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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I pretty much know even before I contact the lady that I would like to meet her. Pretty much three things do that for me. First is her postings on CERB. Second is her CERB profile and third is her website. So when I contact her I know I want to meet her (and btw this has worked for me) My initial email is to introduce myself, tell a bit about myself, provide verification/screening information and so forth I also do this well in advance. Just as there are touring ladies, I'm a touring gentleman (have to be, I live in smalltown Ontario). That requires me to plan encounters well in advance, to free up a weekend, book a hotel and so on. I don't have the luxury of living in a big city and just drive across town at the drop of a hat. But my initial email is primarily to give the lady a chance to verify/screen me and be ok with seeing me. Subsequent emails are to nail down a specific day/date. I don't use the initial email as a chance to become a email pen pal with a lady A rambling for whatever it's worth RG
  2. Me either...still getting the same amount of telemarketers calling today not to mention a few personal calls out RG Sh*t didn't touch wood fast enough, just tried to make a call and no luck
  3. 1. Car tailgating you, when road goes from two lanes to four lanes I go in the slower lane to let him pass...a$$hole doesn't pass, is in the fast lane just to the rear of you...and when road goes back to two lanes he is behind me tailgating. 2. Early morning, still dark out, heading off to work. There is a woman, wearing dark clothes, jogging with her dog, but instead of using the sidewalks (on both sides of the street btw) she is jogging on the road. Of course if a driver accidently hit her because he/she couldn't see her, it would be the driver's fault 3. While in your office someone comes in and talks loudly in your ear. My autistic nephew needs to be told time to time to use his inside voice, a adult shouldn't have to be told the same thing 4. And finally, those who think or want this to be a review board. This is a recommendation board. Lots of review boards out there, this isn't one of them RG
  4. Just a dumb question. I just had to replace my Samsung Galaxy Note (cat knocked it to the floor and damaged it) to a Samsung Galaxy Note II I was finding a similar problem, no calls coming in, but my phone log showed calls coming in Turns out on this phone under settings there is a "Blocking Mode" which blocked calls Don't know if your phone has something similar that might affect things Just a thought BTW I'm a Rogers customer Good Luck RG
  5. You have to wonder about the accuracy of the phone book in this day and age too. Some people don't even have landlines anymore, relying on cell phones instead. Or alternative phone companies for lack of a better word (ie Vonage) Phone books don't carry those listings. So the phone book of today isn't nearly the phone book of yesterday, and wouldn't have a lot of information on it as it had in earlier years For me, Google and Canada411 on the internet far more useful, and I have the internet on my phone too. Can't remember the last time I used a phone book RG
  6. Happy Anniversary Tracie Enjoy your ongoing presence here on CERB RG
  7. To The Liquor My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time Keep positive thoughts, and don't give up RG
  8. Congratulations MightyPen on 500 posts Always enjoy your writings Looking forward to 500 more RG
  9. Dwight Yoakam Crazy Little Thing Called Love RG
  10. The question is understandable though, because despite being older gentlemen, these ladies make us all feel a lot younger, not to mention the brightness and happiness they bring in our lives Thank You ladies A rambling from an older guy RG
  11. Reviews aren't handicapped here, they aren't allowed. OK I guess this board does handicap someone who wants to post reviews. But everyone who joined Canadian Escort Recommendation Board (CERB) knows this when they created their profile and signed up. And if you read the Rules and FAQ as all new members should, you know reviews aren't done here Here is an excerpt from the Rules and FAQ Welcome to the site! "PLEASE READ THESE RULES: -No Slander -Post only positive recommendations! This is not a review board! -If you do not have anything nice to say don't say it! Please do not post links to other escort directories other than - Escorts-canada.com - localescorts.ca - lyla.com Please do not make references to other sites either with CODE words or OFF SPELLING as we do moderate the board and will ban you for breaking this rule. This site is sponsored by the approved directories listed above. You can put references to the ladies personal websites. -Do not post links to other escort discussion forms -No Spam! Service providers can post ads in the announcements section only - not in the other sections. Service providers are encouraged to participate in discussions however you can not advertise your services or hijack threads. Service providers are asked to read the posting rules for advertising - it's free to advertise