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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. At my age, well the days of achieving MSOG are long gone. Encounters for me are more than just sex, there is the social aspect too, be it conversation over drinks, maybe dinner out and so on. And sex doesn't, well shouldn't spell the end of the encounter, nothing more enjoyable than lying in bed with the lady holding her, kissing and cuddling. If encounters were solely about SOGs (for me) all I'd be looking for is a thirty minute date, and that is also factoring in time to get undressed and dressed LOL But I like longer encounters, I've gone from two hours to now three or four hour encounters Anyhow, a rambling RG
  2. Debbie Harry Heart Of Glass but in case no one wants to be stuck with a "Y" (they suck LOL) here's Blondie Heart Of Glass http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jxpe1oSp_sg RG
  3. Receiving a Christmas present from a very kind and thoughtful lady Thank You So Much!!!...Highlight of the day???...you didn't just make my day, my month too. XOXO RG
  4. At least NORAD, tasked with the air defence of North America hasn't lost the Christmas spirit http://www.noradsanta.org/ RG
  5. Having my morning coffee, low fat yogurt (yuk I hate diets), banana and two clementines while watching tv and surfing CERB. Going to delay my walk till the post office at the pharmacy opens, there is a package waiting for me :-) RG
  6. More thinking about it, especially after reading some of the other posts...and especially considering if she is/was a friend, move on. Don't even contact her about an encounter. Just you contacting her may put her at unease, she now knows you know about her being a escort. She may not feel free to decline, fearing reprisals (ie blackmail etc). You may be under normal circumstances the perfect client, but since she is a friend, it absolutely clouds you and her having an SP/Client relationship. So don't contact her. Even though she'll never know, it could be the biggest act of friendship you can do for her An early morning rambling RG
  7. Sipping a decaf coffee, having a low fat yogurt (hate diets) and a couple clementine's while checking up on emails and CERB and watching tv RG
  8. Happy Early Birthday Wishes Tianna Enjoy your special day RG
  9. Agreed, tell her up front that you know her and who you are. If she is an old friend it shows respect for the friendship No need to worry about secrets being revealed, she has as much reason to keep your secret as you do hers, you both partake in the same lifestyle. I don't think anyone would want to be surprised in this lifestyle, and seeing someone you know from outside this lifestyle, that wouldn't just be a big surprise, it would likely be a shock too. RG
  10. Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind RG
  11. It makes no difference for me if a lady's face is shown or not. I've had encounters with ladies who keep their faces covered and with ladies who show their face. What matters to me most of all is if the lady and I will have a connection...chemistry is the most important factor in seeking a companion. I think most everyone involved in this lifestyle be it lady or gentlemen understands the need for discretion, and we all share what we are comfortable sharing. And a photo, once on the internet, is there forever. So you have to ask yourself how much of yourself you are comfortable showing on the internet, knowing it may be there forever. The only thing that does matter insofar as a photograph goes is that the photo is a real picture of the lady, and so far every lady I've seen has had her pictures on her website/profile. Anyhow a rambling for what it's worth RG
  12. I donate to the United Way when they have their drive on My nephew who is autistic went to a special school for one year, which requires donations to keep running. Along with my brother and sister in law who continue to donate to the school, I donate to the school And finally I guess this counts too, I donate to the Salvation Army through their red kettle drive which is set up at the grocery store where I live RG
  13. Why not have two separate encounters and see both ladies? RG
  14. Seeing as it's Christmas time U is for kissing Under the mistletoe RG
  15. Lou Rawls You'll Never Find Another Love Like Mine RG
  16. Not wearing any...but that's because I'm not dressed yet ;-) RG
  17. It's the Twelve Days Of Bond on DTOUR Channel I've seen Dr. No, From Russia With Love (JMO but the best Bond movie ever) and Goldfinger. Today it's Thunderball RG
  18. Back from a walk in the cold, picked up groceries, now sitting down having a much needed hot mug of coffee while surfing CERB and answering emails RG
  19. From the RCMP's press release, Project "Combative" targets a criminal organization involved in the smuggling and trafficking of Romanian nationals in Canada. My thoughts, based on the press release. If there is a criminal organization bringing Romanian nationals into Canada and they are made to be sex workers, then yes, I hope law enforcement investigates and the Crown prosecutes them. It sounds, just from what I can take from the RCMP press release, this is more of a case of sex trafficking. This is the ugly side of prostitution and police should target it. The Romanian nationals sound like they are being pimped out by the criminal organization, hence the reason that organization is targeted by the RCMP. We aren't talking about consenting adults here At least that's what I take from the press release RG
  20. Remember her on CJOH news back when I lived in Ottawa (which is going a ways back) Sending condolences to her family and friends RG
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