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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Today have to be where I don't want to be...fortunately should be back home tomorrow morning RG
  2. Stopped in at a Cosco today, finally, got a Keurig coffee maker :-) Keurig Platinum comes with 60 K Cups of coffee (special Costco had) all for $149.99 Smalltown Ontario where I live only had the basic model, I wanted one with bigger reservoir and some adjustable settings. Tomorrow when I get back home I'm having a coffee RG
  3. Early supper for me, had meatloaf, coleslaw, rice and a glass of water RG
  4. Congratulations Malika on your 4000 post milestone Enjoy reading your posts, looking forward to 4000 more contributions RG
  5. And the recognition threads add to the positive atmosphere of CERB It makes us less a collection of anonymous board handles and more a community of like minded people, if that makes sense We recognize one another through the various recognition threads, giving thanks, rep points/comments and nominations. It's what makes CERB just a cut above the other boards IMHO The recognition threads, just reinforce CERB's positivity. We have had in the past some heated discussions over some topics, but recognition threads are positive, and don't we all need some positivity now and then? Besides if they truly cluttered up the board, I think Mod would step in and say something. A rambling RG
  6. Happy Anniversary MF, or should I say Excaliber. Enjoy your presence on this community Look forward to your continued contributions to CERB Well done RG
  7. I certainly don't understand the mindset of some thinking bbbj being a lessor service. Actually I'm uncomfortable with the concept of lessor and better services, I don't like the idea of hierarchy of services to begin with. But then again I see a lady for the companionship she provides, not a menu of services she offers. That said, when a lady provides oral it is one of the most giving, intimate acts that she can provide. Although I don't see ladies who provide services a la carte, if encounters were priced this way, I think bbbj should be one of the services charged at a higher rate, at least equal to FS, maybe more A morning rambling RG
  8. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest RG
  9. Happy Birthday toine Enjoy your special day RG
  10. Right now, none...but I'm in lounge pants and a tshirt But earlier, grey Hanes briefs RG
  11. Act of Valour on VOD...shouldn't really mention it in this thread, it was a bad movie, something like $4.00 wasted and two hours of my life I'll never get back RG
  12. Earlier today seeing my cat on the back of my couch chasing the snowflakes coming down RG
  13. Just finished lunch, surfing CERB, watching tv and watching my cat on the back of the couch chasing snow coming down. Now time to do dishes :-( RG
  14. S is for "Skydiving Lessons" something I have a fond magical memory of a couple years ago with a beautiful redhead RG
  15. Q is for the type of encounter I don't like....quickie RG
  16. A kiss is just a kiss........... OK used that one before too RG
  17. C is for cuddling Yeah I know, I've used this before too, but I really like cuddling RG
  18. Personally I don't see a lady for the services she provides, but the companionship she offers. Most of the ladies I see don't even have a menu as such So a la carte pricing means nothing to me, I prefer the hourly rate and just let an encounter unfold naturally. But that's just my preference that's all A morning rambling while the second pot is brewing RG
  19. A is for................ (amore) I confess, I've used this before RG
  20. Welcome. And this site is a great site, where both ladies and gentlemen are equal members where we all participate in a positive safe community I've been on some others boards, now exclusively on CERB, the only one I found that has a sense of community RG
  21. I was on Google. No big deal except I had given up on dating (another story) and decided to try this lifestyle. The internet being a very useful tool I used it to get information on escorts. And lo and behold, I stumbled across CERB :-) I checked out the site and four years ago today, Feb 1, 2010 I joined CERB as a wet behind the ears newbie. It turned out to be more than just another internet chat board, it really is a community. I've learned much through this community, hopefully given back too, and met many wonderful and special ladies all who have had a positive impact on my life. Thank you CERB for providing a safe, positive and welcoming community for all of us, both ladies and gentlemen. And I have enjoyed my stay and continue to enjoy my stay on CERB, and look forward to staying for many years to come RG
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