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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. From the way this thread is going some men are worried about losing their couple hundred dollars, so they want to pay the lady (or say they will pay) at the end of an encounter, if the encounter meets their standards. Lets weigh real risks here. The guy could possibly lose a couple hundred dollars disposable income The lady could in fact lose actual income, needed to pay rent, car payment, bills, putting food on the table etc. Who really faces a true risk here? And any wonder ladies want payment up front. Me, I see ladies for longer encounters where donations are over the thousand dollar mark, not a couple hundred dollars, and when available I pay via email money transfer As for a contract based on menus, well most ladies I see don't even offer menus, the companionship they provide is based on an encounter unfolding naturally...and those encounters, while intimate details private, have been wonderful magical memories. And all those ladies have my utmost respect and admiration for the companionship they brought in my life Finally one thing that needs to be mentioned. The ladies do provide a service...companionship, not just sexual services, but companionship. That is something not every lady can do. But what sort of companionship is a lady going to be able to provide if the threat of not receiving her donation is hanging over her head, until the end of the encounter? And the lady's companionship has a intangible value far exceeding any donation asked for. So if you say you are a gentleman, really be one, pay up front. No lady should ever have to be worried about receiving her payment. And understand, in this lifestyle, YMMV is a normal industry standard. If you treat an encounter like meeting a woman for a conventional date (freshly showered/shaved/fresh breath/clean clothes etc) then you should have no problems. A rambling from a gentleman who happily pays up front, and will continue to do so, because that is what a gentleman does RG
  2. Jeez while talking about James Bond, I forgot the other JB (Jason Bourne) and the trilogy of movies that came out The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy and The Bourne Ultimatum RG
  3. That shock to family and friends the worst. Those who post such hoaxes, it's not humorous in the least, just cruel. As to your question, now according to msn he is dead, but a google search and it's a hoax RG
  4. For cat and dog lovers alike. Seems like the appropriate forum to post http://www.wimp.com/dogbeds/ RG
  5. Well lets see James Bond (Sean Connery) series James Bond (Pierce Brosnan) series James Bond (Daniel Craig) series Dirty Harry/Magnum Force/The Enforcer(I haven't forgotten Sudden Impact or The Dead Pool, just wish I could LOL) Band of Brothers miniseries A few RG
  6. The worst part, the person's family and friends read those same death hoax's. Could you imagine the feeling reading a family member/friend died, and it turned out to be a hoax RG
  7. It really gets kinda sad when it actually has to be spelled out YMMV. Is common sense and common decency so far gone that a prospective client needs to have things such as a fresh shower, shave, fresh breath, deodorant, clean clothes etc spelled out contract form like before having a date with a professional companion. I really wonder after reading some posts how did these guys manage to date in the civilian world. Instead of worrying about a provider vs client contract which to me sets the tone of the encounter off wrong. It implies, using the phrase "provider versus client" a underlying conflict between the two. And using a contract is using legalese to navigate any unforeseen circumstances that may happen in an intimate encounter Why not, instead go into an encounter with a positive attitude. The lady is a professional companion, so go to the date using some simple common sense, like good hygiene and paying her in full on arrival. Treat the lady, every lady, like a lady, with respect and appreciation, and she'll treat you like a gentlemen and return the respect and appreciation. And don't worry about contracts and other distasteful things. Instead let things unfold naturally, and do what you can to make the encounter an enjoyable time not just for you but for the lady too. And you'll find the encounter will likely be a very memorable memory A late night, I guess early morning rambling RG
  8. All I know is ALL the ladies I have had encounters with, in age from mid twenties to fifties make this fifty two year old guy feel young and special A rambling RG
  9. Welcome to CERB, a community where both the ladies and gentlemen are opposite sides of the same coin. Don't be afraid to navigate around the site, and if you have a question, don't be afraid to ask RG
