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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. What made me take the leap. Well my dating life wasn't too successful, I was in my late 40's, had more than one or two dates in my life LOL and still single. My last g/f turned out to be, well put nicely, a sandwich short of a picnic and stalked me. That was it for dating for me. But three years without female companionship, well I thought I would try escorts. Google and CERB being useful, I had an encounter...the first three not so good, then my fourth encounter, GREAT!!! (I should mention, since she was the major reason for the GREAT encounters, that it was with Lonna Lux, now retired, but for me, always remembered...thanks Lonna for your companionship and many memorable memories) For me, recommendations don't play a large part in who I see. Yes I have read some, but they don't decide for me who to see. That said, I know they do play a major part in deciding for some gentlemen and I do write recos when I have a good encounter. Now I take seriously if a lady I trust and respect says I would like a certain lady, or to avoid certain ladies (that hasn't happened yet). Ladies I know also know me and have a good idea who I would connect with. A lady's pictures, again yes I look at her photos. But that isn't a deciding factor. Really, what hooks me is if I think we will click/connect. The best way for me at least to determine that is reading a lady's posts on CERB. Follow up emails kinda cinch it for me, but now for me, it's primarily CERB board presence. Yes blog posts help but often I may not be aware of a certain lady till she posts on CERB...so ladies I don't know I'm not going to read her blog Don't know if that answers your questions A rambling RG
  2. About to go off CERB for a bit, and finish up my recommendation Stay tuned RG
  3. I should add one thing, as a travelling gentleman, normally I already am booking a hotel to stay overnight in. So I have my outcall. And no, not a dingy one star no tell motels. I stay in hotels, at least three star that the ladies I have seen approve of...I even pick hotels that some ladies have recommended to me My reason for staying at a hotel is I need one because I'm travelling to see a companion, and need to stay overnight. So a hotel isn't for me a waste of money, just part of the expense of partaking in this wonderful lifestyle RG
  4. As a client I've taken YMMV to mean two things. First and foremost, as Savannah says, certain activities are based on things like hygiene But also, at least to me YMMV also means encounters aren't clones of one another. Each encounter is a unique and hopefully special time between two people. Recommendations aside, a prospective client shouldn't expect his encounter to be exactly like another client's encounter. It doesn't mean it will be worse, or better, just a special unique time between two individuals getting together Anyhow, a rambling from a guy who finds YMMV to be something positive RG
  5. Paid for my hotel room this morning :-) RG
  6. Catching up on emails, PM's, surfing CERB, watching tv and reflecting back over a great encounter last night with a beautiful Goddess, thinking in my head how to write my recommendation See I really can multi task RG
  7. Ladies could make the same argument about potential clients too. And ladies much more than guys I would think, have incalls at their place Really, like Excaliber said, do your homework RG
  8. You'll have to come back RG there are lots of ladies here that would love to create great memories for you other than just it's great restaurants;) Thanks Cristy. Those last two trips were to visit my father in hospital and then attend his Celebration of Life after he passed away. Not to mention both times travelled out...via car, with the family, 4 adults and a 9 year old nephew cramped in a car, the trip from hell LOL Nothing could have made those visits good, but I know there are a few ladies from the Maritimes who have caught my eye ;-) and certainly under better circumstances, an encounter could be arranged :-) RG
  9. Congratulations Summer on the 1000 post milestone Enjoy reading your posts, look forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  10. From an Ontario boy who had two trips last year to the Maritimes. The highlight of the one trip (and the only highlight of both trips actually) was dinner at The Five Fisherman. The restaurant required reservations so we went to the oyster bar (a misnomer, it is a nice, no reservations required restaurant in its own right). Meal was half a dozen raw oysters on the half shell, lobster for dinner washed down with Becks no alcohol beer and desert, can't remember what it was called, had blueberries :-) washed down with a decaf coffee About the only good memory I have from the Maritimes, well my last two times to the Maritimes RG
