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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Jessica FYI you don't have to be first to nominate a post, if there is a post you feel deserves and is worthy of nomination just click on the Nominate Post icon. Your nomination is noted at the bottom of the post. For information Thanks RG
  2. I'm in agreement with you, if I were in a relationship I wouldn't be here either. But this lifestyle for me has become my social/dating life if you will. Now that said, I don't know what I'd do if I were in a relationship, but the sex/intimacy were gone, would I seek companionship outside the relationship, be it through this lifestyle, or an affair...I don't know. And as much right as a woman has to decide whether to have sex or not, she doesn't have the right to impose a celibate life on her husband/boyfriend, and if he is denied intimacy in his relationship, he will seek it out elsewhere I also know how I felt when my fiancé (well ex fiancé) showed up pregnant with another man's child, wondering if we were still going to be married... cheating has one perspective when you are doing the cheating, a completely different one when you are the one cheated on (sorry for using judgment laden term...not really intended) Hence why I don't judge, everyone's relationship and life experience is unique. RG
  3. I understand your frustration, my last time seeing a lady was Friday night of Labour Day Weekend...my honeymoon with my wife Gabriella. Companionship is very much needed, life is all the more stressful without it That's why I'm counting the days, a week and half left :-) and I have two encounters with two Goddesses RG
  4. Everyone should give Thanks, Rep Points and/or Nominations to those they feel deserve and earned it...not to mention their support to other members they feel deserve it. It all fits in with the community nature of CERB and keeps this a positive board RG
  5. When family members drop in unannounced for a visit for the afternoon The one time that knock on the door is not a good thing Oh well, got taken out for dinner and now they are gone...but next time, call first RG
  6. Well first not passing judgements, no one here knows anyone's relationship...but here are some spitballed thoughts. Do you keep your activities secret from your SO or are you open with her about them...if secret you know in your own mind it would be viewed as cheating How would a guy feel if his SO saw male escorts as frequently as you see female escorts How do you handle the issue of testing for STI/STDs...if in a relationship do you tell your SO she should also be tested, and if so do you explain why? Also a question, while you accept the risks (and use risk reduction ie condoms) did your SO also agree to accept those risks because of your activities? If the partner of someone who has activities in this lifestyle because you don't provide him a sex life, while you have a right to no longer have sex do you have the right to deprive your husband/boyfriend of a sex life and do you think he will agree to be celibate and stay with you Some quick thoughts, no judgements though RG
  7. It is unfortunate that the gentlemen of Moncton won't have such a great lady come to visit anymore. But as anyone who has had encounters with Emily will attest, she is well worth a drive to one of the other NB cities she travels too. And its really not all that far for Moncton guys to drive to the other NB cities (I've driven longer distances in Ontario just for a few unforgettable hours with Emily) and she really is a lady worth seeing, and worth the drive Good luck Emily RG
  8. Went to cash in some change I collected today...well it added up to $50.00 :-) Then went to the pharmacy and picked up my prescription...turned out being the start of the new year my deductible for my group medical due...$50.00 :-(...can't get ahead sometimes it seems Not to mention this friggin cold weather...winter sucks RG
  9. My condolences to you and your family RG
  10. Macaroni and Cheese using five year old cheddar RG
  11. You know Old Dog just might be reading this now LOL RG
  12. You could check the lady's website (if she has one) and see if she has a section on gifts. That would give you an idea of what to bring. A safe alternate to flowers is a gift card and is thoughtful. Good Luck RG
  13. Foot massage, because you have two feet and ten toes and can see the lady, but only one back and are face down and can't see the lady GFE, PSE or fifteen minute quickie or thirty minute quickie (there, four to chose from) RG
