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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Apparently I'm a Logistician too...but I copied off your test paper LOL Seriously, I like my routine (actually need it) have a small group of trusted friends, not a party type person etc. As a retiree any work upsets me now LOL A morning rambling over my first coffee (part of my routine) RG🙂
  2. Guess it counts as a purchase. Made a donation to Maggie's COVID-19 SW Fund Wasn't a lot, what I could afford but if people pitch in to these funds, be it Maggie's in Toronto or a similar such SW organization in another city it could help in these strange unprecedented times RG
  3. Don't think people should get their hopes up for a quick end, it certainly doesn't sound like it'll be over with soon. Canadians can still expect weeks or months of distancing measures, Trudeau says https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-canadians-can-still-expect-weeks-or-months-of-distancing-measures/ RG
  4. Jailer was kind to me today, I got out of the hole (aka social isolation LOL) for some "yard" aka my weekly grocery shopping trip. Decided while out to purchase some gas for the truck. Once home and locked up back in the "hole" LOL I purchased (on line) my Outdoors Card and Fishing Licence RG
  5. Federal COVID-19 benefits could be deposited within 3 to 5 days of applying, Trudeau says https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-updates-canadians-on-covid19-benefits-program-1.5522492
  6. Posted on Twitter, thought I'd post it here. (No I don't take credit for it LOL) RG
  7. Actually did this yesterday but made my truck payment, and paid my Cogeco and Rogers bill so guess it's the last things I bought RG
  8. Well not a video but a couple of Beatrix Kiddo And her mauling of a roll of toilet paper (that was the second roll BTW) was way before the shortage so it can be posted here now LOL. If she did that now it would be a trip back to the shelter for her LOL (I'm just kidding everyone) RG
  9. This is on Twitter but for those not on Twitter but could benefit I copied it and reposted here Hopefully it benefits some people during this crisis And I just did a equivalent of copy/paste, didn't write it myself RG
  10. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/coronavirus-benefit-how-to-apply_ca_5e7d073bc5b6cb9dc19cd1eb https://www.canada.ca/en/department-finance/news/2020/03/introduces-canada-emergency-response-benefit-to-help-workers-and-businesses.html RG
  11. Smalltown Ontario has them...Sobeys has it from 7-8am but no age posted, but Rexall Pharmacy has it 55 and over, from 7-8am. Don't know about No Frills, didn't go there. Most frozen fruit is gone too except frozen mangos and strawberries. I topped up on frozen fruit too. All those cars in town must be outsiders taking that 15-20 minute drive to my rural...well small town LOL. Actually I was the only truck parked on the street (strange) when I went out, and parking lot pretty bare too RG
  12. Got up bright and early today to go out grocery shopping. Got misc. groceries especially the essentials....coffee and beer. And the shelves have been bare of toilet paper the past few times I've been out so today got some TP...now I've got plenty Only part I greet with mixed feelings...senior's hours (when no one else shops) is 7-8am, the one store defines a senior as 55 or older, I'm almost 59, I don't want to be a senior yet LOL I'll still go out 8am or later, 7 is too early RG
  13. Posted this on Twitter but seems appropriate here too under current circumstances. RG
  14. Picked up some groceries...mostly tinned food, frozen food, kitten food and the essentials, coffee and (no alcohol) beer. I could stick it out for two+ weeks if sh*t happens Then picked up another prescription...my bedside table looks like a pharmacy LOL And truck gassed up...so if I'm quarantined I'll be gassed up with nowhere to go LOL RG
  15. https://www.cp24.com/news/travellers-at-pearson-airport-complaining-about-lack-of-covid-19-screening-1.4853799
  16. Cancelling Or Rebooking Your Vacation? Current Policies Of Major Airlines And Hotels https://globalnews.ca/news/6673597/cancelling-vacation-coronavirus/ Since a lot of us use hotels and/or fly thought I'd post this article Kind Of a toss up between posting "In The News" forum or in the "General Discussion" forum...decided to post here RG
  17. Coming back from my mini road trip and someone parked in my spot. It's a clearly marked spot not just with lines but apartment numbers, and a sign clearly indicating this area for tenant parking only, and where guest parking is I pay for the spot, some "guest" (who I found after a bit of a search) decides to make himself at home Should have blocked him in but then I'd block other tenants RG😠
  18. Took a little drive today, went to the cheese factory, bought a bag of curd and couple blocks of cheese (10 year old cheddar, salsa cheese, and jalapeno and red chilli cheese😈...the jalapeno and red chilli cheese eat at your own risk very hot LOL...but it's yummy RG
  19. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/levesque-murder-parole-prison-gallese-1.5485622 Might want to read (if you haven't already) this thread awhile back
  20. Actually should have posted yesterday that's when I made the purchases. Gassed Up The Truck Coffee and (no alcohol) Beer...the two daily essentials of life☕🍺 Then logged on Amazon bought a new wallet (my old one is falling apart) and a couple DVD's for my new tv (John Wick 3, The Clint Eastwood Collection-The Good, The Bad The Ugly, For A Few Dollars More and Fistful Of Dollars) And thats it RG
  21. Got the tv, it's installed and OMG the picture...it's night and day compared to my old Samsung. Watching DVD James Bond "From Russia With Love" a 1963 movie...the colours are just vivid on this tv (and blu ray player) Funny thing is how prices came down, I paid close to $1000 for the Samsung 35" back in 2011-2012 (can't remember exactly when) this 49" LG cost $469.00 Oh and I checked Netflix The Big Lebowski isn't on there 😞 but I'll keep my eyes open for it to watch in the future...Thanks for the suggestion🙂 A Happy Rambling From Someone Enjoying His Early Birthday Present RG
  22. A productive Friday today. I've already got and paid in advance for a birthday date with a special lady. And getting to see her again just makes me just look forward to getting older. But today I bought myself my birthday present, a new tv (the old one was giving up the ghost) I bought a LG 49UM6900 television and a LG UBK80 Blu Ray player (I have an old piece of junk dvd player. Tomorrow afternoon the tv gets delivered and hooked up...Big Question what movie do I watch first? What the tv looks like A early happy birthday rambling LOL RG
  23. Thought I'd beat the line up in more ways than one Got to the local Service Ontario and renewed my Driver's Licence, Plate Permit, and also my Health Card (yes I know Health Card is free) Isn't due to be renewed till April, but got it done today. And arrived shortly after the office opened...only two people ahead of me (one advantage of a small town, Service Ontario offices don't have big line ups just a steady stream of customers...even a big line up here is nothing compared to the ones in the bigger cities)...not to mention a personal friendly touch too Anyhow cost $210.00 A Rambling RG
  24. Highlight Of The Day Today I've paid a special lady the balance of money for my first ever birthday escape. Yes I might be getting older but now I'm really looking forward to it 😊 If I'm unresponsive the rest of the day I likely had a heart attack thinking about this date...Just slightly over a month to go A anticipated rambling from RG
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