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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. From Russia With Love (jmho but the best James Bond) RG
  2. Congratulations BCguy42 on 500 posts Looking forward to your next 500 posts RG
  3. Congratulation Miquelon on 4000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 4000 posts RG
  4. Congratulations on achieving the 500 post mark Empty83 Looking forward to your next 500 RG
  5. Trying to count out money with help from my cat...nuff said Finally I had to move him to another room and close the door till I was done RG
  6. Second pot of coffee brewing, just back from the bank, surfing CERB, watching tv, and knowing now, just two more sleeps and I'll be on the road to Toronto for the first of two nights with two Goddesses. Not only my first encounters of 2014 this weekend, but the first I've had since the Friday of Labour Day Weekend 2013 RG
  7. Just my experience but shower time was included, well actually two showers, included, but that was because the showers were a spelled out part of the session. And they were both showers for two. Much easier for me to wash the lady's back and vice versa ;-) RG
  8. I do believe how you are treated is reflected in how you treat others The old adage, what goes around comes around That said, for me, the following cities have been the friendliest, Ottawa, Kingston, Peterborough, Belleville, Trenton, Toronto, Hamilton, London(Ont), St Johns NB, Halifax...and why, I for the most part have a smile on my face and treat others the way I'd like to be treated. It's not the cities, it how you treat people...JMHO of course RG
  9. Don't know who she is, but maybe contact her and ask her what her name is so you can read her CERB recommendations. Best I can suggest Good Luck RG
  10. Like OD says "who cares" There are many companions who will want to see you and some who won't want to see you. So see a companion who wants to see you. And there are many companions out there who would be happy to see you. Don't worry about those ladies who don't want to see you. Don't worry about her reasons for her boundaries, be they age restrictions or other boundaries. It doesn't matter, they are her boundaries and she is entitled to them. Just see a companion, and there are a lot of them, who would be very happy to see you. And again, as OD says, "everyone is satisfied in one way or another" A rambling RG
  11. Quantum Of Solace (James Bond) RG
  12. Moonraker (from the dark days of James Bond...the Roger Moore era :-( ) RG
  13. When I saw my first, and thus far only MA my two hour massage was a very unrushed two hour massage. She was not a clock watcher at all, not to mention she provided a great massage RG
  14. Well I also wouldn't do it, and I also wouldn't dunk my balls in Neet LOL :icon_eek: And I agree with the adage never say never. My point is only that comparing shaving down there with bleaching anal tissue, jmho, but its apples and oranges, one is grooming and one is applying a chemical to tissues. Just my opinion RG :-)
  15. Keep in mind shaving down below, well anywhere for that matter is grooming...if one didn't shave, or cut their hair they would look like the shaggy dog LOL And shaving down there is to make activities palatable for lack of a better word...who wants hair in their mouth But bleaching, we are talking about applying a chemical to tissue because one doesn't like looking at the natural appearance of the tissue. And I'm sure bleach was never intended to be applied to the anus or genital area Just my two cents RG
  16. Just finished dinner, dishes soaking, watching tv (Law & Order) and surfing CERB...in an hour I'll do the dishes then have a decaf coffee and desert (fresh pineapple) RG
  17. My first reaction, WTF is anal bleaching!!!...:icon_eek: Second reaction, bleach is for laundry, not the anus RG
  18. I certainly understand and respect your viewpoint Dave. But you can if you so choose write recommendations while still keeping intimate details of the encounter private, just a shared memory between you and the lady you saw. Even a simple "I saw this lady on this date. She arrived on time. Her photos are accurate. We had a good time. I would see her again" that suffices, and no details are revealed. And at least for me, I always with every recommendation I've written, I let the lady see it first, before I even post. That way if there is something in the reco she doesn't want included or no reco at all, then it stays out or no reco is posted And a recommendation doesn't say who is best. It is you writing about an encounter with one particular lady at one specific point in time, that's all. I am of the view a recommendation serves three purposes, at least from my vantage point. First it is a public thank you to the lady for a great encounter. Second, it may help the lady in her business, she may (I emphasize may) get a client or more that otherwise wouldn't have seen her and third, the opposite side of number two, maybe some other gentlemen will see a great lady that they otherwise wouldn't have seen. Anyhow, not telling you what to do, you have to do what you are comfortable doing. Just throwing in my two cents A rambling RG
  19. Although I'm single here's my take. My first couple of encounters, well I thought what is so great about this lifestyle (one reason I now avoid sites like CL and a Toronto based site that rhymes with CERB ;-) ) But then my forth encounter, WOW!!! and fifth WOW!!! and so on and so on and so on. The ladies provide more than just sex, they provide companionship. And it takes a very special lady that can provide intimacy, companionship and sex to a man on the very first date without strings attached. It has an intangible value far exceeding any donation asked. Seeing companions has brightened my life. I enjoy the company of the ladies I see now far more than any ladies I saw (ex-fiancé included) back in my conventional dating days. So to all the ladies I have seen, or will see, thank you A rambling RG
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