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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Shakira She Wolf likely she could sing the phone book and still be successful LOL RG
  2. Edward Bear Last Song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EP0xhKUbHM RG
  3. I know the very first time (and keep in mind I was still a relative newbie to this lifestyle) a certain lady;-) required verification/screening information including a reference and it was somewhat scary for me. OMG she'll know my real name. My stereotype of this lifestyle was it was about anonymous sexual encounters, so imagine this lady wanting my personal information. But I gave it, including my name and verifiable reference. And the result, our very first encounter, was a great encounter, and, well I think a large part of it being a great encounter was even before we met in person, a wall got broken down and there was some level of trust between the two of us, a trust which has grown...if that makes sense Privacy must be respected. But it is a balancing act between a lady's safety and well being versus a man's privacy, well IMHO a lady's safety and well being trump a man's privacy every time. I have found, after seeing a few ladies who require verification, that the information provided is treated with the utmost respect and confidentiality. You can trust the ladies with your personal information. If you don't want to provide your personal information then don't see ladies who require screening information. Me, I'm glad back in my newbie days I overcame my fear of providing verification information. If I had declined she would have declined seeing me, and I know the loss would have been all mine A rambling RG
  4. Well I paid the donation via email money transfer for an encounter I'm having in just a little over a weeks time now. An encounter with a lady I have wanted to meet for a very long time. RG
  5. Alan Parsons Project Eye In The Sky http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1IXQ1pKl_Q RG
  6. Eagles-Best Of My Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_M_27ciAKI RG
  7. Sitting on my butt LOL in my recliner, surfing CERB, checking emails, doing some on line banking and right now watching tv (The Captain Bligh Conspiracy on the History Channel) and about to get up to get my third cup of coffee from my Keurig. Does the novelty of the Keurig wear off? RG
  8. Recommendations IMHO are not the end all in selecting a lady to see. Yes a tool, but just one of many But some companions are just starting out, so they may not have any recommendations yet. Ladies just new to this lifestyle would never get started because if the advice given to guys is don't see a lady unless she has a reco. Recos come from seeing clients, even the VERY first one Also a great companion may not have any recos, not because she is not a good companion, but because a client, after having a great encounter, doesn't write about it in the recommendation threads, for whatever reason. Doesn't mean she is a bad companion, just that her client didn't write a recommendation when one was deserved Finally, especially in the case of ladies who tour regularly, but even those who occasionally tour, if there are no recommendations in your city, take a look at the recommendation threads for other cities. She may be recommended in other cities. I have had great encounters with some ladies who at the time had no recommendations (they do now ;-) ) But if I followed the logic of don't see a lady who has no recommendations, well the loss would have been mine A rambling RG
  9. Geez, I'll bet he's a Republican artist LOL Next up Harold M Brett RG
  10. For Picasso Blue Nude Next up, Tom Thomson RG
  11. Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit Haven't seen it yet, I'll wait till it comes out on VOD RG
  12. I've never heard of Jean Basquiat till today. This picture, well I've had some days where I've felt just like this Next up, Nori Peters RG
  13. Frans Hals Officers And Sergeants Of The St. Hadrian Civic Guard For a change how about Keith Woodcock and for Tianna, this is the type of art that made me familiar with Leroy Neiman, and it graced the pages of Playboy. I didn't really know at the time he was a famous artist RG
  14. Robert Bateman-Merganser Family In Hiding I look at this and I'm thinking there must be a largemouth bass hiding under those pads Our next artist, Leroy Neiman, one I recall as a kid, seeing his artwork (amongst other pictures ;-) ) adorning Playboy magazines...yes really RG
  15. Personally I don't think you have anything to feel guilty about. In this lifestyle you may just meet that one in a million lady who is special, a friend. I'll use the term companion for purposes of this post, be it SP/MA/or Dancer. That said, in this lifestyle exclusivity should not be expected. Not by a companion. Not by a client Clients should always expect a companion to see other clients. Likewise a companion should expect clients to see other companions. This is a poly amorous lifestyle, not monogamous. A companion should want her clients to be happy and part of that comes from seeing other companions. Likewise a client should want a companion to see other clients because that helps her business. If this dancer expects you to be "faithful" just to her, is she willing to be just as "faithful" to you? Or is it not a case of being "faithful" but being possessive. She has already made you stay away from the strip club, because I assume it isn't enjoyable for you anymore. No, you shouldn't feel guilty, she should feel guilty for taking the enjoyment out going to a strip club from you Probably a convoluted long winded rambling RG
  16. Salvador Dali-The Great Masturbator Not much that I can say about the artist or painting, except to say he must have had some "issues" about sex (judging by the painting's title) I now know why I don't collect art LOL Next up Al Agnew RG
  17. And again, a Seinfeld episode for every occasion RG
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