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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. With all the restrictions because of COVID 19 there is a lot less driving being done. My insurance company is offering a 10% reduction (minimum) on my insurance from April 1st-May 31st. Not a lot but better than a 10% hike in rates RG
  2. Didn't know whether to put it under Last Thing You Purchased thread or this thread but the last thing I purchased was three weeks of gas in my truck about an hour ago LOL RG
  3. Stamp collecting is a hobby. Just this clients opinion. Nuff said RG
  4. Then again how about just supporting without the need for a tshirt. Most clients wouldn't wear it even if given Me, I just donated to Maggie's in Toronto https://www.maggiesto.org/ and no didn't get a tshirt or anything, well except a thank you. I'm sure other cities have similar such organizations. The money donated goes to a good cause helping those in need, and at the end of the day isn't that the real reason to give a donation, to help someone. BTW a second way to "donate" is to book date(s) with companions and pay either a deposit (or in full) in advance. In these tight times companions are on hiatus but would really appreciate money especially since it's paying for a future date. I personally have three dates (15 hours total time) once this corona virus is gone or it's at least safe to come out and play...two ladies have been paid in full, and one a installment paid and the rest paid to her shortly. And no, I don't get a tshirt LOL A rambling before bedtime RG
  5. Well my weekly routine (I like having a routine) is disrupted. I need to go back to the lab on Monday to get one of my blood levels rechecked😲 (they said nothing to worry about LOL) so that means another road trip to Peterborough to get needled LOL. But normally Mondays are grocery shopping day. So I bumped my grocery shopping to today. While out went to the pharmacy to get Extra Strength Tylenol. So last thing purchased today was groceries and Tylenol A rambling about a disruption in my routine LOL RG
  6. I've taken this time (I must sound like a skipping record LOL) to plan (well in part) dates. I've got three dates lined up, two with ladies I've seen before and one with a lady I've haven't met (well except for emails etc) And I've donated to Maggie's Sex Worker COVID 19 Fund, will likely donate again (waiting for my pension cheque plus an insurance cheque to come in) And while doing my weekly grocery shopping I donate to the local food bank Plus a donation or two to Amazon LOL RG
  7. Well used up all the toilet paper...well the two four pack rolls + the four I had when I bought them. Why a highlight???...the two four packs were both at the time the last packs on the store shelf and if any worse quality would have been made of sandpaper LOL That means now the twelve pack of Cashmere toilet paper can be opened up I know, a TMI highlight of the day but we can all relate can't we LOL A soothing rambling RG
  8. Mental health wise I'm fine 🙄 Even though I can't see them (and vice versa) I stay in touch with family and friends via phone and text. I'm using the time productively planning wise that is...I have two companions I've already paid them for dates (yes have faith coronavirus will end) and I'm in the process of paying another companion (someone I haven't met yet) for a date. Not only is planning and paying companions now a good way to look forward to the future the money sent can help a companion out now What I do hate health wise about now and not mental health wise, a surgeon should operate on my knee. But with COVID 19 they are reluctant except with emergency surgery (my knee isn't an emergency) to perform any operations...so I'm stuck hobbling around using a cane (yes it f*cking hurts that bad and hinders my walking too) untill they patch me up. Best I can hope for is next week when I see my GP he'll give me cortisone that's about the only option for me now So I'm limping and planning my future and it still is despite everything "a glass half full, not half empty" A rambling RG
  9. Beatrix test driving her gift from Amazon And caused the toilet paper shortage in town Yes she was a rescued cat (kitten) from a shelter...just no one has said when I get saved from her LOL RG
  10. A minor thing that sucks...more like inconvenience really. Bank hours have changed because of COVID 19 and the bank opens at 10am now, not 9am. I got the money to transfer this morning for an upcoming date but can't deposit it untill tomorrow 10am (I suppose I could have waited 1 1/2 hrs after finishing grocery shopping...finished 830am) but some frozen foods might have thawed. So I went home and tomorrow it's off to the bank at 10am to deposit some money then back home and etransfer it to a companion I'm booking a date with in the future A rambling RG
  11. Coronavirus live updates: My wife carried wipes and we didn't 'speak moistly', Scheer says of full plane ride https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/coronavirus-live-updates-covid19-covid-19-quarantine
