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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I is for Inglorious Basterds RG
  2. C is for cuddling and companionship RG
  3. Does paying bills count...if so I paid my rent, internet, and cable today All from the comfort of home while the snow was coming down this morning RG
  4. Goldeneye (James Bond) RG
  5. Battling this winter today by staying inside my warm apartment, having a third hot coffee and confirming hotel reservations for an upcoming encounter I have with a lady. A lady I have wanted to meet for a long time RG
  6. It actually seems so counter productive. Now ladies will definitely see the police as the enemy, not as someone to go to if they do run into trouble. Intimidation is something LE should use on those engaged in illegal activities, prostitution is not illegal. I wonder how much LE resources have been directed towards pimps (and yes police know who the pimps are) in this sweep LE (and the government by extension) has a very condescending and paternalistic attitude "we know what's best for you" attitude, and doesn't recognize that consenting adults can enter into a sex for money relationship that is mutually beneficial. They must still cling to 19th century Victorian beliefs about sex, when we are in the 21st century A rambling RG
  7. Don't take this the wrong way, but THANK YOU...I'm not into getting swirled smelled or tasted by guys LOL RG :-)
  8. This is one of those tests where the higher the score likely means the older you are so does that mean a low score is really a pass LOL RG
  9. Angela mentioned pay as you go and she may be right. That could best serve your needs I know Virgin and Rogers have pay as you go Likely other cell phone providers have them too. You could also go to Wireless Wave, buy a cellphone and pay as you go plan through them Here is a link to their site, they have stores in most major shopping malls http://www.wirelesswave.ca/ Good Luck RG
  10. 1. What builds strong bodies 12 ways? A. Flintstones vitamins B. The Buttmaster C. Spaghetti D. Wonder Bread E. Orange Juice F. Milk G. Cod Liver Oil 2. Before he was Muhammed Ali, he was... A. Sugar Ray Robinson. B. Roy Orbison.. C. Gene Autry. D. Rudolph Valentino. E. Fabian. F. Mickey Mantle. G. Cassius Clay. 3. Pogo, the comic strip character said, 'We have met the enemy and.... A. It's you. B. He is us. C. It's the Grinch. D. He wasn't home. E. He's really me and you. F. We quit. G. He surrendered. 4. Good night, David. A. Good night, Chet B. Sleep well. C. Good night, Irene. D. Good night, Gracie. E. See you later, alligator. F. Until tomorrow. G. Good night, Steve.... 5. You'll wonder where the yellow went... A. When you use Tide B. When you lose your crayons. C. When you clean your tub. D. If you paint the room blue. E. If you buy a soft water tank. F. When you use Lady Clairol. G. When you brush your teeth with Pepsodent. 6. Before he was the Skipper's Little Buddy, Bob Denver was Dobie's friend.... A. Stuart Whitman. B Randolph Scott. C. Steve Reeves.. D. Maynard G. Krebs. E. Corky B. Dork. F. Dave the Whale. G. Zippy Zoo. 7. Liar, liar... A. You're a liar. B. Your nose is growing. C. Pants on fire. D. Join the choir E. Jump up higher. F. On the wire. G. I'm telling Mom. 8. Meanwhile, back in Metropolis, Superman fights a never ending battle for truth, justice and..... A. Wheaties. B. Lois Lane . C. TV ratings. D. World peace. E. Red tights. F. The American way. G. News headlines. 9. Hey kids! What time is it? A. It's time for Yogi Bear. B It's time to do your homework. C. It's Howdy Doody Time.. D. It's time for Romper Room. E. It's bedtime. F... The Mighty Mouse Hour.. G. Scoopy Doo Time.. 10... Lions and tigers and bears..! ...... A. Yikes. B. Oh, no.. C. Gee whiz. D. I'm scared... E. Oh my. F.. Help! Help! G. Let's run. 11... Bob Dylan advised us never to trust anyone.... A. Over 40. B. Wearing a uniform. C. Carrying a briefcase. D. Over 30. E. You don't know. F. Who says, 'Trust me'.. G. Who eats tofu. 12... NFL quarterback who appeared in a television commercial wearing women's stockings... A. Troy Aikman B. Kenny Stabler C. Joe Namath D. Roger Staubach E. Joe Montana F.. Steve Young G. John Elway 13... Brylcream... A. Smear it on. B. You'll smell great. C. Tame that cowlick. D. Grease ball heaven. E. It's a dream. F. We're your team. G. A little dab'll do ya. 14... I found my thrill... A. In Blueberry muffins. B. With my man, Bill. C. Down at the mill. D. Over the windowsill. E. With thyme and dill.. F. Too late to enjoy. G. On Blueberry Hill. 15.... Before Robin Williams, Peter Pan was played by... A. Clark Gable. B. Mary Martin. C. Doris Day. D. Errol Flynn. E. Sally Fields. F. Jim Carrey. G. Jay Leno. 16... Name the Beatles... A. John, Steve, George, Ringo B. John, Paul, George, Roscoe C. John, Paul, Stacey, Ringo D. Jay, Paul, George, Ringo E. Lewis, Peter, George, Ringo F. Jason, Betty, Skipper, Hazel G. John, Paul, George, Ringo 17... I wonder, wonder, who. A. Who ate the leftovers? B. Who did the laundry? C. Was it you? D. Who wrote the book of love? E. Who I am? F. Passed the test? G. Knocked on the door? 18... I'm strong to the finish... A. Cause I eats my broccoli. B. Cause I eats me spinach. C. Cause I lift weights. D. Cause I'm the hero. E. And don't you forget it. F. Cause Olive Oyl loves me. G.. To outlast Bruto. 19... When it's least expected, you're elected, you're the star today. A. Smile, you're on Candid Camera. B. Smile, you're on Star Search. C. Smile, you won the lottery. D. Smile, we're watching you. E. Smile, the world sees you. F. Smile, you're a hit. G. Smile, you're on TV. 20... What do M & M's do? A. Make your tummy happy.! B. Melt in your mouth, not in your pocket. C. Make you fat. D.. Melt your heart. E... Make you popular.. F. Melt in your mouth, not in your hand. G. Come in colors. Below are the right answers: 1. D 2. G 3. B 4. A 5. G 6. D 7. C 8. F 9. C 10. E 11. D 12. C 13. G 14. G 15. B 16. G 17. D 18. B 19. A 20.. F