  10. For me that is enough time to answer the door, let the lady in pour the glass of wine and we start the conversation, either getting to know one another if the companion and I don't know each other, or reconnecting if I'm having a encounter with a companion who is more a friend. I personally prefer longer encounters, now I like four hour encounter. And I have had very memorable encounters where roughly two and a half hours of that four hours were spent in the living room of the hotel suite with the lady just reconnecting and enjoying each other's company. So for me, and speaking for me only, a fifteen minute encounter would be a very empty encounter, serving primarily one purpose. That is not to criticize those that seek such encounters out, it's just not for me A rambling RG
  11. Happy Birthday Birdboy Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  12. And if I may interject without hijacking, the ladies we see aren't just regular people, they are very special and good people too. And I for one am a better person for the connections I have made with them A rambling RG
  13. The one you elude too and I'll quote you again here (copy/pasted) "I always thought that the general consensus was that all men were dogs and would do what ever they needed to to get laid" For me and other gentlemen seeing companions is much more than just about sex. It is the emotional connection, conversation, sharing time together, sometimes even friendships developed. This lifestyle is about mutual respect and mutually beneficial. For me it has nothing to do with being a dog or doing whatever to get laid. But your posts I'm guessing are reflective of what society's stereotype of a client are. Frankly it's hard to destigmatize clients when there is one hobbiest here through his posts perpetuating that same stigma. And frankly I resent being painted by the same brush RG
  14. Both Brad and Qwertyaccount are right Always, always contact the lady by her preferred method of contact If she wants email, then email. If by text, then text, If by PM then by PM And never in public Also provide the lady with all information she requests. Very often ladies utilize screening/verification. You are asking the lady to see you intimately and Brad is quite right, it is the lady who needs to feel safe far more than you As for protecting your information and feeling safe, in my experience, the ladies absolutely protect your information, your privacy...discretion is important to them. There are some ladies I know that I trust far more than people I know in "civilian" life. So go ahead, be open and contact a lady that interests you and be the gentleman that the lady can trust as much as you want to trust her (hope that makes sense) A rambling RG
  15. Happy Birthday HalifaxMan Enjoy Your Special Day RG
  16. A is for the Appreciation I have for all the ladies of CERB RG
  17. And me, if I told people I know that I see professional companions, they would look at me shocked, because I don't fit the stigmatized stereotype of a client. And if I disclosed this part of my life, they would be even further surprised when they knew how highly I respect the ladies I see and how much the connection made and their companionship means to me. For me this lifestyle bears very little in common with civilian society's version of it. If civilian society knew the reality about this lifestyle, they would see that it is a mutually beneficial lifestyle, where ladies and gentlemen are opposite sides of the same coin RG
  18. You said (copied/pasted) " I always thought that the general consensus was that all men were dogs and would do what ever they needed to to get laid" Men see professional companions not just for sex, but also for the emotional connection, escape, companionship, memories and even friendships made Reducing the transaction by saying the general consensus was that all men were dogs and would do what ever they needed to get laid (your words) feeds right into the societal stigma that seeing professional companions is about sex and nothing else. I know I value and respect the ladies I see, and I'm sure most gentlemen do. Does that make us dogs? I know I resent being labeled as such, I'm sure other gentlemen do to. And it's that labeling that leads to stigmatizing RG
  19. That consensus you elude too is part of the reason there is stigmatization. While sex is part of an encounter, for many gentlemen, we appreciate and value the connection, companionship, escape and sometimes friendships the ladies provide. Professional companions are much more than providers of sex, which is why the ladies are so special A rambling RG
  20. You aren't wrong, he decided to spread his thoughts on both the General Discussion Area All Of Canada Forum and this forum New To This Things You Should Know You can find all responses here http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=153946 RG
  21. Congratulations on 3000 posts Miquelon Looking forward to your next 3000 RG
  22. Looks fine on my end too. Have you tried going into your computer settings, Tools-Zoom Maybe your Zoom is adjusted too high and needs to be reduced Just a thought RG
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