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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congratulations Loneskater on your milestone Looking forward to your next 1000 posts RG
  2. Really, that question is equally applicable to companions (SPs/MA) and Clients if you think about it. Etiquette as noted by Nathalie is to not acknowledge a lady or gentleman if you run into her/him outside of an encounter. Just walk by each other and pretend you don't know one another. Ladies shouldn't worry about clients outing them. And guys shouldn't worry about ladies outing them either We all respect (or should respect) that we all have lives outside this lifestyle and it should be respected RG
  3. Well just started Atkins and am walking (mile a day) Already seen some signs, pants a little loser in the waist, and shirts fitting a little loser too...but still a ways to go Hope my motivation keeps up, I want to be less of a man ;-) when I have my next encounters which is in January. RG
  4. Keep in mind two things, I said if relationship looking, and I'm 52 and single, enjoying this poly amorous lifestyle. I was stating my ideal number, not saying that is what happens, nor I expect it to happen RG
  5. The only number to me is this if I was relationship looking. If I found Miss Right, I don't care how many as long as once we're together I'm number one, and she has no number two's and so on, and she'll be my number one and I'll have no number twos and so on. And that number is not as important as being happy together My two cents RG
  6. M is for Magical Memories, very special Magical Memories RG
  7. The one major stereotype that I had about this lifestyle was completely wrong...that seeing companions was just about anonymous sexual encounters. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact some ladies don't just know my personal information needed for verification/screening, a couple know even more more Trust issues, the majority of ladies I see I trust, a couple I completely trust without reservation. To put in perspective I work in a law enforcement field (and isn't everyone in law enforcement supposed to be trustworthy and above reproach?). I find the ladies I see FAR MORE trustworthy than the vast majority of people I work with Definitely with the caveat that ALWAYS respect a lady's boundaries, but when I began in this lifestyle, I never thought a SP/Client could be friends. I thought that the relationship despite it's intimate nature stayed professional. What a pleasant surprise that in some cases friendships can develop, friendships as important as those in "civilian" life. And encounters are far more than just about sex. I personally like longer encounters, it has allowed dates to have time for a social, conversation, connection time. And it has made sex more enjoyable, being intimate with a woman you have spent time getting to know and she know you. This lifestyle has me involved in the most honest, healthy, meaningful and upfront relations I have had with women with no strings, no guilt and no drama A quick rambling RG
  8. I'm not retired and right now I'm not at all ready to retire from this lifestyle But this year due to personal circumstances I could only have two encounters (great encounters) and it made me realize how important to me are the connections I made with ladies in this lifestyle and how much this lifestyle is a part of my life, and how much I missed the ladies' companionship. Here's hoping for a much better 2014 and that retirement is a long ways off RG
  9. C is for those Connections Made With Special Ladies RG
  10. Happy Birthday The Liquor Enjoy your special day RG
  11. Well for me gitters (or nervousness, excitement, heart pounding whatever adjectives you want to use) are all part of an encounter. If I felt no nervousness and excitement, well frankly whats the point Whether for a first time encounter or seeing a lady who is a friend for a repeat encounter I'm always excited and nervous, my hearts pounding The day that doesn't happen for me is the day I no longer see companions thats all part of encounters RG
  12. This is the lady's livelihood they likely want payment at their normal rate not something else given instead. I give a gift card as well as payment for an encounter but I don't look for trades RG
  13. I should add I do agree with Phaedrus, I like composing an email But a potential client could look at the booking form and see what information the lady wants and include it in his email RG
  14. If there is a lady who I am interested in seeing and she has a booking form, then yes I'll fill it out. If I'm not comfortable providing personal info to her then I'm not going to be comfortable seeing her for an encounter anyway Filling out such a form aside from the usual screening/verification and booking functions also lets the lady know you are serious about seeing her and not a "tire kicker" RG
  15. This lifestyle is poly amorous by nature, not monogamous. The ladies understand this. So see other ladies if you like, without guilt . You can also see that one lady, if you have one lady who is a favourite while also seeing other ladies. She isn't being exclusive to you, and she doesn't expect you to be exclusive to her. So see who you like and enjoy this lifestyle RG
  16. And if all the participants (SP and Hobbiest alike) knew and trusted one another (possibly know one another from other encounters) that could help with trust. Of course everyone has to be comfortable doing such a game, likely players might be ones who do poly parties. A late night rambling RG
  17. Gordon Lightfoot If You Could Read My Mind RG
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