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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Damn wish I had thought of that to use as an example too RG
  2. Well technically speaking a lap dance while your wearing your pants, there is no genital to genital contact, or any contact with your genitals. So if you have an orgasm from such a lap dance that would meet your criteria wouldn't it. And what about a prostrate massage. As long as your genitals aren't touched, you could achieve orgasm without genital touching RG
  3. Talking on the phone and texting a couple co-workers RG
  4. I don't see it myself, even now, but ask Meg and Angela Actually more than a few ladies say they see a resemblance, and you know what they say, never argue with a lady, hence my avatar RG
  5. Her decision was appropriate IMHO. You don't know where you know her. But she could be a co-worker, maybe she works for you, or you work for her, maybe she is family, a neighbour, ex-girlfriend, any number of possibilities. And an encounter could complicate both your lives, and put both of you outside of your comfort zones. You may also, if an encounter did get scheduled, when you met the lady, be equally uncomfortable, and then wish in hindsight you never contacted the lady. Her decision is probably the best for both her and you, even if you will never know why she declined the encounter Don't worry about your personal information, companions are discrete, and your information is her secret she will keep, if for no other reason than she wants to keep it discrete that she is a professional companion A rambling RG
  6. Don't see it beside your name on your posts, but it's on your profile page RG
  7. Words of Wisdom From A Bomb Technician "If you see me running, try to keep up" RG
  8. You have 24 hours I believe to edit or delete a post. After that it is here to stay Delete a post really is a wrong choice of words you can edit and delete what you have written But you should at least write that you deleted what you posted Keep in mind if you chose to edit your post but your post is quoted the quote remains RG
  9. Congratulations to CERB's top thread starter Emily Rushton She just started her 2000th thread Well done Em. Thanks for your contributions to CERB RG
  10. Well I've been involved in this lifestyle for a couple years now, and guess what, I get that nervousness (stomach churning, heart pounding, well you get the idea) each and every time I have an encounter. That's just part of the excitement of seeing a lady. And I get it whether seeing a lady for the first time or a repeat encounter with a lady I have seen four, five, six well you get the idea, times. It is all part of the excitement of seeing a companion, and the day it doesn't happen, then it is time to pack it in Your not alone in being nervous (well excited) But accept it as part of meeting a companion RG
  11. Having my morning decaf coffee and breakfast and on the computer checking CERB and my emails RG
  12. Watched Skyfall again last night Entertaining James Bond, not the best IMHO Only JB where he lost He was supposed to protect M, well we all know what happened to M and arch cyber villain Raoul Silva wanted to die and Bond obliged him But entertaining nonetheless RG
  13. Well I'm not a die hard Rider fan, football isn't my interest, but irrespective of any of my interests, if the chance came to meet the right woman definitely the woman takes priority. You'll have many chances in life for your interests (including football) but meeting the right woman, that can be a once in a lifetime, life changing event. There will be other chances for your interests, but the right woman, this may be the only chance...no PVR's for her RG
  14. And here's my profile for everyone to view All in fun...just my avatar turned sideways LOL RG
  15. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/11/22/twitter-toughening-its-security-to-thwart-government-snoops/?_r=2
  16. Saw my first SP (date from hell) July 2010. So in the scheme of things compared to some other guys here, I guess I haven't been at it all that long. Sometimes I kinda wish I had started sooner though. RG
  17. Sometimes I check to see who has visited my profile and I click on their profile Sometimes someone who I don't know (new member lets say) gave me rep points/thanks/nomination, and I check their profile I also if sending a PM/Visitor Message may pull up the member's profile to send the PM/Visitor Message And sometimes based on posts made, I click on the members profile. Finally, this isn't for me about a guy checking another guy's profile, more like one CERBite checking another CERBite's profile, for I look at the ladies profiles too I believe for those who don't want their profile seen, they can go into their control panel to restrict who sees it RG
  18. Looking out the window seeing snow come down...yuk!!! RG
  19. 20 minutes we're just getting comfortable in the living room 40 minutes, that's about the time when I'm pouring the lady her second glass of wine and our conversation continues, be it to get to know each other or with a lady I've seen before, to catch up. No I wouldn't ever consider a 20-40 minute option...for me an hour is too short RG
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