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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. W is for Waiting for January 2014 when I have my next escapes RG
  2. My take on it from a guys POV. If some guy asked me about a lady to see in a certain city, I would direct him to the recommendation section in CERB for that city. I certainly have ladies I click with and would reccommend, but he may be attracted to someone else. I would also tell him if there is a lady he is interested in and wants to see, to read her website and profile front to back. If a newbie, and asked, I'd give him some pointers on etiquette. Absolutely I would never give any information like phone numbers, details of encounters etc (stuff that is shared just between the lady and me, assuming it is a lady I have had an encounter with her)...that would be a major breech of trust IMO. The only person who should release a lady's phone number is the lady, after being contacted by a guy for an encounter A quick rambling RG
  3. At home Ice Road Truckers or Ice Pilots NWT RG
  4. T is for The Last Tango In Paris RG
  5. R is for a Romantic Encounter RG
  6. P is for Planning For An Encounter RG
  7. I haven't seen any, just the traditional red poppy. Just a question are the white poppies handed out by some other group or are they handed out by the Legion as well If by another group, they should do it at some other time than this. Amongst other thing selling poppies helps the Legion raise funds and another group selling other poppies takes away from the Legion A late night rambling RG
  8. Me thinks that those three are just the tip of the iceberg. I'm sure there are other Senators (and probably MP's/Ministers too, they aren't saints) hoping no one audits their expense accounts What irks me about Mike Duffy and Pamela Wallin, back in their days as journalists, if a story broke about a politician padding his/her expense account, they'd be on him/her like a pit bull on a poodle...now they are Senators and at the trough like the rest of them These people and JMHO most politicians in no way represent the people of Canada. Political connections got them their jobs which they use to fuel their sense of entitlement Any wonder I politically speaking have no faith, I'm a political agnostic Even when I vote it's to pick the least bad choice A rambling RG
  9. Here are some great computer and cell phone tips. They come at you pretty fast, so pay attention. But remember, you can always go back and watch it again. www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=QoT0-2vu9m4
  10. A is for amore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uo2OF2Qb7I RG
  11. Congratulations Vitto on reaching the 1000 post mark Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  12. D is for Having The Date of a Lifetime RG
  13. A is for the Appreciation I have for the ladies for the companionship and escape they show me RG
  14. T is for the words I say to a lady at the end of an encounter Thank You RG
  15. L is for that four letter word that describes what sometimes takes place between a companion and client in this emotionally laden lifestyle................................................................................. LIKE.....:-) what word did you think I was going to write :-) RG
  16. J is for Just A Kiss...as in A Kiss Is Just A Kiss RG
  17. Although it'll be turkey again this year here are some other ideas for a Christmas main course dinner Prime Rib Pork Roast Ham Lamb (although more an Easter thing I guess) Good Luck RG
  18. Congratulations on your 100 post milestone DWK054 Looking forward to the next 100 RG
  19. U is for the Ultimate GFE RG
  20. S is for Spending Time With A Very Special Lady RG
  21. Just to add to what has already been said, first read a lady's website. Some ladies don't offer a menu of services, instead encounters unfold naturally. And naturally unfolded encounters have been some of the most memorable dates I have had But ladies without menus may take offence to being asked what services they provide A morning rambling RG
  22. I am sitting back enjoying my coffee and reading Emily Rushton's new website Very well done site Emily. What a nice surprise to see. And if I may say Em, you hired a very beautiful model for your site Well done Emily RG
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