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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Again another trip to Peterborough but alas not for fun...amongst other things (getting enrolled with my new doctor) I picked up my prescriptions. Then once back home picked up a few groceries. Now that I'm home a psychotic little kitten that I rescued is harassing me...no one says who rescues me from her LOL RG
  2. On Friday (this past Friday Feb 14) when it was pretty damn cold out the TPMS tripped indicating low tire pressure in the right rear tire. In fact no problems with the tire pressure at all, just the cold tripped the sensor. Was going to try to self fix it (there is a reset) but waited till today (yes the cold LOL) Today went out tried the fix but it won't reset it. So come Wednesday (weekends and Family Day today mechanic closed)...and I've got weekly breakfast out tomorrow truck goes into the garage to have the sensor reset...sucks just a pain in the ass Guess I can't complain really...two years almost to the day since I bought it, first hiccup this truck has given me (and that isn't just weekly drives but includes a trip to Halifax and back) RG
  3. Simplest way if going to a hotel you're unfamiliar with, when you're in contact with the person you're visiting ask where the elevators are. Not complicated. Most hotels (I've stayed in more than a few) the elevators are in plain view And if bringing a noticeable gift (eg Victoria's Secret) go to a corner store buy something there just to get a plastic Mac's Milk (or whatever) bag...the gift goes in there, but to anyone watching (they won't check the bag unless you are being very noticeable already) they'll think you got the munchies and it's chips and drinks etc and you're taking it back to your room Truth is people come and go in a hotel daily, you only draw attention to yourself if you do things to draw attention to yourself. RG
  4. This has been a major topic of discussion (OK maybe not lately) on CERB/Lyla and it's within Lyla rules to discuss I am even reminded of a major thread a few years ago regarding negotiation https://www.lyla.ch/topic/55719-negotiating/ As for the rules about discussing negotiation this is what the rule says (copied/pasted after link) https://www.lyla.ch/faq/ Discussing or Negotiating Rates in Public A:Discussing or Negotiating Rates in public is not welcome, this includes commenting in public that you feel the providers rates are too high or low. Asking for senior or student discounts, asking for discounts for just going for a coffee or some other reason that you feel the provider should charge less cause your asking for something less involved then others would ask the provider to do. if the provider posts that no negotiating is permitted and you pm the provider asking for a discount that provider can report your pm to the moderators if offended. If he/she does not post that rates are firm you may pm them if you feel the need but be warned most find this very distasteful. Your better off to keep looking for a provider asking a rate you are more comfortable with. Rates are for the time they spend with you not what you do during that time so it is rude in many peoples eyes to ask for a lesser rate to do something less involved then others may do, commenting or asking for discounts can be personally insulting so please do not do this. --------- While not the Mod IMO this thread topic is within Lyla rules and certainly not out of bounds to discuss. RG
  5. Highlight Of The Day Today (and Yesterday) Much closer to my first ever birthday escape. Already mentioned hotel reservations made. And after emailing the lady reservations have been made to a nice steakhouse (yes the Keg is nice, this just a little nicer...and it's relatively new) Finally and most importantly is the companion has already been paid a deposit (the balance coming in a couple weeks) Just feels like now this birthday date is no longer talk, it's counting down to it actually happening Yes that means Spring is around the corner too After ten years of seeing companions this will be my first ever birthday date and it makes me look forward to turning 59 A Happy Rambling RG
  6. Shouldn't have said anything...there would still be people today thinking (and maybe worrying) that saying the alphabet backwards would be part of a field sobriety test LOL RG
  7. I'd be handing my licence in and tell them no further testing necessary LOL As a sidebar part of the testing for Alzheimers/Demetia is counting down from a 100 by 3s (eg 100-97-94-91 etc) OK back to our regularly scheduled program RG
  8. I believe like Greenteal in practice it'll be business as usual. Given both drinking and driving and the legalization of marijuana I believe that the mandatory breathalyser will only be used if an officer reasonably believes a person is under the influence of either alcohol or drugs...and if a breathalyser rules out alcohol there is a 12 step "Drug Recognition Expert Evaluation" test which takes about 30 minutes to an hour (no I'm not an expert, I Googled it LOL) But the rank and file traffic stops I doubt very much if they'll even be breathalysed. But any signs of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs the traffic stop will take much longer. You might even leave in the back of a cruiser crying LOL Of course just an opinion, I may be wrong Glad I don't drink and don't take drugs RG
  9. Don't know if it counts as a purchase but I made hotel reservations for my birthday. After ten years of seeing companions I'm finally going to have a Birthday Date So now everyone knows why I'm happy about turning older A Rambling RG
  10. I know I brought it up on the screening thread which was on the New Brunswick forum...maybe not all Lyla members read the New Brunswick forum so I reposted these links here Considering how much attention has been and still is shown on Twitter over this I was surprised at the lack of attention paid on Lyla (a escort recommendation board) to this As for general population closing their eyes maybe, but Lyla is a community of clients and companions, not the general population No regrets or apologies for bringing this up again. It's not bringing it up that would be akin to closing your eyes. RG
