes legal Ask the question if and when the law changes, not now while it's illegal RG
  8. If the Nordic model implemented I truly don't see much of a difference in how this lifestyle will really change. Law change doesn't equal a change in law enforcement priorities. I don't think a new law will be a rallying cry for police to do major enforcement/undercover investigations, it's just too costly...I don't see the government, in this day and age of fiscal restraint all of a sudden loosening the purse strings to the police to enforce a new law. The police's law enforcement focus will be the same as now. CERB, and other escort boards will still prevail (there are escort boards not to mention BP down in the US where for the most part prostitution is illegal) I would assume. Both professional companions and gentlemen engaging in this lifestyle discretely will IMHO see no change and will carry on as usual. Those that will be affected are those engaged in street prostitution or using sites like BP. That said, my guess is really ladies new to this lifestyle will have a problem getting started. Guys will feel more comfortable seeing established ladies. Guys may feel all the more reluctant to offer verification information including their names to a new companion starting out. Will the law affect me. No. Now if in the news it does show increased enforcement (highly unlikely) because of the new law, then I would see those ladies I already know and trust. My leaving this lifestyle or reducing my participation in this lifestyle more dependant on other factors, such as age, income when I do retire and so on A rambling RG
  9. I actually, considering this is an anonymous board (we are all board handles when you get down to it) don't understand it...we all show, ladies and gents alike as much of ourselves in our profiles as we wish to show. So the privacy argument doesn't really make sense Given that, I really don't see a need for keeping a profile private. I don't even know why there is this option available. And this applies equally to ladies and gentlemen alike...I've checked some ladies profiles only to find they too were private...I just moved on. Not really an answer, just my opinion A unanswered rambling RG
  10. I personally see no problem with a lady charging for social time. Irrespective of whether a lady is seeing a client as an MA, SP or offering a social date, she is seeing him on her time. If you see a client for a social date without charging, he ceases to be a client and you cease to be a professional companion, this becomes a conventional "civilian" date. Not to mention a no charge social date is time you could have spent with a paying client instead Likely if you offer free social dates, the man will see this as the thin edge of the wedge and possibly try to have free encounters next. A man saying "I would never pay someone to have dinner with me" well by the same token he should also being saying "I would never pay someone to sleep with me". Free social time IMHO would just confuse and blur the lines. I personally have no problems with a lady having a social time rate. I have enjoyed some encounters where dinners out were part of the encounter, but no reduced rate was given to me or expected by me. A rambling RG
  11. When I had my sleepover with Lonna Lux a couple years ago I took her to dinner at Zorro's Steakhouse, near Pearson Airport I don't know if the best in Canada, but we both had a good (and filling) dinner...make sure you go there with an appetite. Steaks are BIG http://www.zorrossteakhouse.com/ RG
  12. Goldfinger (James Bond) RG
  13. The topic of recommendations has been brought up before. But how important and valuable are they to the ladies. Do they really have a noticeable benefit for a ladies' business (yes intimate or not, I never lose sight of the fact that this is the lady's business and livelihood). I've never been asked by a lady to write a recommendation after an encounter (mine come from the heart ;-) ) but when I do write one I am thanked for it. I'm just wondering. I've written many deserved recommendations, I'm just curious how important they are to a lady's business. A curious rambling question RG
  14. Instead of viewing it as room for error, I would view it as being human. There is something special and intimate, if this is making sense, about a lady feeling comfortable enough to be human with you, even if things not 100 percent...that sort of connection, well that is special. She could always call and cancel but instead feels comfortable enough to have the encounter. Never had a bad hair day situation, but for a guy having no hair, how could I even complain about a bad hair day...in fact what is a bad hair day If she forgot condoms, well first I am not menu driven to begin with, but if that happened, lying in bed, holding one another, kissing cuddling, well an encounter to me isn't all about sex. It's about a connection, intimacy (in the larger sense of the word)...no, forgetting condoms doesn't write off an encounter, and yes, I would see the lady again And I hope I'm a good enough host that if a lady feels flustered, she'll feel relaxed enough (I like time to sit, relax and have conversation over drinks) when she arrives at my hotel room. Mistakes, errors, not an issue for me...we're all human and not perfect. But showing your human side, just makes an encounter all the more personal and intimate IMHO But a lady disinterested, clearly just wanting the money, not happy to see you, well she is someone I won't see again...BTW that has never happened on repeat encounters A rambling RG
  15. There is one very special lady I have been fortunate to meet and I continue to see. My attraction to her has changed in that it has grown from the first time we met. And if she gained twenty pounds and even if overnight she was twenty years older, my attraction to her would still grow. Without details, she has been much more than a companion, she has been a friend...one who's support came not just at the lowest point of 2013, but probably in my life. Her friendship meant a lot, still means a lot and I will always remember it. She could gain twenty pounds, age twenty years, whatever. My attraction to her has changed, it has grown and she is a lady I respect and her friendship I will always remember and cherish...even after I retire from this lifestyle. A sentimental rambling RG
