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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Phaedrus said it well, she's awesome and I had fun with her She doesn't treat me like a client and I don't consider her a SP, we're more like friends RG
  2. I personally don't want a mens only section. CERB isn't a boys club, here both ladies and gentlemen are opposite sides of the same coin There isn't anything I write that I feel should be kept secret from some CERBites My two cents RG
  3. Happy Birthday newboy Enjoy your special day RG
  4. Happy Birthday Redseductress Enjoy your special day RG
  5. Congratulations on your first 100 posts Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  6. Happy Birthday Miquelon Enjoy your special Day RG
  7. Well that's the first I heard of paying after an encounter and still scratching my head over that mindset Starting off an intimate encounter with that much mistrust can't be good. And frankly any lady would be well within her rights to show such a character the door Not only do I pay up front as gentlemen do I now utilize in many cases email money transfers paying for the encounter in full even before I see the lady Ladies take most of the risk in this lifestyle which must be a source of stress for them Why unnecessarily add to their risk and stress by making them during an encounter wonder if they will even get paid A rambling RG
  8. Happy Birthday Newboy Enjoy your special day RG
  9. Happy Birthday Hastings56 Enjoy your special day RG
  10. And when you commit to an encounter, go. Even if your nervous as hell, go...don't find an excuse to cancel, when you meet the lady you'll be glad you did. Oh, and have a good time RG
  11. What do I love about Thanksgiving dinner homemade stuffing with gravy poured over it mashed potatoes with butter the drumstick (I always get it, everyone else hates dark meat, I love it) Turkey sandwiches the next day And turkey soup What do I hate Cleaning up the kitchen This year, the good news is I'm going to my brothers so he cooks and cleans up But the bad news is I don't get any leftovers for sandwiches and soup RG
  12. Yes sorry this has happened to you. But as Gabriella has pointed out, and this is something I do as a matter of course when contacting a lady for an encounter is confirm my board handle via a PM. In the future, maybe send a PM to confirm your board handle when contacting a lady RG
  13. This is what you said, exact quote Making rules takes some of the fun out the whole experience. I'm sure there are many times when an SP gets frustrated when communicating with clients and would love for them to follow rules but I don't follow any type of procedure when contacting ladies other then trying to be polite and respectful. No, you aren't advocating others to not follow rules, and no one has said you are advocating for others not to follow rules. But you do say rules takes some of the fun out of the whole experience, and you don't follow any type of procedure when trying to contact ladies. Just wondering if you contact a lady not using her preferred method of contact how can that be considered polite and respectful. BTW, from day one in this lifestyle, when I first joined the CERB community, learning about etiquette and rules, well this board was full of useful information, information so I wouldn't need to ask a lady those tiresome questions. Now those booking requirements that are unique to each lady, well there is enough information here on CERB that allowed me to contact and book with a lady my very first encounter without her having to give me a crash course in the rules of seeing an SP RG
  14. Congratulations on the 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  15. You couldn't have read the FAQ's at all Here is the appropriate line from the first question with the appropriate word highlighted for you "I love to meet a gentleman in the comfort of his suite in an upscale hotel" If it is his suite in an upscale hotel who do you think books the hotel room. If the lady booked the suite it would be her hotel room Or do you think a lady should use her credit card to reserve a client a room? RG
  16. S is for Sharing Magical Moments Together RG
  17. Well looking at Gegefatale's website under her FAQ, the very first question would indicate she does outcalls. http://www.genevieveofottawa.com/faq.html but she even goes further and provides prospective clients a list of preferred hotels http://www.genevieveofottawa.com/address-book.html RG
  18. Q is for Quality time spent with a lady RG
  19. I think you are misreading Gegefatale's post or misunderstand the difference between incall vs outcall. A hotel outcall (not incall) means the date is at the man's hotel room. Why would or should a lady book a hotel room for the guy. Now if going to a city where I don't know the hotels I may ask a lady about suggested hotels in the city (more so because I don't want a dive) but I book my own hotel RG
  20. Well I was able to phone out this morning RG
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