  11. Actually surprised this hasn't been brought up on Lyla yet. Parolee (already convicted of murdering his wife) murdered a 22 year old companion. Seems appropriate for the news forum. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/murder-day-parole-eustachio-gallese-1.5439020 https://globalnews.ca/news/6470101/investigation-ordered-into-parolee-accused-of-killing-woman-in-quebec-city/ RG
  12. Nothing fun, more like routine Paid credit cards Then a bit of a road trip (no not fun) to Peterborough to pick up (amongst other things) my prescription (one of them) On the return home gassed up...ouch...only beneficiary was my Air Miles card LOL And stocked up on groceries...including especially Keurig K Cup French Roast coffee and Becks 0% alcohol beer...ok two good purchases (I like and need my coffee and beer☕🍺) RG
  13. The safety issue isn't just a moot thing. Just recently in Quebec City a 22 year old companion was murdered at the hands of a parolee who had previously murdered someone (his wife) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/murder-day-parole-eustachio-gallese-1.5439020 https://globalnews.ca/news/6470101/investigation-ordered-into-parolee-accused-of-killing-woman-in-quebec-city/ RG
  14. I can't count the number of times I've been screened/verified (the first time in 2011) and I continue to be screened/verified (not to mention pay in full in advance) If a client doesn't want to be screened/verified simple solution, don't contact her. While it's true it's the lady's rules that the potential client has to follow regarding screening and deposits it's also true that the client is the one who initiated contact. If he doesn't want to follow her screening rules then he simply shouldn't contact her As for risks, potential risks (in a client's mind) are his privacy breached and being ripped off As for risks faced by a companion, it's her safety and security. Put another way a potential client (stranger) initiated contact with her to be alone with her intimately. Don't you think she should know a little bit about the man who wants to be alone with her? And this isn't just a minor thing, just recently and sadly a companion lost her life at the hands of a criminal client https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/murder-day-parole-eustachio-gallese-1.5439020 Next time a client is looking to book a companion and she requires screening and a deposit remember it's her very safety and security she considers versus a clients privacy concerns. And if a client is really that concerned about his privacy why is he even partaking in this lifestyle. Put simply a lady's safety and security trump his privacy. A rambling RG
  15. Just to add to what you said, lets not forget old (now defunct) websites. Things like the Way Back Machine may archive websites that have been closed down The saying, "once on the internet always on the internet" has some truth to it A rambling that will last forever LOL RG
  16. Paid for my breakfast out Then bought some windshield washer fluid (not out yet but better to carry extra) Then stopped at the grocery store...getting final items for a pork roast I'm doing in the slow cooker tomorrow...if I got them yesterday they'd wouldn't be good tomorrow RG
  17. The Vet called. The cheque reimbursing me (in part) for getting Beatrix spayed (some cats definitely shouldn't reproduce LOL...yes Kiddo I said that about you) was in. Waiting for me at the Vets office was a $100.00, now in my bank account Feels like found money although it just replaces some money already spent RG
  18. A couple on Netflix "The Post" "Molly's Game" "All The Money In The World" RG
  19. Paid my Cogeco and Rogers bill Then picked up groceries RG
  20. Last thing(s) I Purchased...And The Last Purchase(s) Of The Decade Breakfast Out (guess it was last breakfast of the year and decade too 😋) Then I picked up my prescription well prescriptions Got some groceries And finally even though not due till mid January, paid my truck insurance RG
  21. But she's a little brat LOL. Today woke me up before 4am 😲 I need my sleep LOL Told she'll settle down when she grows up...something like 8-12 months of age. She was born in June so keeping my fingers crossed it'll be soon LOL🤞 But I'll pass along your compliments to Beatrix Kiddo, just hope it doesn't go to her head LOL RG (and Beatrix)
  22. Agree With my CIBC Visa it's immediate But my Capital One MC it takes three days...like clockwork The other thing is depending on the card you can pay early or not. My January VISA payment I was able to pay in December but MC requires it's monthly payments made in the month they are due...if I paid it in December as far as MC would be concerned I just made an extra December payment, still a January payment would be owing. RG
  23. Just paid my January credit card bill using on line banking. Yes I know it's still December but it takes three days (why I don't know) before my credit card receives payment meaning January 1 or 2 ??? (factoring in holiday) they actually receive payment. On the plus side January payment really due January 10 so they're happy getting payment early Bills suck though RG
  24. Well the real highlight comes in April but contacted a lady (I like planning my dates ahead of time😉) for a birthday date. And this morning I got her email back saying "Yes"!!! So I have a birthday (normally at my age nothing to look forward too LOL) that I'm excited is just a few short months away. After 10 years in this lifestyle it'll be my first birthday date. Today I start planning (looking for a hotel etc) The Highlight of the Day is the building anticipation of a date with this lovely lady (assuming I survive the "weak in the knees" falls and pounding heart LOL A Rambling From A Happy RG One who'll be Happier Come April
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