  14. Although myself I haven't given flowers as a gift (not to say I don't give gifts, just not flowers) giving gifts IMHO is a thoughtful act for a client to do for a lady. Myself I give a gift and tip. It has nothing to do with an expectation of extras or curry favours. What it has to do with is it's a token of appreciation for the companionship a lady provides...and that companionship has a intangible value far exceeding the donation the lady asks for. So give the lady flowers (if she isn't allergic to flowers) as a gift. It's a thoughtful act if given as a gift and just as a gift My two cents RG
  15. Well this old guy is good once if all you measure an encounter by is SOG. But I like longer encounters (like now three or four hours) It isn't for MSOG. It is for companionship. Take time in between for kissing, cuddling and conversation. JMO but sex with someone you spent time getting to know is much more enjoyable than an anonymous encounter (now that may just be me) and kissing, cuddling and conversation allows for that. And if MSOG is important to you in an encounter, first let the lady know ahead of time, and then book encounters of a longer time to allow for recovery and kissing, cuddling, and conversation time Don't know if that helps Good luck A morning rambling RG
  16. While I'll say again, don't tell your SO the gritty details of things done, one absolute no matter what, DON'T EVER TELL HER THE NAMES OF THE LADIES YOU SAW. The ladies are discrete, you should be too The companions you saw weren't the cause of what you are going through now and don't deserve to be drawn into this. Your SO, if she found out may be vindictive to them. This is between you and your SO, nobody else Unless too late, clear your browsing history on your computer and wipe your phone logs and contacts on your cell phone. And a word to the wise, for those with SO's, clear your browsing history on your computer after each use and phone logs and contacts on your phone Good Luck An early morning rambling RG
  17. http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-57616630-71/canadas-ex-defense-minister-aliens-would-give-us-more-tech-if-wed-stop-wars/ In case those on CERB don't know, Paul Hellyer was Canada's Minister of Defence who's major claim to fame was unification of the Canadian Armed Forces RG
  18. When I lost my virginity ;-) with Megan (Megan's Touch) she provided a great before and after shower for two. And as for my virginity, that's my erotic massage virginity that I lost that night in Kingston. Until then I had never had an erotic massage BTW she's a great MA just in case anyone is interested A fond recollection and rambling RG
  19. Up late but now I'm thinking about tomorrow...either meat lovers pizza from the take out up the street or get a taco kit and tacos...if tacos better make sure I have tabasco sauce, I don't find the sauce in the kits hot enough RG
  20. As one who does go to Toronto (one of my favourite cities) some recommendations Emily Rushton (she tours but Toronto is one of the cities she visits-I believe she is going to be coming to Toronto in the near future, check her website) is a great companion. She has recos across Canada, and specifically Toronto, Kingston and London by me Kylie Daniels is also a great companion. She has recos in Toronto I don't know if she is still retired but if not I had a good encounter with Jordan Hahn a couple years ago. She too has a reco in Toronto This lady I add the caveat I have yet to see her although I am planning to see her this year, (I have already been screened/verified for an encounter with her) That lady is Charlotte Mae You might want to contact her. And I believe a reco has been recently written on her too A few ladies for you to consider RG
  21. Congratulations Cristy on 2000 contributions Enjoy reading what you have to say, looking forward to the next 2000 RG
  22. Congratulations Phaedrus on 4000 posts Always enjoy reading your contributions, looking forward to your next 4000 posts RG
  23. If you book an encounter, keep it. Don't book an encounter with a lady and be a no show. And if you know you can't make it (life does happen) let the lady know as soon as possible so she can reschedule. For us gentlemen, this lifestyle is an escape, for the ladies their livelihood, and a no show for a lady is a loss of income (for some ladies it can be a substantial loss of income), she could have used that time for another client. If you have to last minute cancel on a lady, then be a gentleman, pay her a cancellation fee. Before writing and posting a recommendation let the lady read it first. There may be something you wrote she'd rather not have posted for public viewing (for example encounters are both YMMV and she may do things for you based on your existing personal SP/Client relationship that she may not do for other clients) She doesn't need other clients expecting that she will do the same for them A couple more RG
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