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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Living without kids, well my autistic nephew, and I love him to death, but after two trips this past year in a carload filled with family, including him. Well lets just say I'm glad I have no kids...how my brother and his wife do it I don't know. Not being married is right for me. And not having kids is right for me too No regrets RG
  2. In fact yes I have seen the video. Have you read Nathalie's post starting this thread. She is doing what she can to destigmitize clients. Saying they are like your father, uncle, brother etc. From her, saying that, probably carries more weight in destigmitizing a client than her clients coming out trying to destigmitize themselves. And one day, maybe I'll come out of the closet (when private personal circumstances make it possible) so to speak telling family and friends, the ones who wondered why all these years I stopped dating I'll tell them. And when the questions get asked, I can tell them what the ladies are like. They in no way fit the stereotype they have of ladies in this lifestyle. In fact for them this lifestyle likely bears little resemblance to what they thought. I am in no way am saying that Cleo isn't a good spokeswomen. But if I come out of the closet, do I direct family and friends to videos, which I know they won't be bothered to watch. Or tell them what the reality of this lifestyle is, and that the stereotype of a companion and the reality are two different things. Me telling family and friends would carry far more weight, because they know me. Would I go so far as to do an interview, no. And I have the utmost respect for the ladies who have come out and been interviewed. But when the time is right, well there are nine people I am willing to share this aspect of my life with. RG
  3. Professional companions aren't the issue, it isn't their marriage (sorry for terminology here, not judgement laden, everyone's marriage/relationship is unique) that they are having an affair on. If someone wants to be pointing fingers point fingers at the person who is stepping out. If professional companions were not available, then a married man would be having affairs with women who might want the man to leave his wife for her. If he does leave his wife, she gets hurt. If he doesn't, then the women he is having an affair with gets hurt. Seeing a companion, it is no strings attached, and may, if done discretely, keep a husband with his wife, because he has his companionship needs met. Professional companions do not really, if you think of it, threaten a marriage. As for being single, I know in all likelihood if I mentioned I see companions, probably someone would say "RG, I know a really nice girl for you"...yeah those pesky blind dates again. People would be surprised to know of the many nice girls I've met in this lifestyle, people just have to remember when it comes to sex, nice women and men do have sex. It's just instead of a promise of a ring and a relationship (those pesky strings again) the lady receives her donation A rambling RG
  4. What's even worse is friends and acquaintances, and giving them benefit of the doubt here, always wanting to fix you up on blind dates. I don't know how many friend of a friend was deemed perfect for me, yet when we met, there was absolutely no chemistry. And she was as uncomfortable as I was, both of us glad the date over. One positive of being a single man, makes me someone who can partake in this lifestyle guilt free :-) Some of the most lonely people I know are those in unhappy relationships And with a batting average of something like 54% divorce rate why are people such strong proponents of marriage for others. It may be right for some people, not everyone A rambling RG
  5. And this last one is really on a billboard in Toronto
  6. Going back a bit, from WKRP In Cincinnati, while everyone thought Jennifer Marlow played by Loni Anderson was the most beautiful, I had a thing for Bailey Quarters, played by Jan Smithers And then Daniela Ruah (plays on NCIS Los Angeles) but because she reminds me of a lady now retired that I like And for my lawyer, Alicia Florek, played by Julianna Margules Just a couple I'd like to meet RG
  7. JMHO but see your doctor and get a prescription. Your doctor knows your medical history best and whether Viagra, Cialis or some other option is the best for you. Not to mention buying on-line, who knows what ingredients are in the online "Viagra"...it may have other chemicals in it, it may not in fact be real Viagra. By getting a prescription from your doctor and buying from a reputable pharmacy you'll know your getting the real thing. How do you really know what your getting when you order a prescription drug without a prescription off the internet My two cents RG
  8. If there was a Popeye's closer I'd go, but for where I live, GNC is the closest store. What I'd save in cost in supplements I'd lose in cost of gas LOL I looked up the Razor 8, sounded like an option, but one of the ingredients contra-indicated for my medical condition and prescriptions I have to take Thanks RG
  9. The thread started by Nathalie, a professional companion, was how to destigmatize clients. My point is really a companion is the only one who can destigmitize a client, likewise it is a client who can destigmitize a companion. Mainstream "civilian" society has preconceived notions of everyone involved in this lifestyle. At the same time clients aren't the only ones pleading for discretion, my experience, the ladies I have seen want discretion as much as the gentlemen. Some in this lifestyle feel free to come out of the closet so to speak, but for most, SP's and Clients, all want discretion. And as for destigmatization, it was Nathalie who brought the subject up, which caused me to think. It was a topic prior to this thread I really gave no thought to. And I really don't consider myself stigmatized, or more accurately, didn't care. Although not married, and in no relationship, I might be inclined (one day, right now a complication prevents that) to tell my family and friends I've been seeing professional companions. But then again, back in my dating days, I kept that aspect of my life to myself too even from family and friends. But I have always compartmentalized my life. But if someone outted me, I wouldn't care, it's not like I'm married, I'm a single guy. And I'm not ashamed of being in this lifestyle A quick rambling RG
