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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Being bad today, ribs, baked potato washed down with a no alcohol beer For "desert" a decaf coffee done on my toy...er Keurig RG
  2. Eric Clapton Lay Down Sally http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EivR78mrRFE RG
  3. Another thread just posted recently, this one, http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=166665 got me to thinking (scary thought LOL). CERB is a great forum for the ladies to advertise and the guys to read and write recommendations (and look at photos too ;-) ) But for those members, ladies and gentlemen both, who limit their use of CERB to just advertising, reading (and maybe writing) recommendations but generally speaking not having a board presence it doesn't allow CERB members to get to know you, so to speak For a lady, when a gentleman contacts her, she can get an idea of who he is by the posts he makes. And whether he will be compatible with her for an encounter Likewise, I know for me, for most of my encounters, a large part of my decision as to whether I would contact a lady or not took place after I read her posts. Maybe not all of them, but some of them. It gave me an idea of whether we would be compatible. No one expects a Pulitzer Prize winning novel. But there are threads to share your thoughts. And your pretty much safe participating as long as you keep in mind the CERB mantra "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" Anyhow a rambling on a Saturday afternoon while for a change, it's snowing outside RG
  4. Well done Porthos Enjoy your contributions, looking forward to your next 2000 RG
  5. The World Is Not Enough (James Bond) RG
  6. I can't say which is better, indy versus non indy. I've only had one MA experience, a good one btw. But you also wanted a recommendation of a independent MA to see, the one lady I saw is Megan (Megan's Touch) She is on CERB, and is located downtown Ottawa (I saw her when she toured to Kingston) Here is her profile http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=28987 Someone you may wish to see RG
  7. Guess I'm getting older because I detest winter, although I've heard it's pretty balmy in Winnipeg right now LOL And summer, when it gets to extremes of summer heat, not to mention humidity don't like it either...and when it gets to those extremes of heat/humidity, you can't even dress for it, even shorts/tshirt and you still "suffer" At least in winter in the cold you can bundle up to stay warm Spring I like, it's a final reprieve from the cold of winter And Fall, it's a final reprieve from the heat of summer Not to mention Spring is the beginning of fishing in open water. And Fall, good time to go fishing for smallmouth bass and muskie For me, winter and it's cold and snow can come on Christmas Eve, stay Christmas day, and then the cold and snow all can go to hell on the 26th A seasonal rambling RG
  8. Watching tv, drinking my second coffee from my new Keurig (does the novelty wear off) surfing CERB, reading emails and browsing a few sites looking at TV's Geez I guess I can multi task LOL RG
  9. Bruce Springsteen Hungry Heart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lYpokhq_-w RG
  10. Jack Reacher A stupid movie but that's jmho RG
  11. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
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