here just please read the rules first! Be nice and we will have a good community here. We do have a short "no-discussion list" of escorts who do not wish to be mentioned - please read the list regularly and respect them by not posting publicly. If someone asks about them you can PM the info only. Guys, do not post rates of the ladies and please do not try to get the ladies to lower prices! Discussions here are not to be based on prices. The ladies have the right to choose the price they wish to charge and they have the right to post their rates publicly if they wish to. Even with the ladies permission we ask that you do not post the ladies prices. Nude photos showing genitals (including public hair, vagina, penis, anus, sexual acts or anything illeal of course) are not permitted on the site. What we are all about here.... Are you looking for BAD reviews of who to avoid?? If so you came to the wrong place but if you ask about a specific lady that is known to be bad our members will most likely PM you the details of why to avoid that person. Boards do exist that show who to watch out for but keep in mind that these boards (Like ours) are anonymous so you can not believe everything that is posted by everyone. That holds true here as well but we have a good system to weed out the bad people. Many people try to slander the ladies reputations - it could have been the guy was a jerk, drunk, had bad body odor or any number of reasons and he is pissed and wants to "Show her" and try to slander her like a coward!. Sometimes the bad reviews come from the other ladies or boyfriends of the ladies who think they are doing a favor by getting rid of the competition - yes this happens ALL THE TIME!!!) it's hard to find the good in all the bad on some of these other boards. We felt a nice discussion board was needed, one where the ladies would enjoy contributing with the general public without fear of being slammed/bashed/slandered/and just publicly made to look like they are subhuman. These are real people just like you and me and everyone deserves respect. Maybe the bad ones will learn a thing or two about how to be good and fix the problems by the other ladies example! We can only hope! Our board just allows positive recommendations for anyone who feels someone deserves extra credit (again this could be fake but we usually find out fairly quickly and get rid of the shill posters to ensure the content here is very accurate). We encourage general discussions, jokes and anything of interest. We also allow the ladies to post availability and announcements in a special area outside of the general discussion and recommendation threads." This board is not a review board. This board is a recommendation board. Nothing incorrect here, we don't call them reviews since they aren't allowed, we call them recommendations. And ladies who provide services recommendation worthy should be receiving recommendations, those who don't, well they don't get recommendations A quick rambling RG
  12. Your words about me in a previous post in this thread "I find it amusing that you are OK with racism if the person who is racist is an SP." Well only a racist can be ok with racism, so the inference is clear to me RG
  13. Hard to keep a discussion civil when you've implied I'm racist and misquote me I didn't say even if its racist it's her right What I said, in entirety is "But even if racism, a lady still has the right to have sex, or not have sex with whomever she chooses...it is her body not anyone else's." Do you think because a lady is racist she should be pressured into having sex with someone she doesn't want to see, that she loses the right to control her body including who she shares it with RG
  14. Well spun another way, from my point of view. The requested donation is to pay the lady for her time. But to me, the encounters I have had have a intangible value far exceeding the donation asked for. So as a small token of appreciation for what the ladies do for me, the brightness and happiness they bring to me, I give the lady a gift and tip. Now if I saw someone from an agency I would just tip her, but the tip would be equal in value to what I give an independent lady in tip plus gift. Just my opinion, but the ladies provides us so much in companionship and intimacy, a tip and gift is just a small way of showing appreciation A rambling from an appreciative gentleman RG
  15. For me an encounter isn't a case of was it one hundred percent positive, ninety percent positive sixty percent positive well you get the idea. My recommendations are about telling about seeing a lady and that I had a good time with her. No sliding scale percentage wise of how good, just that I had a good time with her. One thing about the recommendations I write, the encounter to me had a intangible value far exceeding the donation I paid the lady. All the ladies, every one, is beautiful. Their beauty deserves to be appreciated, especially since they are with you alone intimately. Their looks should not be assessed by men on how to improve. Who are we men to even judge these ladies on their looks. Those who do might want to take a look in the mirror, or have the