  11. I like Excaliber for his ongoing positive insightful contributions to CERB RG
  12. Seems the perfect thing for a cold day, spaghetti with meat sauce Sauce is made and on low heat in the slow cooker...apartment smells really good right now Getting hungry already RG
  13. I like emiafish for his continuing contributions to CERB Besides, what fisherman doesn't like a fish ;-) RG :-)
  14. A quick couple ramblings while the coffee is brewing First is true friendship. Is there really just one "true" friendship or can friendship be different things to different people at different times. Maybe a friendship with a companion manifests itself differently than a conventional friendship with a civilian friend, but are SP/Client friendships any less a friendship because they are different than a civilian friendship. Second is the analogy of a tradesperson offering free services to a friend. Well in the analogy used it sounds like the one friend would receive free services from his tradesperson friend because he is a friend but at a future date that service would be reciprocated. So underlying the so called free trade services for a friend is that it is done in exchange for future services from that friend...so there is an economic system at play here, instead of cash for services it is bartering. So the conventional friendship has economic (not money) strings involved...barter economics Finally the expectation in an SP/Client friendship that the client should get services for free because the SP is a friend. Friendship should be it's own reward not done for expectations of free services. I know since the subject of trades came up earlier, I would not want to be friends with a mechanic in the hopes that I could get my truck worked on for free. What friend (client) would really take money from his friend (SP) A friend (client) understands that for the lady this is still her livelihood and would not expect free services because that is money she doesn't have to pay her bills. Really and my opinion, expectation of free services from a friend is disrespectful, and not the reason for a friendship to develop A pre coffee rambling RG
  15. Me, I used to use Virgin, but found their customer service which used to be great didn't just get bad, it sucked I switched to Rogers, thus far no complaint RG
  16. Well just to add to the discussion there is a really wise quote I will use. No not from me, but from none other than Nathalie Lefebvre Money does not necessarily corrupt authentic love and intimacy, rather, it's our discomfort with the idea of mixing both that causes tension. I think it's important to keep in mind that most relationships have unnegotiated financial dynamics (for example, many marriages and long-term relationships) which can cause much more tension than the honest and open communication that's possible with clients in this industry. Now Nathalie's quote was in another thread, and it is about love and intimacy. But I would argue by the same token that money also does not necessarily corrupt authentic friendship I would also add that those of us in this lifestyle, be it companions or clients would be more open to accepting the possibility that relationships can develop. The relationship may not take the "normal" form of a friendship compared to civilian friendships, but then again this isn't a civilian lifestyle, it is very unique, with no comparisons to civilian life. Just because you see a companion who is a friend in a paid encounter doesn't minimize the friendship JMHO If a client and companion are lucky enough to connect as more than SP/Client, but also friends, they should cherish that friendship. A rambling from a guy who finds no discomfort or tension with friendship being mixed with money RG
  17. Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit RG
  18. Me, I book months in advance...I think the longest was something like seven to eight months ahead of time. But that is because much like the touring ladies, I'm a touring gentleman LOL. I live in smalltown Ontario so I need to travel to cities, be it Ottawa, Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton or London (and maybe others in the future) I can't just pick up and go at the drop of a hat, I need to plan ahead, sometimes way ahead, make reservations at a hotel, make sure no one commits me for the weekend I'm going and so on. So I book encounters way ahead of time. I did find in my newbie days some ladies were somewhat skeptical of me planning so far in advance, but when I explained my situation to them, some ladies took a leap of faith, and over time I guess now I have a good reputation. A rambling for what it's worth RG
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