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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I'll use this, my real 10,000th post to thank everyone. First thanks to Tracie for noticing and starting this thread. And thank you to everyone else for your comments. It is very much appreciated. And looking at the stats, I find it very humbling seeing the other posters and contributors, and knowing I'm on the same list. Especially knowing that if it wasn't for the music threads and game threads, I wouldn't have made it to 10,000 posts Again, thank you everyone RG
  2. Guys, something else you can do if you would like to see a touring lady is pay her a deposit if you would like her to visit Bathurst. That would show her you are serious about seeing her And one more thing, if Emily is planning to tour to your city, or you'd like her to tour your city book an encounter with her. She is a great lady and a wonderful companion. And an encounter with her is one you won't forget, in fact it will be not just a memory, but memorable too. A morning rambling RG
  3. Coffee's brewing, just had my yogurt, surfing CERB, checking emails, and psyching myself up to go out for a walk today (the temp has dropped, it's cold out compared to the previous couple days) RG
  4. Maybe it isn't discussed here because it is illegal and also against CERB policies. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_streetwalkers Unless there is another reason to bring up the topic RG
  5. Well a special memory still fresh in my mind . The family got together for Christmas dinner and gift exchange as we usually do every year. That's normal and nothing special, well worded wrong, it's special in that the family gets together. But there is something that is a very special memory from this Christmas season. First opening my mailbox and receiving a Christmas card from a lady, a card BTW which is being saved. But a few days later I got a notice from Canada Post that there is a package at the Post Office for me. I picked it up to find that this lady also sent me a Christmas present (and I had no willpower, I opened it before Christmas day LOL) I have the gift displayed in my living room, a sentimental daily reminder of her, and what a thoughtful kind lady she is. And although I thanked her privately, and she knows who she is, here is another thank you. That's my special Christmas memory this year A sentimental rambling RG
  6. Back from a walk and grocery shopping. Now having a late lunch, tomato soup and a couple slices of cheese. Then a coffee and desert (fresh berries) all while watching Law and Order CI and surfing CERB RG
  7. Congratulations 2Bigalow and 2DCor on your first milestone Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  8. Normally I wouldn't even speculate on such topic, but this year, well since I had to heavily curtail my dating I can truthfully and thus safely say I had two favourites. My favourite reconnection was with Emily Rushton, a beautiful lady, both inside and out, and a gem. And next year we will be reconnecting again, a few times I hope My favourite companion that I met for the first time is my wife, Gabriella Laurence. Yes my encounter with a lady I met for the first time was none other than with my (virtual) wife, and our encounter a consummation of our marriage. I'm looking forward to next year and seeing her again. A rambling RG
  9. Well I'll take the opinion of a lady who hasn't met me then, do you prefer a man be clean shaven or has a beard/moustache There, your back in LOL RG
  10. Algonquin...hear the fishing is good up there Me clean shaven or should I grow a beard/moustache (need opinions of those who have seen me) Don't know if I should shave or let it continue to grow...but god it's itchy right now RG
  11. Man's best friend is the gift bag Do you prefer to reflect on the past or plan (and hopefully look forward to) the future RG
  12. Mmmmmm to mashed potatoes Given it is the holiday season Do you prefer giving or receiving gifts RG
  13. Good luck in your future Castle And a hiatus from CERB and this lifestyle doesn't mean a door is closed...you'd always be welcomed here Again, good luck And I'll use this post to also wish you a Happy New Year RG
  14. Forgot one thing. Make sure you have an unblocked phone number...good idea is getting yourself a cell phone. For most people involved in this lifestyle, a separate cell phone devoted to just this lifestyle is what is required An afterthought RG
  15. Read the lady's website, the whole website. Don't just stop at her photos Her website will tell you everything you need to know to have an encounter with her Always, always follow the lady's booking procedures to a T. If she likes email, then email, don't text or PM or phone, if she prefers PM, then don't text or phone...well you get the idea Make sure you don't eat offensive foods (ie garlic, onion) before a date And certain foods, such as pineapple are good to eat a day or two before a date Hygiene, make sure you wash, stem to stern. And not a shower in the morning if your date is at night, maybe an hour before your date. Likewise, make sure you have fresh breath (use mouthwash, gum, mints) (me I chomp on mints all day long, use mouthwash and about 15 minutes before the date, make sure I give a final swish with mouthwash) Never, ever haggle over a lady's rate. Her rate is her rate Don't be a tire kicker, only contact a lady if you are serious about an encounter. Don't email a lady because you get your kicks talking to a lady If an outcall (lady comes to your hotel) make sure your room is well lit, doors open (bathroom, closet etc) A lady on a first encounter may be hesitant to walk into a darkened room even if you think it makes for a romantic mood Leave the donation in an envelope or gift bag in plain site on a table (or pay using email money transfer prior to an encounter). Also a gift and tip are appreciated by a lady Have refreshments available for a lady, be it wine, juice, water etc (you can ask the lady prior to your encounter) But make sure all bottles are sealed and only opened in the lady's presence. Good Luck A rambling RG