ladies assess their looks. And none of the ladies I see criticize me for being a bald, middle aged, overweight man. They appreciate me for the man I am. And criticizing a lady after an encounter...well do any such criticizers (reviewers) ever look in the mirror. An encounter is about two people, of which the reviewer is one. Maybe his actions or inactions contributed to the poor encounter. But with a review any failure of an encounter is borne completely by the woman. And that failure could mean loss of self respect, loss of income, possibly her livelihood gone. Even with the few (very few) poor dates I've had I understood there were two of us in the room, maybe (but not likely ;-) ) I contributed to the poor date. If there were things in the date that need improving, either contact the lady privately and let her know, that would be respectful. Or just don't have another encounter with her Finally one last thing. Some people on here talk about reviews. CERB is not a review board. CERB is a recommendation board. Here on CERB positive recommendations are allowed, reviews are not. This is covered under the Rules and FAQ section which should have been read when you joined A rambling RG
  16. It does suck that this happened to you. But CERB isn't the board to post about it. It is a recommendation board, not a review board. You should do as Lexy suggests, and contact the lady directly and privately to tell her of your concerns. Or if you really want to post publically about this, then join a review board where something like this can be posted. RG
  17. Well it's not an allergy per se but I can't touch alcohol...period. Even mouthwash has to be alcohol free for me. Even some foods that have alcohol in them I can't have. That doesn't mean I can't offer a glass of wine to a lady ;-) And if at an incall (not often) I'm good with a glass of water, and that's always available. Now I always ask a lady what she'd like to drink prior to an encounter (it's usually wine) Hopefully she'll disclosure any food/drink allergy at that time, or even just mention things she doesn't like. As for perfumes, never noticed any allergies, but if worn by the ladies I've seen, it is subtle, never overwhelming. Me I don't wear aftershave/cologne just because of possible potential allergic reactions to others. But if you are to use perfume, or aftershave/cologne, use sparingly and subtly. One guy at work puts on so much literally tears come to my eyes when he comes into our office, and I walk out let someone else deal with him. Anyhow, a rambling RG
  18. Thanks but I'm putting in my email address, not just username. Always comes back server does not support TLS RG
  19. Damn thing does the same using POP3 too. Thanks for your help though RG
  20. I never said I am OK with racism if the person is an SP. I am not OK with racism period. As someone who has had to deal with my share of discrimination in my life I find that statement ignorant and offensive. But I see there is a balancing act in this situation. If the lady is racist and sees white men only, what is your solution. To allow non white men to see her even though she doesn't want to. A man allowed to have sex with a woman who doesn't want to have sex with him, but she is forced to, that is sexual assault to me. I am not OK with racism, I am also not OK with sexual assault. As for obvious counter argument, she should find other work then, well maybe economic circumstances force her into this profession, and maybe she wants control of one thing that is hers, her body Now I'm out RG
  21. Thanks for all the info. Don't know why but it just won't configure. Funny thing, if I go on the internet on my phone, access the mail.com site and log on there, then I get my account no problem. But on my email icon it just won't configure Maybe a drive to Rogers this week, they might be able to figure out something Thanks Again RG
  22. First it may be very much racist. And if racist just as racist as a store owner having a sign on the door saying whites only But the posts in this thread have also suggested that an SP may have other reasons to restrict her clientele to white gentlemen only. But if her reasons are racist, then they aren't less racist, they are pure and simple racist Second, prostitution is legal in Canada Third a lady can offer her services to whoever she chooses to. There is no law I am aware of that would force a lady to see any man who plucks down the required amount of money While offence is being taken to a lady restricting herself to white gentlemen only, no one seems to take offence when a lady restricts herself to men of a certain age. And some ladies may not see clients who have physical disabilities. All ladies have certain boundaries, and have to be respected Remember, just because a lady is a paid companion doesn't mean every man who has money is entitled to see her. She still gets the final word on who she agrees to see based on her criteria Done with this thread, makes me uncomfortable RG
  23. I tried auto configure Now dumb question, I'll try manual, but how do I find the imap and smtp server settings Thanks RG
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