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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. My worst divorce was to my ex fiancé. We were engaged to be married. Me a happy single guy, she a single mother, the father (she said) took off and was a deadbeat dad. The abridged version, I called her one night, she was very cold towards me on the phone and hung up. From there on in she didn't call me and I didn't call or see her (I had a heads up on what was happening from people that knew both of us) What happened, she was having an affair with a married man. And he was married to her best friend. She got pregnant. When she got pregnant she thought he would leave his wife for her. Well he didn't. But the wife found out and kicked him out. He turned out to be a deadbeat dad too, wanted nothing to do my ex fiancé or child to be. So one night she showed up to my place. She asked if we could still get married. Simple answer, no. Didn't get angry but told her I no longer trusted her and the one lie, I no longer loved her (I still did, at that point, but I was thinking with my head, not heart) Was it easy, no, but it was the right thing to do And had we married, I'm sure we would have ended up divorced down the road RG
  2. I'm giving the OP the benefit of the doubt here, and believe he wants to invite a companion to go ice fishing, ice fishing not a euphemism for something else, but really go ice fishing. That said, it takes a great deal of trust before a lady would be alone with a man who is a stranger on a frozen over lake. Some things to consider. First for some, just going on the ice can be somewhat terrifying How is she getting out to the shack, walk, four wheeler, snowmobile, personal motor vehicle. Equipment, do you have enough gear for her to fish (I assume yes) But safety gear, do you have for example a floater suit for her (I never go out on the ice without mine). How long out on the ice...for a first time I would suggest only a couple hours, ice fishing can be extremely boring for the uninitiated, unless you are having an extremely good day catching fish For her comforts sake, no alcohol at all. Maybe a thermos of coffee or hot chocolate but keep alcohol away And she will need to get her Outdoors Card and Fishing Licence Finally, really this is something to try with a lady you know and she trusts you...not something for two strangers to try...but that's just my opinion RG
  3. I had a wonderful great trip to Toronto last week, and I'm planning another trip in a few weeks...does that count ;-) RG
  4. Civilian sex usually ends up with strings attached Seeing a professional companion, no strings Yes seeing a professional companion you pay, but civilian sex YOU PAY:-) RG
  5. Congratulations Soleil on this milestone Your posts always a joy to ready Looking forward to the next 1000 post RG
  6. I think you found your words just fine ;-) RG
  7. I understand that having a chemistry/connection makes an intimate encounter, be it with a MA or SP all the better. But how long do you need to get to know a MA/SP before you feel you have chemistry with her and are willing to have a hour or two session with her. And a chemistry/connection I have discovered, develops over repeat encounters, I know for myself a second or third encounter was more intimate than the first, and the seventh encounter in one case well it was just special. But repeat encounters with a lady will never happen unless you take that first step Look at an encounter as the ultimate first date LOL. Maybe you'll click, maybe not. But nothing in life is guaranteed. Just schedule an encounter with a lady that interests you, and let the encounter unfold naturally. And remember, the ladies are professional and pretty good at making a man feel he's special to begin with. So no need for pre-encounter meetings in my opinion. A rambling RG
  8. All I know is the ladies I see make this fifty two year old (fifty three this year yikes) feel like he's thirty again...guess that's why I still am smiling a week after my first two encounters of 2014 For whatever it's worth RG
  9. Cristy, I truly admire your ability to want to see this kid, well really adult, he's 19 now, get help and turn his life around But the key for anyone getting help, he must first want to get help to begin with. But I guess it's true, you need to hit rock bottom before you can get help and turn your life around. Any normal person who gets arrested, cuffs put on him and is booked wouldn't treat it as the highlight of their day. Look at Bieber's mugshot, do you think he sees his arrest as hitting rock bottom and he'll turn his life around or do you think he's enjoying his time at the police station...and sees it as an "opportunity" to develop some sort of persona. And for everyone's viewing pleasure (just kidding) Bieber's mugshot Sorry for the other photo, only pic that would load RG