  10. Bridge On The River Kwai RG
  11. Z is for Zero Hour (1957) RG
  12. I only care in that it is MY MONEY!!! through taxes paying for these Senators' sense of entitlement I agree with Meg in one sense, Wallin and Duffy were targeted (victims) because of their high media profile, so in that very narrow sense they are victims. They got singled out. The flip side of that is they of all people know the media and how it works, so they should have been squeaky clean while Senators. Guess no matter what, once that trough comes, they can't help but feed from it. But lets not forget the third Senator, well ex-Senator, Brazeau. Besides his travel claim issues, he has also been arrested for domestic violence and sexual assault (caveat an arrest is not the same as being convicted in a Court of Law) What sickens me the most and this JMHO, those three were sacrificial lambs, sacrificed by the Senate so the remaining Senators can be left alone. If the light was shining on each and every Senator like it was on Duffy, Wallin and Brazeau, the Senate would be an empty chamber. But the Senate got away with it My afternoon political rambling RG
  13. It isn't ginkgo I recommended. It's just GNC is the store I buy my supplements at. For me, and speaking for me, supplements like ginkgo, ginseng, and horny goat weed, along with prescriptions (Viagra, Cialis etc) are contra indicated. But L Arginine for me works. It takes a full two weeks taken daily according to instructions to see the full benefits, and then take them daily. Well that's what I have to do You may need something different, don't know Good Luck RG
  14. I must agree, in part, I wish this lifestyle was more accepted. Not that I want to tell the world the details of encounters I have had. That is and remains private between the lady and myself. But from time to time, less so now but every now and then I get questions on who I date, would I like to get fixed up and so on. I wish this lifestyle was accepted so people I know would know I am dating, in the sense I'm having encounters with professional companions, and that I am happy, not feeling like I'm missing out. A related thread might be of interest http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=154118 A rambling RG
  15. Part of the problem is the private intimate nature of this lifestyle. There are many people, both ladies and gentlemen in relationships outside of this lifestyle, so they have to keep this lifestyle and the people they meet in this lifestyle confidential or they may very well run the risk of their significant others finding out. As an analogy, a married man or woman having an affair, irrespective of how great the other woman/man is, is going to keep that aspect of his/her life private for fear of their spouse divorcing him/her. Second, for a gentlemen to come out of the closet (best phrase I can think of) to say to mainstream society "I'm not a john, I'm a gentleman who treats professional companions and ladies with respect" or words to that effect, well it would come across more self serving than destigmatizing. Likewise, for a professional companion to come out of the closet and say I'm a professional companion and lady, I'm not a hooker or whore, well to mainstream society that too comes across as self serving and not destigmatizing. But for clients to say the companions they see are ladies, and they are just like the women you would ask out on a date, the only difference, there are no strings attached in this lifestyle, would carry more weight. Also, if I came out of the closet (maybe one day I will) if asked, I'll say I have yet to meet a hooker, whore, or prostitute in this lifestyle. What I have met are ladies who have enriched my life, offered companionship which has a value exceeding any donation asked Likewise when a companion says the men she sees are just like, to paraphrase Nathalie, your dad, brother, uncle, cousin. When a companion puts a human face on a client, it helps to destigmitize him. And coming from a companion it carries more weight than if a client tried to destigmitize himself A morning rambling RG
  16. I can't use Viagra, Cialis or the other drugs. Combination of medical history and conflicts with prescriptions I do have to take What I did discover that works for me, after being mentioned by Soleil is L Arginine, a supplement bought at stores like GNC Here is a link to my thread on l arginine It may be an option for you http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=98245&highlight=arginine RG
  17. Something else popped to mind. What if the guy requesting a lady's phone number from a gentleman isn't someone interested in an encounter, and isn't even the proverbial tire kicker or so on. What if it's someone from the media (or even LE) or someone else that wants the number for less than honourable purposes Absolutely no way I'd give any information given to me in confidence by a lady to someone I don't know. That is simply just a breech of trust IMHO I trust the ladies I see with information I give them. They can know they can expect the same from me A second rambling RG
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