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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well stress isn't good, I'm dealing with it from another angle (not work). That said there is something else to try, it might help. L-argenine Here's a thread on it I started awhile back http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=98245&highlight=l-argenine Something else, just a thought, but don't view time the time spent with MA's and SP's a waste because of no erections. Companionship and intimacy is, and this is JMHO, more than sex. Maybe book a longer encounter, time to just relax with the lady and see where it goes. Maybe a longer less rushed encounter could help Good luck RG
  2. Never had the opportunity to try a truffle...the real ones. But I'd give one a try if the opportunity arose And years ago I did have caviar, supposedly the real deal, my recollection very salty tasting. The chopped onions and sour cream that was served with them I guess were to cut the saltiness. My opinion didn't see what all the hype was about. If they were served somewhere again sure I'd eat some, but I wouldn't go out of my way to eat them RG
  3. I scheduled a three hour encounter with Kylie, her Champagne Date a while back for Friday Jan 17, 2014. My date with Kylie was my first encounter since August 30, 2013, and seeing her was a Great Way!!! to start off 2014. For those who have seen her photos on her website, all I can say is they are not accurate, Kylie is even much more beautiful in person. Not only beautiful but down to earth too. Kylie arrived at my hotel room on time. We sat down getting caught up on old times, things going on in her life, things going on in mine, and shared common interests, which includes of all things, fishing. As our relaxed evening progressed she said I needed to be pampered. And with that she went to the bathroom, and came out wearing nothing but bra and panties, looking very much like a underwear model on a photo shoot. We hugged and kissed and, well she no longer looked like an underwear model, but she looks beautiful. We went to the bed and I was pampered. That beautiful Goddess pampered me. And I pampered her back. There was a lot of pleasant pampering going on that night, not just pleasant, but unrushed too. Details of the pampering are a private matter however, and will remain just between Kylie and myself What followed the pampering? We laid in bed, kissing and cuddling, and just talking. Unfortunately time did run out, and Kylie had to say goodbye. Our encounter was a wonderful way to begin 2014. This is my second time seeing Kylie and I would definitely see her again. By the same token I have no hesitation recommending her to gentlemen looking for a companion to see Kylie, thank you for a wonderful second date. And thank you for the unrushed encounter And for any gentlemen looking for a wonderful companion to see, if they are in Toronto, give Kylie a call.
  4. Happy Birthday Old Dog Have a Great Bacon Filled Day RG
  5. Well not a geography of the hobby per se, but some things do bring up memories of this lifestyle 1. When I see a Victoria's Secret ad on tv, one lady pops to mind immediately. 2. chocolate, shortbreads, and more chocolates :-)...nuff said, it's my memory :-) 3. Everyone is going to shake their heads now, but Prince William, Kate Middleton the Duke and Duchess of York and the royal baby. Any mention of them brings a special memory, that has nothing to do with them in the least...now everyone is wondering what the hell has RG been smoking LOL 4. And yes, there are a couple hotels I've driven by, look at them and fondly think back to wonderful encounters I've had 5. And when I go to a hotel for civilian purposes, I assess the hotel if it would be good for encounters A rambling RG
  6. Belated Birthday Wishes Vitto Hope you had a Great Birthday RG
  7. My one and thus far only ménage developed uniquely (well maybe unique, I don't know) It's a bit of a story. It began in my early days of this lifestyle when I was a wet behind the ears newbie. My first three encounters were less than spectacular to be nice, but I my forth encounter was with Lonna Lux, and I was blown away (no pun intended). It wasn't a good encounter, it was a great encounter, so great I scheduled an appointment with her for my second encounter in two months time (for me that's quick planning) Meanwhile I was on CERB reading posts and looking at profiles and another lady caught my eye, Emily In Toronto. You all know her now as Emily Rushton. I contacted her and she told me of her requirements for a reference along with verification/screening. I emailed Lonna asking if she would provide me with a reference, and she did. Almost a hiccup, was Emily didn't know of Lonna, but I did also provide a website link so Emily knew Lonna was a bona fide companion. Anyhow that's how I got to meet Emily, another great companion Keep in mind Emily and Lonna only knew one another through the emails about giving me a reference, that's all, they never met in person. And during that time period and subsequently I saw Lonna regularly and I saw (and see) Emily regularly. Then at the Ottawa Christmas social a couple years ago (I wasn't there, I've heard this second hand) some ladies got together, including Emily and Lonna. They introduce one another, and something clicked, and Emily goes "your RG's reference" or words to that effect. Emily emailed me afterwards saying she met Lonna and knows why I like her. I told Lonna and she said Emily is a great lady. Then the subject was broached. Lonna asked me if I would ask Emily if they could do a duo together. So "gulp" nervously I emailed Emily, and said Lonna would like to do a duo with you. Emily replied "sure, sounds like fun" Now it took time and scheduling but my ménage a trois virginity was taken by two ladies I knew quite well through our individual intimate encounters. And while Emily and Lonna had never been duo partners before they felt comfortable enough with one another and I guess with me too so we had a ménage. And as sappy as it sounds, there wasn't a client in the hotel room that night, nor were there any SP's, it really was three friends getting together. Footnote, and sort of sad note (for me at least), that was Lonna's last encounter before she retired. But what a lady, she kept our date for the ménage knowing she was retiring. And Emily and I gave her, her retirement gift and a birthday cake. And I was corrupted when the word sploshing was shouted out. No details but chocolate cake never tasted oh so good, and yes there were crumbs left in the bed. Anyhow the purpose of this novel is two ladies you see individually, and who like one another socially but never have been duo partners together, or at all, may be great together. The key in my opinion is trust and everyone is able to be comfortable together intimately A long winded rambling, bringing back very fond memories RG
  8. Congratulations Curious7 on this major milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 contributions RG
  9. I'm just back home from a weekend escape, my first two encounters since August 30, 2013 still feeling great. The highlight of these past two days is seeing Kylie Daniels for a second long overdue encounter and Emily Rushton for (well I've lost count how many encounters) Both Kylie and Emily are wonderful and terrific ladies, seeing them was the highlight of the past two days and I also want to say THANK YOU to both of them for a great weekend Recommendations will be forthcoming this week Kylie and Emily, again THANK YOU :-) RG
  10. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull RG
  11. Well my cat was rescued as a feral kitten from the Human Society. They got him young enough that they tried to adopt him...well he really adopted me LOL. But if the Humane Society couldn't get him adopted he would be fixed and returned to the feral colony so he couldn't reproduce. Most feral cats they do that, fix them and return them to the colony, but in my cat's case, they figured he was still young enough to be adoptable, and he was...and he never has even tried to go outside Don't know if that answers your question Cristy RG
  12. And no matter what, no matter how great and memorable your ménage a trois is, even if well intentioned, don't refer to the two ladies as "the dynamic duo" It is already been taken by these two. We don't think they are referred to that because they offer ménage a trois, but hey, maybe what happened in the Batcave stays in the Batcave. But any lady being compared to these two will likely never talk to you again RG :-)
  13. For A Few Dollars More RG
  14. Gordon Lightfoot The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald RG
  15. Supertramp Breakfast In America http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xso7bm_breakfast-in-america_music RG
  16. Happy Birthday Layla Enjoy your special day RG
  17. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
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