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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Nicolette on 7000 posts Always enjoy reading what you have to say RG
  2. Seems appropriate given the thread A Seinfeld episode for every occasion RG
  3. Well my quick two cents from a single guy. Tell her everything you remember without the details, and JMHO, don't research because you don't remember. Just tell her what you remember...with this caveat. Ask yourself, do you want to continue in this lifestyle or do you want to save your relationship. If you know you are going to continue on in this lifestyle no matter what, let your SO know. No one knows anyone else's relationship but you shouldn't continue if you know it will hurt your SO and you wish to remain married. It really is your choice...this lifestyle or your relationship, and which is most important to you. But if you chose this lifestyle let your SO know so she can decide what she wants to do. Irrespective of your enjoyment of this lifestyle, she doesn't deserve to be hurt anymore, and she is hurt. Good Luck RG
  4. My condolences jafo. Having a parent passing away is tough Take Care RG
  5. Just because a lady has posted her days and hours of availability doesn't mean she is sitting right by her phone all dressed up ready for an encounter. She needs time to get ready for a scheduled encounter..."right now" is not a scheduled encounter. Think about it, a lady may advertise hours from hypothetically speaking 10am to 10pm. Should she get ready for 10am and just wait,the only client of the day that day comes at 9pm...wouldn't you prefer if she is freshly showered for an encounter, just the same as the lady doesn't just prefer, but demands her clients be freshly showered/brushed teeth well you get the idea A rambling RG
  6. Well my face hasn't seen a razor now for two and a half weeks. And what is on my face well it is thicker than just a day or two of growth but not beard thick if that is making sense How long does it take for a beard/moustache to fully come in? Will it get softer Won't ask about the itching, that has stopped :-) At what point do you know whether to keep trying or get a razor and take it off A rambling from an unshaven RG
  7. First was the easy decision, stay inside today My second pot of coffee is brewing, I'm surfing CERB and answering emails, and watching Terminator Salvation (damn daytime tv sucks LOL) RG
  8. Not so much a resolution since I started last year, but continue my diet/exercise routine. I'll say it's hard to exercise (walking) when it's bitter cold out and the sidewalks are still ice covered and dangerous to walk on And for those ladies I postponed on last year due to family circumstances, I'm going to reconnect with them this year...I have two reconnections scheduled with two great ladies in two weeks...2014 is off to a great start RG
  9. Just a dumb question, well questions. First what is the definition of high volume and low volume Two, hypothetically speaking, is a companion who sees two one hour encounters in a day higher volume than a companion who sees one four hour a day. In other words is it the number of clients seen in a day or the number of hours a single client is seen that matters And how do we really know what the lady's volume of clients is...not to mention, and JMO, is it anyone's business except the lady's. All that matters to me is the connection I have with a lady, not how many clients she has A rambling RG
  10. I was going to say groceries but I just received an email confirming my internet bill for January has been paid...so I guess paying for my internet for January was the last thing I purchased RG
  11. Well the ladies I want to see, I'll keep to myself till time to write a recommendation. But my wish is to connect and reconnect with those ladies that I had to postpone with last year due to family circumstances Two reconnections are in two weeks time :-) and I'm going to connect with a lady I have wanted to see for a long time in February. And I'm planning out the next few months of 2014 :-) It's starting off to be a Happy New Year RG
  12. T is for "In two more weeks I begin two thousand and fourteen (2014) with two encounters with two terrific ladies in Toronto" RG
  13. My first instinct is that her restriction is likely discriminatory and racist. But I'm not one hundred percent sure it's racist, she may have a perfectly valid reason for such a restriction, one we don't know. Is her restriction any more discriminatory than a companion who sees gentlemen over a certain age but refuses to see men under a certain age...isn't that age discrimination, prohibited under the Canadian Human Rights Act? Some companions see only men, isn't that discrimination based on sex, also under the Canadian Human Rights Act since the companion refuses to see women Or a companion, this kind of relates to the previous point, who will only engage in conventional heterosexual encounters, refusing any encounters that may involve women or transsexuals or, well you get the idea. Isn't that discrimination based on sexual orientation under the Canadian Human Rights Act too The fact is in this lifestyle, due to it's very intimate nature, ladies are entitled to have boundaries which must be respected. Comparisons to other professions and businesses just cannot be made. No court or human rights tribunal will compel (not that I'm a lawyer) a companion to have sex with a man she doesn't want to see. After all, and just my opinion, but a companion forced to have sex with someone she doesn't want to be with would violate her rights even more than a companion deciding who she wants and doesn't want to see. And if we're playing hypotheticals here, if she could be legally forced to see a man she doesn't want to see, couldn't she have legal recourse after seeing the man to comply with a court's decision, and charge him with sexual assault, and his lawyers, the human rights tribunal or courts as accessories. Offensive as her restriction may be, the only solution I can see is for potential clients to express their disapproval by not seeing her, and see other companions instead. So instead of dwelling on her restriction, move on, there are many other companions out there who would be happy to have an encounter with you, where she wouldn't be A rambling RG
  14. Thawing out Just back from the grocery store, goddamn cold out, going to pour a hot pot of coffee over me to warm up LOL RG
  15. I like Tracie for her contributions to this community, and how she notices and acknowledges other's milestones on CERB RG
  16. Congratulations Excaliber on 2000 posts Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  17. Brothers Can't Be Trusted And Can Be Vengeful Too-The Godfather Fredo (the older brother) betrayed the family (and Michael the younger brother) and Michael exacted his vengeance by having Fredo killed Watch Out For Short Guys They Can Be Violent and Psychotic-Casino and Goodfellas Joe Pesci's characters in Casino and Goodfellas, lets just say he had more than just a bad mood LOL RG
  18. Yes a Very Happy Birthday to you all Enjoy your special day and a Happy New Year to you too :-) RG
  19. And a lady advertising her availability as (hypothetically speaking here) 10am to 10pm Monday to Saturday doesn't mean she is seeing clients 12 hours a day 6 days a week, just that those are her hours of availability, that's all. RG
  20. Is there bus or train service available? Do a Google search, you might find affordable transportation I think a four hour cab ride would be pricey though RG
  21. About to depart the computer (just temporarily, I'm not leaving CERB ;-) ) and go to the kitchen and cook my New Years Eve dinner...kinda going off my diet tonight RG
  22. Something else to consider, you could travel to the city she is touring at and see her there. I know being from smalltown Ontario I have to travel, to Ottawa, to Kingston, to Toronto, to Hamilton and to London to have encounters. I thought of it originally as an inconvenience but now I look at it as a chance to experience the companionship of more ladies, and not be restricted to one city A rambling RG
  23. Wishing everybody a Happy New Year Goodbye and good riddance to 2013, Here's hoping for a better and brighter 2014. And my 2014 is already looking bright with two encounters in January with two great ladies RG
  24. It's really not for me about high versus low volume. It's about the connection/chemistry the lady and I have. Or in the case of a first encounter, the connection I think we may have (based on the lady's posts, CERB profile, website) In terms of scheduling an encounter, high versus low volume isn't an issue for me anyway, as I need to plan my dates a few months ahead due to where I live. So it is just as easy for me to schedule a date with a companion who is low volume as one who is high volume A rambling RG
  25. Wishing you all the best in 2014 and your future Good luck RG
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