  11. I personally prefer an outcall to my hotel. I like hosting. A hotel is more advantageous than my home because it would be too hard for a lady to come to smalltown Ontario than me to go to Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton or London (places I have travelled too) not to mention a hotel room is already made up, ready to be used for hosting an encounter. And part of the escape an encounter offers is for me at least, getting out of smalltown Ontario. Finally I like, after I get everything ready, that final countdown of time, the building anticipation, heart beating more and more, till there is the knock on the door A rambling RG
  12. Well here goes my question. What makes for an enjoyable encounter for the ladies. What can a gentlemen do to make an encounter an enjoyable time for both him and her. A rambling question RG
  13. Congratulations on the 1000 post milestone Enjoy your posts, look forward to a 1000 more RG
  14. Happy Birthday Cato Enjoy your special day RG
  15. Happy Birthday Excaliber Enjoy your special day RG
  16. Doesn't mean your a loser nerd. Me I never had a ménage with twins. I think it is a fantasy for most but a reality for few. But here on CERB you can have a ménage with Goddesses if you want. I don't feel I've missed out by not having a ménage with twins. I have such wonderful memories of my first ménage (and thus far only) with two very special Goddesses, Emily Rushton and Lonna Lux. Two ladies I could only have met, and they met each other through this lifestyle. Very special that we all knew and liked each other already. Extra special that it was their first time as duo partners, and they felt comfortable enough with both each other and me to have a ménage. And the extra double very special, Lonna was retiring, but still wanted to have the ménage a trois...in fact I think our time together was her last encounter as a professional companion So even though you may not have had a ménage with twins, who cares...there are Goddesses on CERB who will offer a ménage for you Me, the ménage with Emily and Lonna, well who needs to see twins. I feel like a very lucky man to know/known both ladies and don't feel I've missed out on anything And on that note, to Emily and Lonna, again thank you for a very special evening, I haven't forgotten RG
  17. Going to be hitting the road to go to Toronto shortly for an encounter with a lady I have wanted to meet for a very long time So while waiting to hit the road, I'm trying to deal with an excited pounding heart, by having a second coffee, surfing CERB and watching The Rifleman on tv....nope not working, my heart is still pounding RG
  18. I like the quotes like always forgive your enemies nothing annoys them so much. Really that's not forgiveness (nothing wrong with that btw) that's using the words forgiveness to play head games with someone...again nothing wrong with that Me, I can't (maybe later on, but what happened to me is still too fresh) forgive That doesn't mean I dwell with anger every day, just the close family we once were is gone Forget, I can't forget what they did...every day I have numerous daily reminders of what they did. But forget in the sense I want to forget they are family, and I want them out of my life...which is slowly happening...in that sense yes I forget. I very rarely see them, I used to visit about once a month, now not so much Part of what hurts is that I know my life would be better right now if I had no family at all. It's hard to forgive your family, when you've always believed family is everything, and they bring you to a point where you believe family is the worst thing that ever happened to you and your better off without them, if that makes sense From a unforgiving RG :icon_evil:
  19. Wishing a Happy Birthday to a Very Special Lady I know a day early but since I'm away most of tomorrow, I just couldn't forget your birthday Emily Enjoy your special day. RG :-)
  20. Got a bunch of Valentine's Day greetings from beautiful ladies today on my guestbook, including one lady who sent me two ;-) and one lady who sent me two emails with amongst other things a Valentine's Day greeting both one day ahead of time (yesterday) and again this morning RG
  21. Well I suppose you could never be sure, but first off, you'd want such an encounter to be with two ladies and twins who are comfortable doing it. You wouldn't want to be, well I wouldn't want to be with any lady who is uncomfortable in such a situation. This is about a consensual mutually beneficial lifestyle. So keeping that in mind this fantasy presupposes that the two ladies both want to participate. A rambling RG
  22. beer...in my case no alcohol beer, but beer nonetheless Given the choice a encounter with one lady or a ménage a trois (FFM) RG
  23. Why not both, a weekend escape, Friday night an encounter with one twin, second night an encounter with the other twin, and the third night, everyone together for a ménage a trois RG
  24. Maybe the government should lead by example then, and they first take an education and awareness program from those who know the industry best...SP's and Clients. They'd find a community which is mutually beneficial for both SP's and Clients. Then from that they could draft a law. One beneficial to those in the industry, both ladies and gentlemen A rambling RG
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