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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. http://www.thebeaverton.com/science-a-tech/item/1104-new-3d-printing-innovations-will-finally-allow-people-to-have-sex-with-themselves
  2. Raiders Of The Lost Ark RG
  3. The Magnificent Seven RG
  4. The Hitman 1991 starring Chuck Norris RG
  5. Next Friday is my first encounter of 2014 and first encounter since the Friday of Labour Day Weekend 2013 :-) RG
  6. Just knowing a week from today is my first encounter of 2014 to be followed the next day by a second encounter And both encounters are with Goddesses, and I know they will be memorable encounters Counting down the days now :-) RG
  7. Definitely Tracie is a valued member of this community Thanks Tracie RG
  8. http://www.torontosun.com/2014/01/09/york-u-prof-wont-let-male-student-opt-out-of-working-with-female-classmates
  9. A Timmies for my ride back home today RG
  10. Z is for Zero Dark Thirty RG
  11. "Jack. This is where we first met" That has to be one of the stupidest movie quotes ever...the Titanic is sinking, and that is what the girl has to say. How that movie ever floated (pun intended) I don't know Never saw the movie before and ran through the channels tonight, Titanic was on that was the scene...stupid for me watching, 30 seconds of my life I'll never get back RG :-)
  12. Planned...something to look forward too This beautiful winter or any other season RG
  13. Steak...Porterhouse yummmmmm Christmas/New Years Holidays....or things back to normal RG
  14. W is for White House Down RG
  15. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/vagina-as-holster-675432
  16. Well maybe I'm confused. If I were in a relationship I would be monogamous and likewise expect my SO to be monogamous. I always was when dating and in relationships But one thing about this lifestyle, which has replaced dating for me, is the poly amorous nature of it. Everyone, ladies and gents alike can enjoy seeing more than partner be it SP or Client, no guilt, no strings, no complications And I could not envision going back to dating now because I couldn't be in a monogamous relationship after being in this poly amorous lifestyle. But if I should go back to dating and a relationship I would be monogamous and I would expect my SO to be monogamous as well Is that confused or what? :-) RG
  17. Surfing CERB, checking emails, watching tv (Pawn Stars) and counting down that a week from tomorrow I head to Toronto for two days and two escapes with two great Goddesses RG
  18. Unfortunately when things are ready for change it will be too little too late. Whether in civilian dating life or this lifestyle, one cannot repeatedly stand up a lady on a scheduled date/encounter and expect that she will keep coming back in the hopes of a future date/encounter A rambling RG
  19. Congratulations Metalsmith on your very first milestone Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  20. I guess, in my mind's eye, the word cheating, in itself has to it a judgement laden overtone as well as being an accurate word...but then it seems all words used have an undertone of judgement to them. My only point is I don't judge even though using the words, we don't know another's relationship, experience and so on Me I don't judge even though in my posts I use terms that do have a judgement laden overtone to them, but only because I don't know of any judgement neutral phrases. RG
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