  12. At times like this I'm glad I'm (almost) bald...bit of hair on the side thats it. 🙂 But I'm looking forward to getting together with friends (did it with our weekly breakfast out) so looking forward to breakfast out too (in fact under normal circumstances I'd be there now) And of course getting together with a couple companions, well three to be exact...at least this time period allows me to send one of the lady's pre-payment to her (the other two have been paid)...not to mention (I actually hope this doesn't happen) if this drags on can plan for a fourth etc date A rambling while icing my knee (f*ck it hurts) RG
  13. https://globalnews.ca/news/6810934/rapid-covid19-test-approved-health-canada/ RG
  14. Just got my package from Amazon. A cane (need it till surgery done on knee...btw f*ck my knee hurts) and four movie dvds. Kinda sucks needing a cane and surgeries (unless absolute emergency...mine isn't) on hold because of COVID. So what sucks is being in a position needing a cane right now. Highlights of the Day is my DVD came in. Not to mention both were due on Wednesday so early delivery too. And since I paid for them already, not 100% sure if I'm double counting as last thing purchased. Finally they came in a "Beatrix" size box so should this be in the Dogs Vs Cats Thread. So Beatrix Kiddo is in this post...not in the Dogs Vs Cats thread A rambling about not much at all really But I have pictures RG
  15. Actually I'm laughing at the birthday one but I can understand and relate, my birthday plans this year (a date) got postponed because of this f*cking g*dd*mned COVID 19 However once the crisis has passed...I know it may be many months...it's speculation right now I have a raincheque birthday date (paid for already) plus two other dates (one paid and one first payment to the companion next week) to look forward too In the meantime....wait LOL RG
  16. Coronavirus: All CERB claims to be approved, feds will check eligibility later https://globalnews.ca/news/6804623/coronavirus-all-cerb-applications-approved/ No I'm not encouraging those ineligible to apply...just passing along a news story about the CERB claims so those eligible can expect it easier to get. Those ineligible don't apply because the feds will come after you later RG
  17. Damn forgot it was Easter Weekend in my planning...means my weekly trip out for groceries next week won't be on Monday but on Tuesday. Yes I know I can grocery shop on Monday but next week I also have to do some banking (transfer funds for etransfer...can't do it on line at home) and part b of things that suck...a kitten named Beatrix who thinks it's ok to walk across the keyboard and turn my computer off in the middle of me making this post LOL It means I'm incarcerated with my cellmate Beatrix Kiddo untill 8am Tuesday RG
  18. I mentioned on "Tips On Keeping Sane" thread about planning (date wise) for the future. Well this morning woke up to a lovely email from a companion I contacted yesterday and she said yes!!!..😊 Once this COVID 19 is over I have a third date to schedule with another beautiful companion. Now this weekend I'll be checking (but not reserving) hotels and restaurants (helps to keep sane during this time but also adds to the highlight of the day) and Tuesday I go to the bank to transfer funds to etransfer money to this lady as first installment for our date I know a mouthful but while I'm socially isolated at least I'm keeping sane (well some might disagree LOL) and looking forward to a third date in the future A happy rambling RG
  19. Use this time to plan for the future...date wise that is. I just contacted a companion (well two companions, one for a reference😉) and sent her screening/verification information and once this COVID 19 crisis is over I'm going to book a date with her. Bonus is that during this "quiet" time I can pay her, her rate (assuming I pass screening LOL) so when date night comes the only money (OK a bit more for hotel, dinner and incidentals) RG is taking to the big city of T.O. is a tip and gift. Not to mention I have two other dates to re-schedule once COVID 19 is over with. The planning and budgeting for dates, one with a new lady and two with ladies I've seen before helps keep me on track. Just got to avoid Amazon LOL RG
  20. Don't know if it belongs in last thing purchased thread or this one but I ordered a cane on Amazon because my left knee hurts (like on a scale of 1-10 it fluctuates 7-9) and exercises don't help left knee anymore (right knee touch wood feels OK) With COVID 19 they don't want to do surgery and frankly I don't want surgery done now under current situation. So to help me walk I'm resorting to a cane...but f*ck besides the pain I feel old and kinda crippled too So having to purchase a cane is more a thing that sucks The only bright side in this is (I hope) it's a temporary measure and I'll get surgery in the future RG
  21. There are agencies that are doing what they can to help SW during this time. This thread is to list any organizations and their sites that offer support. One I'm familiar with is Maggie's in Toronto https://www.maggiesto.org/ and their donation link for the COVID 19 fund https://www.maggiesto.org/covid19 Other cities may have similar sites doing similar work, and if you are able maybe donate to one (or maybe more) of them. As they say every little bit helps RG
  22. Stuck Home Watching "Tiger King" 🤢 I'd rather get COVID 19 LOL So far neither one has happened RG
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