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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. "Enjoying" my breakfast of low fat yogurt, berries and de-caf coffee while watching The Rifleman. Pondering whether my Christmas travel plans should be postponed for one day because of the freezing rain RG
  2. OMG Meg O'Ryan will kill me for not mentioning this show, Bewitched :-) although I still think she looks like Ann Margaret not Elizabeth Montgomery RG
  3. The earliest, well at that age tv was jumbled so no one concise earliest memory...but some from that era The Friendly Giant Hercules (cartoon) Spiderman (cartoon) Bugs Bunny Road Runner Hour (cartoon) Get Smart Batman (the campy one with Adam West) Star Trek RG
  4. Favourite present as a kid Well since I still remember the Christmas present, which I got when I was ten, it was a German Sheppard puppy, came as a complete surprise, a good surprise RG
  5. Me too, that's why I posted "WTF was he thinking" That time he got caught, but how many times has he done it and not been caught RG
  6. My CERB Goddess of the Day today is Emily Rushton. You may ask why she is my CERB Goddess of the Day, when I have mentioned her twice in this thread already, both on her own, and combined with Lonna Lux. In previous mentions in this thread though, my focus was more on Emily as a great companion and contributor to CERB. But in posting in another thread, Reflections on 2013, a year overall which has been a bad year for me, I realized how much of a friend Emily has been and is. She deserves, in my honest opinion, to be my CERB Goddess of the Day not because she is a great companion (she is that BTW) nor because she is a great contributor to CERB (she is that too BTW) but because she has become a good friend, as good as the friends I have in civilian life. Emily is a beautiful person, both inside and out, a real gem. And she is my CERB Goddess of the Day today Thank You Emily
  7. http://www.ottawasun.com/2013/12/19/man-caught-masturbating-while-texting-and-driving WTF was he thinking. Shouldn't be texting and driving, but texting, driving and masturbating at the same time!!!...what was he thinking RG
  8. Checking emails, surfing CERB, watching Ice Pilots NWT, and having my morning decaf coffee and a breakfast of low fat yogurt and fresh fruit Bracing myself for a walk to the bank, weather not so good out...freezing rain, might have a second, even a third cup of decaf before I go out LOL RG
  9. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=b22_1387460813 :-) more appreciated if you have seen this thread http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=156987&highlight=Damme
  10. Which board? This board which as the Mod just said, doesn't do reviews, it does recommendations, a big difference. So which board are you referring to in being cautious about the reviews RG
  11. Got to give credit not only to the Pilots, Crew and SAR Techs in the helicopter for their amazing rescue of the crane operator, but also to Kingston Fire Department for containing a fire which could easily have spread and the police department which helped control and evacuate the scene. RG
  12. Tony Orlando and Dawn Tie A Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mRrFx1oBMY RG
  13. 2013 has been a year I hope never to repeat 2013 saw dad dying (and then passing away) from cancer (leukemia, lung and bone cancer). To call cancer a horrible disease is an understatement. Mom has been diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's earlier this year. Without details, because of something my family did, it literally turned my life upside down. Things are still kinda strained in our family, it was close to being estranged between me and my family. And the outcome of what they did I won't know till May 2014 I had to heavily curtail my participation in this lifestyle this year due to family circumstances. I hated doing it but had to postpone many encounters. But I appreciate the ladies for their understanding. There were some positives. First, after three years past the expiry date, our contract finally got settled. Mind you, it was settled in July, and we still haven't seen it on our paycheque, nor the back pay, or the payout of severance pay...should come in Feb 2014...boy the government sure moves slowly Second positive, while I had to heavily curtail my participation in this lifestyle, I did have two memorable encounters, I reconnected with Emily Rushton, and I finally got to consummate my marriage with Gabriella Laurence But in this whole year the one real good that stands out, and I won't forget it. One lady and companion, well she is much more than a companion, she is a friend. She has been very supportive this past year, much more so than can be expected in an SP/Client relationship. This lady is beautiful, both inside and out and has a heart of gold. She is Emily Rushton. Emily, thank you, your support and friendship over this past year is appreciated RG
  14. K is for Kissing and Cuddling RG
  15. Big fire in Kingston. Search and Rescue helicopter save a stranded crane operator http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/crane-operator-saved-from-fire-in-kingston-ont-1.2467711
  16. I'll offer a second for Meg And also mention Mature Angela too RG
  17. Having my morning coffee, low fat yogurt and banana, watching Ice Pilots NWT, surfing CERB and thinking about a month from today, when I get to re-connect with two great ladies RG
  18. Well I'll chime in again. A lady should show her face if and only if she feels comfortable doing so. But if her comfort zone is to not show her face she shouldn't feel pressured nor should she be pressured into showing it That client you might gain by showing your face might also be a one time only client for only a one hour encounter, or worse even a no show...yet your face is on the internet forever. I'm not saying a lady shouldn't show her face. But don't let prospective clients pressure you into showing it when otherwise you wouldn't. Just my two cents worth RG
  19. Congratulations on the 500 post milestone Curious7 Looking forward to your next 500 posts RG
  20. E is for waiting, Expecting the knock on your door RG
  21. Congratulations Brad on achieving this milestone Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  22. For 2013 to end...this year, all in all, has been a bad year, actually it has sucked...not to mention this year the number 13 has proved to be bad. Only two times have stood out as good, my reconnecting with Emily Rushton, and the consummation of my marriage (tongue in cheek, we're not really married) to Gabriella Laurence But I am looking forward to 2014 :-) January I am going to reconnect with two great ladies, Kylie Daniels and Emily Rushton, and February I am going to finally meet Victoria Jolie. Not to mention next year getting to see ladies I had to postpone on this year due to personal family circumstances A morning rambling RG
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