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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Well I was overseas in West Germany with the Forces on exercise back in the fall of 1980. The urge struck quite a bit for quite a few guys, so off to the forest or cornfields you'd go to pull off one. So I suppose you'd say I pleasured myself at work, or as we use to say, "this is my rifle, this is my gun (pointing to groin area), I shoot with my rifle, I play with my gun" Beyond that I never pleasured myself at work RG
  2. Happy Birthday Kiki Enjoy your special day RG
  3. A Big Thank You goes out to a very special lady (she knows who she is) for sending me such a nice and special Christmas card. It is very kind and thoughtful and it just brightened my day Thanks RG
  4. Spud I'm sorry to hear you are going through a rough patch Don't do anything hasty, you are well liked and respected here My thoughts and prayers are with you Take Care RG
  5. Happy Birthday Ms Manda Enjoy your special day RG
  6. Doug and the Slugs Who Knows How To Make Love Stay RG
  7. Congratulations on your 100 post milestone Tess Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  8. Congratulations 6dave9 on your first 100 posts Looking forward to the next 100 RG
  9. CERB already has a section where members can report bait & switch, scams and dangerous encounters. As for CERB's rule about no negative reviews, everyone knew and accepted this policy when they joined CERB. If you want to read negative reviews, there are boards out there that allow them. CERB choses to only allow recommendations. Lots of review boards, but very few recommendation boards (I may be wrong but I believe CERB is the only one) And CERB's policy has made this board a safe place for the ladies. I'm sure many ladies would leave, or just not participate should this turn into a review board A rambling RG
  10. Could you collect the $10,000 and be on UI? Could you collect the $10,000 and be on social assistance It's hard to give an answer without knowing the details of the program. And $10,000/year is not enough to live on, for those that need it, it would have to be just be a supplement to any income (ie welfare) however minimal they already make. Otherwise I can't see it being of benefit to those in need and a nice perk to those who don't really need it A real early morning rambling RG
  11. Such a great man Despite his age, his passing is a loss for all RIP Nelson Mandela, the world is better for you having been here RG
  12. But it did bring us the classic line "You're going to need a bigger boat" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gciFoEbOA8 and I forgot, one real scary scene from a scary movie LOL RG
  13. Christmas gift do...Do give a Christmas gift Christmas gift don't...don't forget Certain items are obvious don'ts...scale, vacuum cleaner, and so on Some kitchen appliance might be ok...for instance I know a few women at work wanting a Keurig coffee maker and were happy when their husbands bought them one for Christmas. Cosmetics are personal, but ladies (at least in my experience in this lifestyle) like gift cards to Sephoria. But if you and your partner are close and communicate you should have an idea of what she will like as a gift Most of all, as cliché as it sounds, when you receive a gift, it's the thought that counts...the flip side, when you are gift giving to your SO, put a little thought into the gift. A rambling RG
  14. K is for Kissing, hugging, and cuddling RG
  15. How could the fisherman in me not mention Bob Izumi and his tv show The Real Fishing Show RG
  16. And a suggestion, if you want touring ladies to come to PEI perhaps pay them a deposit. If that was done a lady would know a potential client is serious about seeing her instead of worrying about a scheduled encounter being a last minute no show RG
  17. Kissing, cuddling, hugging, to me that's what makes an encounter have real intimacy, and that's what I enjoy. Sex is enjoyable, but without intimacy, and speaking for me, pretty empty without intimacy. Sex alone and again, speaking only for me, is more about release, but sex with intimacy (including kissing, cuddling, hugging) that adds a connection you make with a lady. So very important to have kissing, cuddling, hugging, it creates a connection between you and the lady, and my memorable encounters have had that connection A early morning rambling RG
  18. Still don't know what all the hype is about apple phones, doesn't look like it has many features and can't carry it in your pocket LOL RG
  19. Samsung Galaxy Tab II It's my home phone, cell phone, and phone I use for this lifestyle While some may complain it's too big I find the large screen easy for these old eyes RG
  20. Met a friend for lunch today. We haven't seen each other for awhile and got caught up on old times. RG
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