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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Sophia is right, you would be welcomed back and there is nothing saying you can't come back Good Luck RG
  2. Sorry to see you leave WBS. You will be missed here Wishing you all the best RG
  3. Maybe mistake a poor choice of words, but if a client gives a lady permission to email him, then his future circumstances change and he no longer wants a lady to email him, but he doesn't tell her that, who really should bear ownership of any consequences of receiving emails. The ladies are professional, and if told not to send emails anymore, they won't. But if not told, how are they going to know not to send emails Of course keeping this lifestyle separate from civilian life is something we all have to do, ladies and gentlemen alike, you combine both your just asking for trouble RG
  4. If your preference is PM fine, but don't speak for all of us that it is the only way of communication. What is fine for you isn't necessarily fine for me, and it's kind of presumptuous of you to speak for everyone saying PM is the only method of contact Discretion isn't just the lady's responsibility, it's everyone's. And if you don't want a lady emailing you, then don't give her permission to do so problem solved I'm single but still use common sense protocols. Except for using the same phone for this lifestyle and as a home phone, I have two emails, and I open the emails when there is privacy. And I delete my browsing history Nothing careless. I just exercise common sense and discretion on my part too BTW what happens if your SO found out your on CERB, how do you keep that discrete from her. And if you can keep it discrete, then not any harder to keep a separate email private too...it's not rocket science RG
  5. If a client gives express permission to email him, then she should feel free to email him If his circumstances change, how is the lady to know unless he lets her know. If he forgets to tell her, oops, it's his fault, yup his fault...not the lady's fault in the least. If a man makes a mistake he should own up to it and correct it so it doesn't happen again, not blame ladies who email clients because they have been told it is ok to email him. RG
  6. Really not a fan of scary/horror movies, although I did like Stephen King's Christine. Mind you maybe I've just never seen a horror movie yet that could scare the hell out of me RG
  7. Congratulations Splitz on your first milestone Looking forward to many more posts RG
  8. If a client has given a lady permission to contact him via email and his circumstances change and he no longer wishes for her to contact him, it is up to him to let her know that...not her fault for continuing contact with him via email if he hasn't told her to stop. He has options available to him. First, not give a lady permission to email him in the first place. Second, if his circumstances change, let the lady know. Third, adjust the settings on his email to block her email (and if SO asks why this email is blocked, say you are getting a lot of spam email from this address) and fourth, have a separate web based email devoted to just this lifestyle that your SO knows nothing about, and delete your browsing history after every time you log on your computer. The only acceptable way for a lady to contact a gentlemen is by his/her preferred method of contact, be it email, text, phone or PM...one person's preferred method of contact isn't going to be everyone's preferred method of contact Now unsolicited contact by a SP, different story. But if a client has given permission to a lady to email him, it is up to the client to let her know if his circumstances have changed. We are all responsible for our own lives, our own decisions, and it's up to us to be hyper vigilant about our own lives when partaking in this lifestyle. Discretion is everyone's responsibility My opinion RG
  9. Snow, OK for a snowfall Dec 24th, and Dec 25th....then it can all go to hell Always worried that an encounter (one was) will get postponed because of a snowstorm...wouldn't want to travel in a storm Worse than the snow though, is when it gets bitter cold, especially combined with wind But even worse than that, freezing rain RG
  10. Says he was suspended over $144.97...didn't mention anything about his being arrested for assault and sexual assault, the reason he was escorted from the Senate. Of the three Senators, Duffy, Walin and him, to me he's the worst JMHO RG
  11. Drinking a decaf coffee, watching All The Presidents Men Revisited on tv and surfing CERB RG
  12. I know for myself Nathalie, your type of approach is appreciated. Some of the ladies I see are touring ladies and myself, I have to tour too LOL...since I live in smalltown Ontario. Those ladies let me know their tour schedule well in advance of them posting their tour schedule. It allows me to free up a weekend, reserve a hotel, make travel arrangements etc etc etc. It isn't a companion being desperate for a booking. Instead it is a companion who values her existing clients by letting them know of her availability, and very much welcomed by this client who enjoys the companionship this lady provided and would like it to continue with future encounters If some of the ladies I have seen and enjoyed their companionship didn't contact me, and I had to wait for their tour schedule to be posted, well I would have seen them a lot less, and that would have been my loss. So and JMO but for those ladies who contact their clients letting them know of her availability, you are not being desperate, nor are you soliciting. You are instead valuing the clients you have, something a good companion does. A rambling RG