  16. Another question, is she expecting you to see her to the exclusion of other companions, and second part of the question, is she willing to just see you to the exclusion of other clients and third part of the question if you are to see her exclusively and she to see you exclusively, do you keep your encounters at the same frequency, or do you need to increase the frequency of encounters (so she doesn't lose income) or do you no longer have encounters anymore...you begin to date, date in the conventional civilian sense of the word Don't know if that helps or not Good Luck RG
  17. This is a wonderful, one minute clip filmed in Glasgow Full of wisdom. . . . And very brief. It's not a joke, it's not religious, it's not political . It's just . . . Special. I think you'll agree. Please enjoy this one minute clip. It has a meaning for most of us. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=Hzgzim5m7oU&vq=medium
  18. Thanks for that. But at least to me, she isn't so much a professional companion as a con artist who used sex to defraud and con a man. A "lady" like that gives professional companions and this lifestyle a bad name, just like the bad dates a professional companion deals with gives all men and the lifestyle a bad name too If the OP is concerned about something like this happening, couple quick tips. First, use your big head to do your thinking. A companion may really enjoy seeing you as a client...but think about it, if a beautiful woman half your age for example says she loves you, well use your big head. Has something like that ever happened to you in civilian life (I admit I'm assuming it is a case in most cases, of an older man seeing a younger companion) Second, only use disposable income for this lifestyle. Don't use credit (lines of credit, credit cards, worse payday loans etc) taking out second mortgages, cashing in savings etc. Only use that cash money you have available and is disposable for each encounter (not earmarked for bills etc)...at the most you only risk that amount of money used for each encounter. Also, and again using your big head, think, is this lady, or any lady worth risking going broke over and would she love you if you had no money Finally if concerned about falling head over heals in love, see more than one companion, enjoy the poly amorous nature of this lifestyle. Just a few quick thoughts RG
  19. Faked emotional response, darker side???...sorry, maybe I'm misunderstanding your post or maybe I'm dumb, don't know. The ladies don't corner a market by trying to have one client exclusively. A companion's profession is based on ensuring having a broad enough client base to sustain their profession as their livelihood. A connection or chemistry between SP/Client isn't about trying to corner the market either. It just means that irrespective of the SP/Client relationship, which at it's root being a business relationship, the lady likes you and you like her...and intimacy and sex IMHO is so much better with someone you like If a companion doesn't really like you, unless you contact her for a repeat encounter (remember you as a client initiate contact with a lady, not the other way around) she won't see you (unless you are a unsafe/bad client). And even if the companion is an academy award winning actress, and she really doesn't like you, but makes you feel like she likes and wants you, and there is a special chemistry between you and her, then how is that a dark side. She is fulfilling the fantasy role (that some like) that you are desired by a beautiful woman Finally she can't corner the market like you say, unless you allow yourself to be cornered...remember, as I pointed out earlier, you have to book encounters with the lady, not the other way around. But personally, if a lady can corner the market, then that to me means she is a very good companion. That isn't the dark side of the profession. A companion like that to me is the absolute bright side of the profession. I personally have met more than a few ladies who could fall into the category of bright side of this profession, it is just my enjoyment of the poly amorous nature of this lifestyle that precludes me from seeing just one companion exclusively that stops me from being "cornered" But if one of those ladies "cornered" (and cornering would be oh so good) me, well my posts would be in the recommendation threads, not wondering if that is the "dark" side. Like I said, I'm not really sure where you are headed with this thread, but my two cents for what it's worth RG
  20. Just got back home...snowing out. Made sure before I left home for Christmas I stocked up the fridge so I don't have to go out So I'm relaxing in my own recliner, watching tv, surfing CERB, got a pot of coffee brewing and going to have a square from a care package of squares, tarts and a piece of mincemeat pie given to me. Christmas is nice, but it sure is good to be home again RG
  21. Our thoughts, prayers and thanks should go out, First to all the people displaced by the recent ice storms. Imagine spending your holiday with no heat and hydro. And our thanks to all those responding to the aftermath of the ice store, be it hydro workers, some who have come from as far as Manitoba, and Michigan, and emergency workers (EMS, Fire, Police, not to mention hospital) and volunteers. Many of these people giving up their holidays to help others RG
  22. Hard part done...dressing made, turkey prepped, oven warming up, in it goes at noon Taking a break, then peel potato's for the mashed potato's RG
  23. Having my second coffee. Waiting for the rest of the family to show up, and psyching myself up for having to cook the turkey RG
  24. Wishing everyone a Very Merry Christmas Enjoy this special day with family and friends Safe travels for those who find themselves going out And stay warm RG
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