  10. Last night AMC had The Godfather and The Godfather2 on. I know, both oldies, but both good movies RG
  11. Agree with Curious7 and Porthos Fuck I hate this winter...up to my knees in snow today :x RG
  12. Check with hotels near the airport, often airport hotels have a day rate RG
  13. Really how much chemistry can you get from a smile and a handshake. Chemistry/connection develops over time, not a five minute smile and handshake at a booth at a sex trade show So take a leap of faith and book an encounter with a lady, you just might be surprised at the chemistry that might develop. And if you need to meet a lady before an encounter to see if there is a chemistry see if she is agreeable to meet for a coffee...but compensate her for her time seeing you if she does agree to see you for a coffee Remember, there are no guarantees, just go into an encounter positive and treat the lady like a gentleman and you should do just fine And one more thing, before I entered this lifestyle, I thought when it came to women I had a type, since embarking on this lifestyle what I discovered from meeting a couple (ok more than a couple ;-) ) ladies is that I have more than one type of woman...if that makes sense A rambling RG
  14. Another one is trust...that most SP's cannot be trusted My experience, the vast majority of ladies can be trusted, and I do trust them. By trust I provide my personal information for screening to a lady, and I'm not hiding my wallet, watch etc when seeing a lady...if I felt that much mistrust that I wouldn't provide screening information, and needed to hide my wallet, watch etc I wouldn't see the lady And in certain special cases there are ladies I absolutely trust without reservation...to the point of being very open and honest about my private life. A watch and wallet can be replaced, your private life, that is something only shared with very few trusted friends...yes friends, not SPs, And privacy once gone can't be replaced A rambling RG
  15. Thunderbolt and Lightfoot RG
  16. I had a history professor in university who was a die hard feminist. One day after class had to go with her back to her office, can't remember why, likely going over outline for a paper. Anyhow walking to her office, she was carrying a bunch of books, a briefcase and her purse. I offered to help carry something for her but she declined. Then we came to a door and she rushed ahead just so I couldn't hold it for her. Second door and any doors from then on I rushed ahead just so I could hold it. Even when we got to her office, she wouldn't hand the books and briefcase to me while fumbling for her keys to unlock the door She just was adamant that women are equal to men and didn't need their help. Me, I saw someone with their hands full and offered to help A rambling RG
  17. Well how about Ron Howard First as young Opie Taylor on Andy of Mayberry Then as Richie Cunningham on Happy Days And now he's a highly respected movie director Just a few movies he is noted for, Apollo13, Splash, Willow, Backdraft, Ransom, The Da Vinci Code just to name a few RG
  18. Well not as long as four and a half months, August 31, 2013 to Jan 17,2014...but yes long But I'm still smiling over last weekend's two encounters with two great ladies, and hoping it won't be as long till the next encounter RG
  19. He's the Rob Ford of the music industry, or is Rob Ford the Justin Bieber of the political world Sorry, couldn't resist RG
  20. Well I'll be the stick in the mud here, but frankly I'm kinda sick and tired of hearing about Justin Bieber. Seems every time I log on to the internet msn.com has another story about him. Funny thing though, for a "singer" none of the stories have to do with him as a singer. To me he's just a spoiled little rich kid. And like redskin pointed out, likely this arrest could be the best thing that could happen to him...judging from the smirk on his face in his mugshot maybe a bit of time behind bars could just smarten him up and give him some humility instead of a sense of entitlement and arrogance My two cents RG
  21. Happy Birthday Peachka Enjoy your special day RG
  22. When I send a email, I usually have been given a reply within 24-48 hours On occasion when an email goes unanswered I'll give it a week (who knows, maybe the email was lost in cyberspace) and send another email. If no reply to it I'll just move on One thing, when sending an email (this btw a general comment, not directed towards you Pisaq) make sure it is respectful. A rude graphic type email is often just deleted by ladies And some ladies have screening/verification requirements. I include that information in my introductory email. It shows an openness and honesty on your part, not to mention that you are serious about seeing the lady, and not a "tire kicker" A rambling RG
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