  13. And password protect your phone, I'm single and I have passwords on my phone and computer. RG
  14. A tragedy, especially to die at such a young age Condolences to his family May he rest in peace RG
  15. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/cpl-ron-francis-turns-in-rcmp-serge-after-pot-controversy-1.2444935
  16. Generally speaking, no. However if the lady is a touring lady for example, who you have an established relationship with, and you are a touring gentleman LOL (I live in smalltown Ontario and need to travel to see a companion) contact by the lady telling you of her touring dates so you can make travel arrangements is welcome...at least by this guy. Of course I add this caveat, that the client has told the lady that it would be welcome if she could contact him in advance of her announcing tour dates. I've had this happen with three ladies but their contact was welcome, it couldn't at all be taken as soliciting. And they didn't try to solicit me, just let me know when they were going to be in Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa. It allowed me to schedule encounters with them, since it gave me time to free up a weekend, book a hotel and best of all, see them. Otherwise, if I found out when they posted their travel dates I wouldn't have enough time to schedule an encounter But out of the blue soliciting by a companion is a faux pas and not welcome. If a client/potential client wants to see a companion he will contact her RG
  17. He did 21 years service, suffered PTSD as a result of his service, he isn't letting anyone down by getting a desk job and being accommodated. Should anyone who serves in high risk professions such as law enforcement, other public safety, military well you get the idea, if they get injured in the line of duty, be the injury physical or psychological just get tossed aside after the injury. No, organizations such as the RCMP need to look after the welfare of it's members. And it appears the RCMP did look after the welfare of it's member in this case. He just slapped the RCMP in the face by smoking a joint while wearing his red serge. The issue isn't even smoking marijuana for the treatment of PTSD, it's his wearing his uniform, including red serge on public media while lighting up. He's mocked the uniform he claims to be so proud of and given a slap in the face to the RCMP, a organization that accommodated and helped him when he was no longer able to do regular policing duties RG
  18. When I use my one email account (mail.com) on my Samsung Galaxy Tab II up comes a warning comes up from http://topoffers.mobi saying "Warning You may have a virus! Scanning for viruses & spyware recommended for your Android. Press OK to start scan now" This warning comes up only when using my mail.com email account Doesn't occur going onto the internet or my windows live email Is this topoffers.mobi a legit site and program for phones or some virus in itself and if so how do I get rid of it. BTW nothing downloaded to the phone Thanks RG
  19. Probably the guy looking for a bj from a MA is the same type of guy who would ask a SP "how much for just a bj" Just trying another way of not having to pay a SP's (by seeing a MA) rate while seeking services normally offered by an SP Just my opinion RG
  20. The issue isn't his using marijuana for his PTSD, it is his smoking it while in uniform. As for breaking laws it isn't just criminal law to consider, the RCMP has a Code Of Discipline which members have to adhere to. http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/r-10/page-13.html A doctor has the right to prescribe drugs. The doctor can't dictate to the RCMP that he be allowed to wear his uniform while smoking marijuana That is the issue, smoking up while in his RCMP uniform. And his wearing of the red serge (dress uniform) that was done to antagonize the RCMP that's all. It's just to wear the dress uniform. How rare, well my dad was RCMP from 1948 to 1971, I was born in 1961, and I can't recall him ever wearing the red serge. Not saying he didn't, but if he did, it was extremely rare, I do know he didn't wear it once in the last four years of his career I'm quite sure his hours of work could be adjusted so he isn't working when he needs to be smoking his medical marijuana or he wears plainclothes while working. At least he isn't driving or carrying a sidearm RG
  21. And here's your Fucking Travel Guide http://travel.aol.com/travel-guide/europe/austria/fucking-overview/ RG
  22. In life already there is a risk of death. Could be a soldier posted to a war zone Could be in a corner store and a robbery takes place while you are there and everyone is shot Or at the bank and a bank robbery takes place Or you cross the street but someone runs the light and hits you Or you get an incurable disease Or you work in a job with an inherent risk to it (firefighters, law enforcement, Alaskan crab fisherman, ice road trucker well you get the idea) and so on Point is we already all run depending on circumstances, odds on dying, maybe from as high as one in ten (good odds if you are a suicide bomber LOL) to one in a trillion. Throw in a million dollars for existing risks that we already take, that really is just a bonus RG
  23. And another great thing about CERB is it's recommendation section where if you look there is 100 pages of recommendations for Ottawa ladies Funny thing, I've been to Ottawa a few times, never a bad experience there. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=125&order=desc RG
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