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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. My own post count isn't that important to me. I suppose in my newbie days of CERB, when I got over 100 posts that was important to me, more so because I didn't feel like a newbie anymore. But now, really in the greater scheme of things it isn't important. The only number, if numbers are important to you, should be reputation points, for it quantifies how the CERB community thinks of you and your contributions to the board As for acknowledging post counts, I think it is a good idea. A little while back there was a move on to get lurkers to be posters. Now those posters get acknowledged for making the 100 post count and so on. And higher posters are getting acknowledged too. It's just part of what makes CERB a community, not just a board A rambling RG
  2. Chantal To see someone's rep points click on the bar underneath the "Thanked" (upper right hand corner) in a person's post, don't even need to pull up their profile. Their rep points will show up RG
  3. Not at all acceptable. Unwanted solicitation is a major faux pas in this lifestyle. Ladies will be contacted by potential clients if the guy wants to see her, ladies don't directly contact men hoping to get business. Not only is soliciting business this way show no etiquette, it is also indiscrete. Companions are supposed to be discrete, just so something like a SO finding out won't happen. This lifestyle is supposed to be about an escape, an enjoyment. No strings attached. It's why it's so much better than an affair. Not something where you should have to worry about unwanted phone calls, or texts or whatever Sorry this happened to you DB. Hope everything works out with you and your SO RG
  4. Post count in and of itself doesn't count. Like already mentioned, some threads like the music threads and other game threads can put a post count up fast...and I've always said, and I'm the first to admit, likely half (maybe more) of my posts are from the music threads, and other game threads Read the poster's posts, that'll give you an idea of the value of his/her posts. Just the number of posts he/she has written means nothing, well almost nothing, at least you know he/she participates in this board. About the only number if you want to assess a member by numbers alone is his/her reputation points. It quantifies how the CERB community over time thinks of that member. You don't find too many rep points handed out on the game threads. But numbers are really just statistically quantifying posts. Really you have to look at the substance of the posts. Pull up the poster's profile and look at the posts he/she has written. And then you can better judge the value of his/her posts A quick rambling RG
  5. The Conservatives must be relieved, some heat is off of them this time RG http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/colin-kenny-liberal-senator-faces-sexual-harassment-complaint-1.2433264
  6. I never said, and to say clearly I guess, new laws need to be written. I just said no laws, and to spell out clearly, I'm talking laws in general, create a vacuum. And as Nathalie points out correctly, existing laws already exist which can deal with the unsavoury side of prostitution. Just because they aren't called prostitution laws doesn't mean they can't be used to deal with the unsavoury side of prostitution RG
  7. Well most of the ladies I see don't even have a menu, much less a la carte rates. You pay for the lady's time and what unfolds is just unplanned and natural. But even for a lady who has a menu, even with longer encounters, I'm good at my age for one item off the menu (not counting kissing, hugging, cuddling and conversation ;-) ) I see a lady for her company and companionship, and I've been happy with what has unfolded in our encounters. But that's just me A rambling RG
  8. W is for "Waiting for the knock on the door" RG
  9. T is for a word, well words I say after an encounter to a lady- Thank You RG
  10. Q is for quickie...at my age and shape I'm just too slow for one, not to mention I like longer slower encounters RG
  11. M is for Making Plans For More Magical Memories RG
  12. I said no laws create a vacuum, I didn't say new laws need to be written. Additional Comments: But that exactly proves my point. I'm not saying new laws need to be created. There are laws on the books as you point out. But I'm sure you would agree that if those existing laws (forced confinement, kidnapping, fraud, stealing, human trafficking etc) were taken off the books, then a vacuum would exist allowing the negative side of prostitution, like pimping to thrive. RG
  13. Something I like getting and giving to a lady, and I'll give one again hugs and kisses, well XOXO RG
  14. Well considering my avatar M is for Malkovich, John RG
  15. S is for "spending the night together" RG
  16. No laws create a vacuum in which the unsavory side of prostitution can thrive, like pimping for example RG
  17. Q is for The Quick and the Dead RG
  18. F is for Friends With Benefits RG
  19. Congratulations Cato on five years here. Looking forward to your onward presence for the next five years RG
  20. On Her Majesty's Secret Service (James Bond) and IMO Roger Lazenby not a good James Bond RG
  21. Kill Bill Vol I and Kill Bill Vol II RG
  22. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom RG
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