  16. My type is a woman between mid twenties to early fifties Although I hate these labels, for purposes of discussion here, can be a spinner to bbw From 5 foot to almost 6ft tall blonde, brunette or redhead short hair to long hair no tattoos to tattoos Well I guess I don't have a typical "type"...what keeps me connected with certain ladies is the chemistry/clicking we might have. Really that plays a bigger part in who I would like to see. And don't ask me what that chemistry/clicking is, but I'll know it when I see it I don't know if that answers your question or not RG
  17. A B&S I would just decline the encounter...that said I've been fortunate, never had a B&S Now theft, basically it's suck it up. Are you going to report it to the police. Physically try and get your money back...she could turn around charge you with assault. I know the one time it happened to me there really was no recourse. However a couple CERB ladies were very supportive, and since that time I stick to CERB ladies. A rambling for what it's worth RG
  18. Not only will this play in your head now, you'll want a steak RG
  19. Well I'm not an SP, but personally, low balling, haggling, negotiating, whatever it is called not cool IMHO. A lady's rates are a lady's rate. You might wish to put in your website (if you have one) and your profile and any CERB ads you post words to the effect "No negotiating of my rates" Really any client who tries to negotiate, well haggle with you, is he really the type of client you want Here's a thread on the subject that may interest you http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=141558&highlight=negotiating Good Luck RG
  20. Every encounter is different, special and unique. Even an encounter with the same companion each and every time is special and unique. A first time date, you are getting to know one another, a third, fourth, so on date, it's two friends getting together, you both know one another, obviously you both like one another, you both, for lack of a better phrase, have a shared common past which makes encounters all the more intimate, in the broadest sense of the word. Anyhow, if each and every encounter was the same as another, it would be awfully boring wouldn't it A rambling RG
  21. In the beginning yes, these beautiful women, Goddesses, who could be PMOY, SI Swimsuit Models, Victoria's Secrets models, well you get the idea and then me, I make Al Bundy look good LOL...do I dare attempt booking an encounter But now, I've come to realize certain qualities appeal to the ladies. Being a gentleman, treating the lady like a lady, with respect. I've also learned inner beauty means a lot, if not more in the grand scheme of things. And that I am in these ladies' league, because aside from outwardly well Al Bundy has a leg up on me, inside where it counts, I'm a gentleman, and absolutely respect and adore these ladies for the companionship they provide, one which has a value far exceeding the donation requested Hope that is an answer RG I have to add this thought though. While I am in these ladies' league, it in no way takes away how grateful and appreciative I am for the time, companionship, memories and in some cases friendship they have shown me. Goddesses all, and being with them has brightened my life. The, for lack of a better word relationships have a intangible value far exceeding the donation. And here's a heartfelt thank you to all those ladies I got to know who have brightened my life
  22. Probably in an area where there isn't judging...like closing ceremonies LOL RG :-)
  23. Saturday night, February 15th, I finally got to meet a lady I have wanted to meet for a very long time. We are talking about years here. I first saw Victoria's website, not to mention reading her posts on CERB when I was a wet behind the ears newbie, and she interested me. I contacted her and verification was looked after with no problems. But with Victoria being a travelling lady, and me being a travelling gentleman, well trying to schedule an encounter was like ships passing in the night, and we just couldn't get the stars to align. But good things come to those who wait, and last fall I suggested having a four hour encounter in February with Victoria. She agreed and made travel plans to make it work. The stars aligned and our ships collided, and oh what a collison. Thanks Victoria So on Saturday, all day I just had building anticipation, excitement, nervousness, not to mention looking forward to Victoria's 6pm arrival to my hotel room. And on time came the knock on the door, my heart really pounding now. I answered and this tall beautiful redhead came in, greeting me with a big smile, hug and kiss. It was our first time meeting but she greeted me like we have been friends who have known each other for a long time. We headed for the couch where I had wine and cheese set out. We sat down and got to know one another. We talked about this, that, and the other...maybe even the weather 😉 It was time just to get to know one another. And as things progressed, well we undressed one another. I started out OK but it was my first corset, and no instruction manual LOL, so Victoria finished undressing herself . We proceeded to bed where, as her website says, she treated me like a king, although the details of my being treated royally are private between Victoria and myself. Then we laid beside each other, kissing, cuddling and talking. Talking about nothing and everything. And Victoria being French and me being English, well sometimes we occasionally didn't understand nuances of each other's mother tongue...but then we just had fun translating. Kissing and cuddling led to some more being treated like a king. And when I recouped from being given another royal treatment, she had me lay on my stomach and gave me a massage. But as is reality as much as we don't want it, time ran out. And Victoria had to leave. We hugged and kissed each other goodnight. Victoria arrived on time for the encounter, and our four hour encounter was an unrushed four hour hour encounter. And if you like Victoria's photos, well you'll love her in person. Not only is she beautiful, she is down to earth and friendly. You'll think you have known her for years, even if it's your first encounter. My encounter with Victoria wasn't what I expected, it was better. So any gentleman thinking about seeing Victoria, contact her, you won't be disappointed. For me, seeing her was worth the wait. Thank you Victoria for a wonderful and memorable evening Saturday night. It's one I won't forget. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. RG
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