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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Should have just bought a tshirt...saved money on shirt and tie plus it looks like you wear a jacket too๐Ÿ˜‚ RG
  2. Jeez seems I'm hogging this forum. Yesterday afternoon after paying the second installment for a date we're going to have after all these restrictions lifted and it's safe to meet in person I perused (again๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š) this lady's website. And noticed she offers virtual (aka online) services. So after reading and thinking about it, I sent an etransfer for some virtual services. Exactly what I'll get will be a surprise, but I am eagerly awaiting it. And what each person would get would be unique too depending on what specifically they ordered More to follow (I'm very sure but that's because I'm a positive thinker) but it will be in the Online Services Recommendation forum A Rambling RG
  3. Canada succeeded on coronavirus where America failed. Why? https://www.vox.com/2020/5/4/21242750/coronavirus-covid-19-united-states-canada-trump-trudeau
  4. Don't worry my post was done tongue in cheek for a laugh...ok probably more a groan "there's RG trying to be humorous again" LOL๐Ÿ˜‚ RG
  5. How did my post about paying for a upcoming date in advance segue into coffee machines and coffee???...๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿค” RG๐Ÿ™‚
  6. The anticipation is helping me during the covid crisis. Right now there are three ladies I am going to see once the crisis ends (or restrictions safely lifted). Two are paid in full and one almost paid in full as of this morning. I'm trying to let this time work for me, by booking/paying ladies for dates...after all I'm not spending like I used too (as long as I stay off Amazon LOL) RG
  7. This seems the most appropriate forum to post this, although I don't consider it a purchase per se. But I sent the second payment to a lady for a date via etransfer this morning. By the end of the month she will be paid in full for a date we're going to have once the covid restrictions are lifted and it's safe to meet. Not only does paying a lady in full in advance get the business side of a date out of the way, during these strange unprecedented times gives a lady income which she may find helpful. RG
  8. For those who like to fly two movies you might want to watch Flight Starring Denzel Washington Non Stop Starring Liam Neeson If that makes you want to take the train you might want to watch The Commuter Starring Liam Neeson So if you decide to drive you might want to watch Death Race Starring Jason Statham (hint there are no rules of the road here LOL) RG
  9. Just finished watching Coronavirus Explained Ozark (yes again...isolation getting to me LOL) all three seasons Waco The Debt Collector (wouldn't watch again do not recommend) Proud Mary (wouldn't watch again do not recommend) Please don't ban me for not saying something nice about the last two movies, just couldn't LOL The first three are recommendations though RG
  10. Things That Suck...A BRAT!!! cat that jumped (yes jumped) up on the computer keyboard in the middle of me writing a post in "Corona Viruses Memes And Jokes" thread. Spent most of the past few minutes fixing it up (I hope) Yes I rescued her from a shelter, when the hell will I be saved from her LOL Yes a true, but tongue in cheek thing that sucks RG
  11. Sadly the Walmart picture is just another "normal" day at Walmart LOL RG
  12. You're right...her smile is gone, she used to have such a nice smile LOL RG
  13. More truth to this than you know LOL๐Ÿ˜‚ RG
  14. And you know what old "Wile E. Coyote is thinking...."Beep Beep Your A$$ Motherf*cker!!! LOL"
  15. This non drinker hasn't started.....yet LOL RG
  16. Jacksonville Covid 19 Jacksonville_Covid19.mp4
  17. That's worse than a dick pic, it's a Weiner pic, and his posting got him prison time and required him to register as a sex offender RG
  18. I personally don't send dick pics because it's kinda embarrassing when they see me live, why compound my embarrassment by sending "a before encounter pic" LOL This was a reaction on a date, so can you imagine the reaction to sending her a "selfie" of me LOL Yes this is all tongue in cheek RG
  19. Had a doctor's appointment tomorrow for my knee, likely to set up an appointment for cortisone shots. Got a call this morning from the doctor's office. Because of COVID 19 all non emergency appointments cancelled, and that includes my appointment tomorrow. It's rescheduled (touch wood) to June 11. In the meantime my f*cking left knee hurts like hell Piece of advice buy stock in Tylenol, I think sales are going to skyrocket LOL A painful rambling RG
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