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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Wow!!! Topic was board presence but the image you've left us with, well that's not really the board presence we are looking for (said tongue in cheek) :-) RG
  2. Knees when part of a sexy leg, but then again an elbow when part of a sexy arm...oh I am so confused by your question Meg :-) watching the Olympics on tv, or watching a good movie on tv RG
  3. Sometimes what appears indecisive or wishy washy is in fact learning. Case in point...me. When I first embarked on this lifestyle, a wet behind the ears newbie one of the topics that came up was verification. Well my newbie opinion, and worth just that LOL was no way in hell does a lady have a right to know my personal information, my privacy is just too important to risk it. But in the course of reading CERB posts, not to mention my first encounter with a lady requiring verification, I learned this lifestyle is about ladies and gentlemen, and both of their needs and requirements. I learned the error of my thinking LOL and I'm now one of the biggest (ok maybe not biggest) proponents of verification. Was I indecisive or did I learn something and change my opinion Anyhow, don't know if that helps, but a rambling for what it's worth RG
  4. Obviously, grooming matters. By grooming, for me, that means looking after hygiene, washing, clean hair, brushing teeth (fresh breath), shaving (legs and armpits definitely). In terms of dressing, I've had encounters with ladies who have worn clothes everything from a dress and high heels to sweats (all clean clothes of course)...and it is all good :-)...most important is that the lady is comfortable. To me a lady not wanting to take the time to groom herself is a lady that really doesn't care about her client and by extension, her business. She is someone who thinks being a paid companion is just about posting a BP ad and showing up offering just sex for money...much in the same vein as a guy showing up dirty but thinking because he paid he has no requirements for cleanliness and good hygiene on his part. Hope that answers your question A rambling RG
  5. My take on this. Approach the lady you would like to see about a retainer relationship. Tell her what you would like (ie once a week for two hours paid up front at the beginning of the month) She would tell you what the donation would be for such an arrangement and you can both set up your weekly dates Don't suggest any rates. She'll tell you her rate for a retainer type relationship. And since you know one another, you trust her and I assume by extension she trusts you, it should be something you can discuss openly. You may even wish to have an encounter with her and during the encounter discuss such an arrangement in person. My two cents RG
  6. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/leaked-tory-file-shows-2015-strategy-to-promote-pms-wife-undermine-trudeau/article16793521/
  7. Congratulations on achieving the 500 post mark and doing it on your one year anniversary of being on CERB Enjoy your posts, looking forward to your next year and your next 500 posts RG
  8. Salt salt & vinegar or ketchup on fries RG
  9. Waking up knowing you won't ever have a best hair day ever...because your bald LOL RG
  10. Congratulations on your one year anniversary and on being a part of the CERB community. Your contributions are positive and noticed...I know I read what you have to say I was very happy to provide guidence, and I'm sure your first encounter was great. I just wish my first encounter in this lifestyle was with the same companion you saw ;-) Looking forward to your ongoing presence on CERB Happy One Year Anniversary RG
  11. This one just for Lee If he liked Andy Gibb he'll absolutely LOVE this one Me, I kinda got nauseous LOL Apologies to everyone else here LOL Wham Wake Me Up Before You Go Go RG
  12. Randy Bachman Taking Care Of Business Did I redeem myself LOL RG
  13. Andy Gibb I Just Want To Be Your Everything I'm sorry LOL RG
  14. Google is your friend Here is one sounds similar for Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.keepsafe.sms&hl=en and for Apple https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/coverme-private-texting-secure/id593652484?mt=8 I don't have either, as the sole user of my phone (joys of being single :-) ) don't need it but just did a quick Google search. Maybe someone can review and recommend (or not) RG
  15. Yvonne Elliman If I Can't Have You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI2yTWUFquI RG
  16. Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-ij_iTQt2w RG
  17. Joe Nichols Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off RG
  18. Not sure if it's a highlight of the day, but it put a smile on my face this morning. My cat has a hobby. Sometime last night he decided to have some fun and unrolled all of the toilet paper off it's holder. Greeting me this morning, toilet paper all over the bathroom floor. Had to just laugh RG
  19. If the lady is an obvious B&S I believe you are well within your rights to decline an encounter Larger than in her pics...hard to say. Does she for example advertise herself as a spinner but she is a bbw, that is close to B&S advertising IMHO. But is she for example, a few pounds difference in weight from her photos, well that for me isn't reason enough to cancel an encounter Now the lady's face, likely blacked out in her photos, and you book an encounter with her, you can't turn around and say she isn't pretty enough when she shows up. You booked an encounter with her not knowing what she looks like. She set aside time for you, got ready for you, which she could have done for another client instead. So it isn't about whether you want to pay a cancellation fee. It's about the lady, this being her livelihood being denied income because really you changed your mind. Now if she used Cindy Crawford's face in "her" photos, well then that is B&S If the lady showed up for the encounter and the reason for not going through the encounter is because you decided unilaterally not to go through with the encounter, the lady deserves a cancellation fee, frankly a last minute cancellation she should, and JMHO, get paid in full If a B&S on the other hand, well the lady takes her chances when doing it and you are well within your rights IMHO to decline My two cents RG
  20. This is why just as gentlemen should have a phone exclusive to this lifestyle the ladies should do the same...one a lifestyle/business phone and email and one a civilian phone and email. A phone NO ONE ELSE uses. That way no SO's, or family/friends can know about this lifestyle It's about discretion It's not just about protecting your own privacy, but protecting the privacy of others that you are involved with (in terms of this lifestyle) and who have entrusted you with their information A rambling RG
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