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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. CERB Really a long term, or regular client at least in my experience, happens because of a connection/chemistry made with a lady. A regular client shouldn't be sought out any more than I sought a companion who it turns out is now a regular and I consider a friend. BTW regular means different things to different people. For me I can afford once a month encounters, so while I do enjoy the poly amorous nature of this lifestyle, I see this lady more than other ladies Just my opinion RG
  2. W is for "waiting for that knock on the door, waiting for that special lady to arrive" RG
  3. Groceries and withdrawing my money from the bank Why was withdrawing my money from the bank a purchase? It's money in another bank, so I had to pay a $2.00 fee to get the money...so I guess depending on how you look at things, it's a purchase too RG
  4. Congratulations Dipper on your first milestone Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  5. Congratulations Chantal on this milestone Looking forward to your next 500 RG
  6. Having my morning decaf, watching The Rifleman, and on the computer reading morning emails, and CERB Shortly it'll be time for my walk, go to the bank and pick up a few groceries RG
  7. Octopussy...from the dark years of James Bond, when he was played by Roger Moore RG
  8. It hurts just looking at him doing the splits But on two trucks driving backwards, you gotta be f*ckin crazyLOL or very very good Not taking away from JCVD and his doing the splits, but some credit is due the drivers and observers (note two people in each truck)...one wrong move on their part and JCVD could be walking funny, or not at all for the rest of his life. But he is amazing, can't take that away from him RG
  9. S is for spending the night together RG
  10. K is for kissing, cuddling and hugging RG
  11. H is for Hosting At Your Hotel Room RG
  12. U is for Under the covers with that special lady RG
  13. Screening/verification isn't just unique to Halifax. I see ladies in London, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston and Ottawa and they require verification (full name, board handle, phone, email, reference etc, ) The ladies are discrete and will not disclose your information to your wife, kids, family, business connections etc. That would be very unprofessional on their part, and one thing the ladies are, is professional, and discrete. They just want to ensure their safety by verifying who you are. I've lost count of how many companions received my personal information. My family, friends, co-workers and neighbours don't know nor have a clue that I partake in this lifestyle. That is because information collected by ladies is treated confidentially. And on the balance scale of life, yes your privacy is important. But the lady's safety is even more important. And she is being alone with a man intimately she doesn't know. If you don't trust the lady with your information, how can she trust you to be alone with intimately? And starting off an encounter for the first time with mistrust isn't a good way for two people to meet intimately My two cents RG
  14. Happy Birthday Victoriascrt. Enjoy your special day RG
  15. Where I live (smalltown Ontario) it has an even smaller number of companions, like zero. If you want to see other ladies something to consider, maybe travel to some other cities...every encounter I go to requires me to travel, be it to London, Toronto, Hamilton, Kingston or Ottawa. So if there is a lady that you'd like to see, maybe drive to her city (Halifax isn't the only city in the Maritimes) And keep in mind there are ladies who also tour. Maybe book an encounter with a lady when she tours to Halifax. This coming from a guy who lives in a town with no companions and considers that Halifax is blessed to have the many wonderful ladies it does, ladies I would love to meet and would if I lived closer A morning rambling RG
  16. Rolling Stones (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpJvZHj3xSc RG
  17. L is for Looking forward to your next encounter RG
  18. J is for J'adore les dames du CERB ;-) RG
  19. When I was growing up I wanted to be a pilot in the Canadian military, flying CC130 Hercules Unfortunately, a little thing like wearing glasses stopped that dream dead in it's tracks I had some time in the Canadian Forces mostly Reserves but time with the Reg Force in W. Germany, and wanted a career in the military in the Armoured Corps. Something appealed to me about life in the outdoors going around in Leopard tanks. But a medical curve thrown at me made going into the military not possible. So I went to university, and upon graduation went into a law enforcement field, not rewarding or fulfilling but pays the bills, including disposable income to see companions RG
  20. H is for Hugging and Kissing RG
  21. Have to agree with you. People wouldn't like someone reading their mail, or snooping through their computer having passwords and full access, big invasion of privacy...so the biggest invasion of privacy has to be reading someone's mind I would just add a cat as well dog in terms of wondering what they are thinking. RG
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