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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Force 10 From Navarone RG
  2. The only thing you can know about a person, whether through a board/email or in person is what that person feels safe and comfortable revealing about him/herself. Whether what they reveal about themselves makes you know them is in large based on trust. If they reveal little about themselves doesn't necessarily make them untrustworthy, it just means they don't feel safe enough or are open enough to share. But the person they are with may not be open or willing to share But in a board like this, with few exceptions (ladies I have seen ;-) ) we are all really anonymous board handles. And some can be really "brave" behind a computer screen, yet in person a sniveling wimp. (I know a manager at work, bravely barks orders through emails, but in person, cowers down when challenged) A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  3. I don't agree forgiving allows you peace and lets you move on. I believe you can only forgive if the injuring party has first shown genuine remorse and an apology, something which shows they understand and regret the injury they caused you. And remorse and an apology, if and when given, has to be empathetic. In other words the person giving the apology has to recognize, understand and regret what they did to you. For example, my mother's regret is that I don't visit very often and even when I do it's only for very short periods of time. And I don't drive her to her appointments anymore. That's not remorse, that's someone who only can see how things affect her Now the forgetting part is something else. I still dwell on what they've done, it's still fresh in my mind, final outcome not determined, yet. But while I can't forget what they've done, I can forget them, in the sense they are no longer people who matter to me. My visits and communications with them less and less and one day I'll probably have nothing to do with them at all A morning rambling RG
  4. I'm back with more national anthem a cure for ear worms...or does it give a real bad case of ear worms LOL RG :-)
  5. Well my guess is if your not having problems in other cities where you tour, your not doing anything wrong. As has already been suggested, maybe request a deposit prior to a tour to Ottawa/Pembroke. Some cities and towns for some reason???...seem to be famous, well infamous for no shows. If guys want ladies to continue to tour to their cities /towns they will do their part to make their city/town attractive to a lady to tour to. No shows are unattractive to a lady, and a sure way to have a city/town put on a lady's no tour list. And deposits, well really shouldn't be an issue. If a guy is truly serious about seeing a lady paying a deposit is just using some of the money he would use to pay the lady anyways and paying her ahead of time. It's not an extra charge. Me, when possible, I pay a lady in full ahead of the encounter, even ladies I have yet to meet in person Anyhow a rambling Good luck RG
  6. I trusted three people...family, two I've known all my life, one I've known for thirty years, and they turned my life upside down literally...so I no longer trust them, nor will I ever trust them. What they did an absolute betrayal and left me feeling hurt, not to mention the mess they made of my life. I have four friends that I trust without reservation. Three of those friends are "civilian", one is a very special lady that I met in this lifestyle. Outside of these four friends, I know a lot more people who I trust in varying degrees but now only four I trust without reservation. A morning rambling RG
  7. If those are the only choices (I don't drink pop very often) Pepsi, forget anything alcohol with it, I don't drink GFE including kissing, cuddling, conversation or PSE RG
  8. I understand what you are saying, and seeing as my father passed away last year and I have a mother, brother, sister in law and nephew left, yes, I have a smaller family. At one time I might have agreed with you thinking family is everything. But when your family, two I have known all my life, one for thirty years, do something, knowing full well the consequences to me, maybe permanent, that they do not have to live with those consequences, but I do...well being family isn't an automatic get a forgive and forget get out of jail free card. Every day since October 13th I've had to live with what they did. I can't forget, and they have no remorse or given even an apology, so I can't forgive. My life is upside down right now because of them (not being melodramatic, it's really upside down), maybe just till May, maybe forever. If forever, how can I ever forget? And no matter what, I'll never trust them again RG
  9. Well here's a few to watch the height of stupid http://www.vevo.com/watch/vanilla-ice/ice-ice-baby/USCA39000004 ok maybe not well maybe the lip syncing wonders ok lets include some country music into the mix I'm done, for now,maybe :-) RG
  10. It's just an automated email from the hotel confirming my reservation, but just a reminder (not that I need one :-) ) that my date with a lady I have wanted to meet for a very long time is only four days away now RG
  11. Well and just my opinion, but it isn't up to the injured party to initiate forgiveness. How can one forgive someone when the party who has done the injuring hasn't even apologized. And a apology means absolutely nothing unless there is genuine remorse. Without remorse an apology is just words. For me this hits very close to home. My family (mother, brother and sister in law) did something to me that affects my life, to this day, negatively. The damage, don't know if it's permanent or temporary. All my mother can do is comment about how I don't visit her as often, my brother, the odd phone call, and nothing from my sister in law. I can't forgive them, because they haven't even acknowledged the damage they've done to me, and in the case of my mother, all she can focus on is how what she did to me affects her (I don't visit as often). The relationship between my family and me was close to being estranged. It's a bit better now, not great, but not a hateful one. But no matter what, I'll never trust them again. And I don't know now, if I can forgive them. I do know if it turns out the damage they did is permanent I just won't be able to forgive them. RG
  12. Reading some emails, watching tv, surfing CERB, drinking a morning coffee and looking forward to Saturday when I get to meet a lady I have wanted to see for a very long time RG
  13. Frank Sinatra Strangers In The Night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlSbSKNk9f0 RG
  14. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
  15. Travis Tritt Here's A Quarter (Call Someone Who Cares) RG
  16. Stealers Wheel Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  17. Raiders Of The Lost Ark RG
  18. Congratulations Frank on 500 posts Looking forward to your next 500 RG
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