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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. It's unfortunate there are stigmas about this lifestyle out in the "civilian" world. These are the most honest relationships I've had with women, no expectations on anyone's part except to be treated with respect From my vantage point, the ladies have provided me with a much needed escape, companionship and in some cases even friendship. And all encounters, even though the gentleman pays the lady a donation, still respect the lady's boundaries. I feel I am a better man today for the ladies I have met in this lifestyle. And all the ladies in this lifestyle are very special, for it takes someone very special to be a professional companion. They are much more than just providers of sex. I feel more open with some of the ladies I see than other people in my life. They provide a intimate connection, an escape and companionship, one which I cherish and appreciate A rambling RG
  2. T is to say Thank You to the Ladies for the escape, companionship, memories and in some cases friendship they have provided me RG
  3. R is for Respect, something that all men should give to all the ladies for the gift of companionship they provide to us RG
  4. Congratulations Tianna on your first 100 posts. Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  5. Had the same problem on my Samsung Galaxy Note. Found out you can turn off auto correct Here is the instructions for ipad http://store.apple.com/ca/question/answers/ipad/how-do-you-turn-auto-correct-off/QCKKD9KPCK7T7TH2X Good luck Meg RG
  6. L is for Lying together, kissing and cuddling RG
  7. Happy Birthday Layah Enjoy your special day RG
  8. No sugar coating it, none of the ladies who posted here, for that matter anywhere, and none of the ladies who were so gracious as to allow me to spend time with them in encounters (and I'm a very lucky man for getting to know them) are old...so no, 39, your not old. RG :-)
  9. I don't share his opinion whatsoever, I find it disrespectful to all the ladies. Don't worry, you didn't put him on the spot, he's the one who put himself on the spot. Remember, he wants to know what we think RG
  10. You are stirring up a hornet's nest like nlwoodchuck said. You don't need to put one group of ladies down because you have a preference for another group of ladies. All the ladies are human beings, with feelings and deserving of respect You may have a particular preference for younger woman, and there is nothing wrong with that. But your preferences aren't every man's preferences. I like ladies where I feel a connection can be made, to me encounters are much more than just sex. And I have had wonderful encounters with ladies in their mid-twenties to their fifties. Something else you'll find, while you talk about your preferences, ladies have preferences in the men they see too. They much prefer to have encounters with respectful gentlemen. Your thread certainly doesn't show too much respect or gentlemanly behavior in my opinion to the ladies, and if I notice it, I'm sure the ladies notice it too. Even the ladies you prefer to see, younger ladies, know they, as we all do, will get older. So does that make them disposable to you, good for only so many years. It is really a demeaning and dehumanizing thing to do to a person and lady Ladies who are providers are very special, for it takes a very special person who can provide an escape and companionship for someone. All providers deserve respect, this thread isn't respectful to all the providers out there Frankly I don't know why you felt the need for such a thread. CERB is in part about providing positive recommendations of ladies. Not about putting down ladies because of age. You asked what we thought, now you know what is thought A rambling RG
  11. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/bell-start-tracking-customers-history-tv-viewing-unless-144614687--finance.html?.tsrc=yahoo
  12. X is for hugs and kisses, er XOXO RG
  13. Sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring with an appointment to a neurologist and appointments for a EEG and CAT Scan RG
  14. Well lets see Hair, as in I used to have a head of hair Shampoo, needed it for my head of hair Comb, needed it to comb my hair For a little bit of time I couldn't see my upper lip...had a moustache too My feet...yup back then I was skinny and could look down and see my feet nuff said...but I'm going to start working on that Something that is strange (sarcastic voice here) nowadays you see people, lots of people with a cellphone to their ear it seems 24/7 365 days a year. But back in the 80's I didn't see long line ups at pay phones...how did we ever survive back then RG
  15. CERB It's no strings, fun, provide a needed escape and a bonus, you just might be lucky enough to meet a lady or two who are gems, and you really connect with them RG
  16. One other thing in my experience, nice ladies and gentlemen do partake in this lifestyle. I hope I'm not thought of as a John and I haven't met any hookers, whores or prostitutes, Just ladies And with the ladies' using screening/verification they are very selective on who they see, contrary to public opinion RG
  17. M is for those Magical Memories RG
  18. Hot ginger ale for an upset stomach. Heat for a headache RG
  19. Although I don't partake in this lifestyle in Thunder Bay one lady who's tours include TB I can wholeheartedly recommend. That is Emily Rushton. She is an absolute gem. You can see my recos of her under Toronto, Kingston and London forums RG
  20. Happy Birthday MellyBelly Enjoy your special day RG
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