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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. But those opportunities already existed in Canada (everything in abeyance while a new law is passed) for police. Police could do undercover stings, booking encounters with ladies at their incalls (outcalls only are legal) They could book with an agency, when the driver shows up at the hotel with the escort have an officer ready to arrest the driver/security (living off the avails). Not to mention the shitload of spinoff drug busts they'd get because everyone knows escorts are just feeding a habit (btw sarcasm here, don't yell at me ladies LOL) Having a law is one thing, enforcing it entirely different...and dependent on police resources and priorities. Not to mention the Crown doesn't want it's time and resources tied up with what are to them piss ass cases. Finally the courts are already clogged up, they don't want what are to them needless cases coming before them Anyhow my opinion RG
  2. Yes but agencies should already be a LE focus then. Isn't an agency technically speaking illegal already? RG
  3. Well until now I too didn't know bras came in sections ;-) I did learn, although not today, but through this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=167289 that the image/persona (if those are the right words) portrayed aside, behind closed doors, drapes drawn, we're all human. And in the case of the ladies, with their image/persona gone, they are still beautiful Goddesses RG
  4. Packing up for my trip to Toronto tomorrow to see a lady I have wanted to meet for a very long time RG
  5. Targeting clients will be the easy way for the law and law enforcement to go. That said, the LE focus IMHO will be on street prostitution, not on escorts/companions/courtesans and their clients. Those encounters are behind closed doors so to speak, not in the public/police eye. It would require major resources to investigate. And likely that type of encounter would require an undercover operation with LE posing as an escort, to catch the clients. That requires major time, dollar and manpower resources, which are resources taken away from other LE priorities. I really don't think in reality much is going to change. Police are going to investigate and enforce those laws which are their priorities. Political grandstanding or not, seeing SP's/companions/courtesans is not going to be their priority IMHO Just as a case in point, right now, incalls are illegal...how many have seen a companion in her home/condo/hotel (just raise your hands, who knows, the police could be watching LOL) Not recommending or endorsing incalls but it is a reality of this lifestyle. Or how many ladies use drivers and have security, not to mention the agencies that operate. A morning rambling RG
  6. The mother/daughter living in the apartment below me got into a argument...sometimes entertaining to hear (and believe me you can hear) but not at 3 in the morning...woke me up at 3, couldn't get back to sleep. So early in fact that my cat got up with me but he's back asleep, snoozing on the living room table. RG
  7. Some people don't know the meaning of the word discretion Not only is common sense not so common, I think you met a contender for the 2014 Darwin Awards Sorry you went through that RG
  8. I know there is a city in the Maritime infamous for this sort of thing, and is now off some lady's touring list. If people cancel, or double/triple book touring ladies are just going to strike another city off their list. And the loss will be for those gentlemen who won't see wonderful companions. An all too early in the morning rambling RG
  9. Ooopppps Y missed Y Young People F*cking Z done For A A Few Good Men RG
  10. Lee I bet if you weren't Lee but a he pup instead, even if your master said not to go see the she puppy, you'd visit every day Don't be hard on the poor dog, me thinks your just a tad envious that the he dog can freely visit she dogs, and you just don't have that same unrestricted freedom WOW this thread is now derailed for sure RG
  11. Well to start, my mistrust is both he and she (brother, mother, sister in law) But who I trust, well three he's (civilian friends) and one very special she. Someone who when the betrayal by my family took place, shortly thereafter (keep in mind this was probably the lowest point of 2013 and one of the top five low points of my life) she did something which touched me deeply and her continuing friendship still moves me. There, did I un-hijack the thread RG
  12. I too hate double standards, but it goes on. I also hate the condescending attitude of the government towards women, well specifically SP's. They can't for one second conceive that two adults, outside of marriage, dating or some relationship can enter into a mutually beneficial sex for money arrangement. But judging from the government's attitude women aren't adult and able to make decisions about their own bodies, they need Big Brother to look after them. It isn't a case of victim and victimizer, it is a case of two consenting adults entering what is probably the most honest adult intimate relationship ever, without the drama of a conventional relationship. And my experience at least, most companions are far more selective and discrete about who they see compared to the average bar pick up in conventional society No matter what law is passed, nothing is going to end prostitution. It's the world's oldest profession and will stay that way. It's illegal in the United States, for the most part, but you can see ads for escorts in the United States, and I'm sure there is street level prostitution too. Anyhow, a rambling for what it's worth RG
  13. Agree with you 100 percent. When my family did to me what they did (four months ago today to be exact) I felt and still feel a sense of betrayal, hurt, anger, shock, and mistrust. Feelings which I still have to this day. Forgive them, why for f*cks sake should I, forget them (not what they did) well I see less and less of them and that's the way I'm liking it RG
  14. Well when it comes to eating deserts whether in public or private, I'm always a gentleman A Seinfeld episode for every occasion Now in all seriousness, or is it lightheartedness At home alone (joys of being single) I drink milk and juices from the carton. I also throw the pull tabs, my cat loves chasing and carrying them around...little caches of pull tabs all over my apartment Bathroom door stays open, my cat would howl (not meow) at any closed doors Leftover meals, well if in plastic containers I'll reheat and just eat out of the plastic container...why dirty up a plate as well as the plastic container On some lazy days, especially if it's a cold snow stormy day, well the day before I make sure I'm stocked up in the kitchen and I'll stay in and not even get dressed, just lounge pants and a hoodie I drink my no alcohol beer out of a bottle...does that count If I have ice cream it's out of the container, why dirty a bowl If I have chips and helluvagood dip I eat the chips out of the bag and the dip out of its container...again why dirty a dish or two And pizza, just leave it in the cardboard carton, take out a slice at a time and eat it...no plate, just a knife to cut the pizza with Oh, and I always eat in the living room sitting in my recliner watching tv If you ladies didn't want me before I bet you all want me now LOL RG
  15. Irrespective of what we think, do you think police are going to be given bigger budgets to target clients seeing escorts/courtesans. And they will need bigger budgets. My guess LE focus is still going to be on street prostitution. Those prostitutes they can see. I think seeing professional companions who operate discretely are for the most part going to be ignored because they are out of sight. Anyhow, not going to judge or worry about it, not a bridge we have crossed yet. A quick off the cuff rambling RG
  16. Glass Tiger Don't Forget Me (When I'm Gone) RG
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