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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Sorry, I'm using mail.com Thanks RG
  2. Trying to add my email accounts to my cell phone My civilian email no problem But my lifestyle email (a different email provider) won't go Go through the setup process get this notification Setup could not finish Server does not support TLS Edit Details Any idea of how to set it up or am I SOL Funny thing, my Samsung Galaxy, no issues, but this new improved version, hiccups Thanks RG
  3. Except this business is unlike any other business, and yes it is about sex. It isn't about going to Sobeys, the Superstore or going to a hairstylist. Encounters are of a most intimate nature, sex being a part of that intimacy I do agree with you in one respect, in most likelihood I do think the post white gentlemen only is her racial bias. But even that said, she should not be pressured and coerced into being intimate with someone she doesn't want to see. And irrespective of being a business, it is also her body, no one else's. And only she can decide who she will have sex with. RG
  4. It may be racism But there are other possibilities too as previously mentioned in other posts. But even if racism, a lady still has the right to have sex, or not have sex with whomever she chooses...it is her body not anyone else's. She cannot and should not be pressured, forced, coerced into having sex with someone she doesn't want too, even if her reasons are perceived to be wrong reasons by others. Forcing her, that is almost akin to sexual assault. And if a gentleman chooses to see white only companions, does that make him racist? I guess guys have an advantage here, they can keep such preferences if they have them a secret. Finally, which is better of the two. The lady announcing publically white gentleman only to avoid a potential conflict, or not announcing it, but if a non white gentleman shows up for an encounter, she refuses to see him RG
  5. Relaxed afternoon, for a change. Sitting in front of the tv, watching Tears of the Sun, surfing CERB, while enjoying a cold no alcohol beer. Oh and listening to my cat snore, yup he's snoring, as he sleeps under the lamp, sort of using the lamp base as a pillow. Guess he likes the warmth of the light on him RG
  6. When this SP posted "White Gentlemen Only" in her ad she doesn't want or need an interpretation. She just clearly and simply states who she will see, so there is no need for interpetation RG
  7. First and foremost, YMMV is a factor in all encounters. And what is agreed to in a email or a PM is what she offers in her encounters and may be willing to do. Sometimes YMMV is spelled out in a lady's website, but sometimes it is implied. But most experienced in this lifestyle understand that an encounter with a lady, underlying all menu options she provides, is a YMMV factor. Yes, those menu options are services she provides. But not all the time and not to everyone. Example. DFK might be offered. But if you show up having bad breath, consider yourself lucky to even get a peck on the cheek. And no, she didn't break any promises IMHO. Or she might allow digits, but if you show up looking like you changed oil on your car, don't expect digits, and again, IMHO, she didn't break any promises Be realistic in your expectations too. A lady may offer MSOG. Me for example, at 52, one SOG I'm happy. But if I request MSOG and only get one SOG should I get a discount, no. A lady may have a long list of menu items offered but that doesn't mean each and every item can physically be done in one encounter And finally there is one other thing. You are not paying for services. You are paying for a lady's time. What happens during that time together is between two consenting adults. So understanding that, and the YMMV factor, the best option is to be a gentleman (including paying in full, good hygiene, showing up on time) and you'll find YMMV will have a positive meaning for you. And what happens between you two consenting adults will be something positive and memorable A rambling from a gentleman for who YMMV has been a positive term and has had positive and memorable encounters RG
  8. First we don't know why the lady will see "White Gentlemen Only" Maybe racism. Or maybe as has been mentioned, she may run the risk of being discovered because her circle of acquaintances is a small non white community (hope worded right) or maybe as also mentioned, maybe something traumatic (PTSD) happened to her by someone of a certain non white ethnicity. Ladies in their advertising generally speaking post their photos, age, weight, body type etc etc etc. A gentleman looking for companionship but doesn't want to see a lady of a certain ethnicity can just do so from viewing ads without publicly stating he doesn't want to see someone of a certain ethnicity. He doesn't have to post "looking for white women only" But a lady not wanting to see someone of a certain ethnicity has only a couple ways to do it. First, post it in her ad, or second, in her contact form have the potential client state his ethnicity. And another spin on this. Would a gentleman who is non white really want to see a lady who wants to see white gentleman only. Because that could mean she is going to end up getting pressured to have sex with a man she doesn't want to have sex with. And that is the thin edge of the wedge to sexual assault. Irrespective of what we think of her advertising white gentlemen only, it is her body. And she, she alone gets to decide who she has sex with My advice is to move on, and be with a companion who wants to be with you. It sucks she restricts herself to white gentlemen only, but you also don't know why she has that restriction RG
  9. Impossible for me to be an impulsists, since I live in small town Ontario and the ladies are in bigger cities. I just can't spur of the moment pick up and take a two and half to four hour drive to have an encounter But I like planning an encounter. Contacting the lady, finding a date that works for both of us, reserving a hotel, setting up all the arrangements, all the things that are part of looking forward to seeing a lady. And the conclusion of all this advanced planning and waiting, an a escape with a lady. An escape which helps brighten my life A rambling RG
  10. I think when two people are in love (not infatuation) and want to be together and build a life together marriage is great. But how often are there road bumps in a relationship, and it's easier to break up than work on the problems. Conversely (now the politician in me speaking LOL) why would anyone get married if they knew work was involved Unfortunately, statistically speaking, it doesn't have such a great batting average, I believe it has a 54% failure (divorce) rate. And how many are stuck in unhappy marriages? Back in my younger days I would have (almost did) married if I found the right woman. Well it never worked out for me. But I'm happy in my life, and now, I think I'm too set in my ways to get married RG
  11. I'm not ashamed about partaking in this lifestyle. And I'm single, no concerns if discovered. That said, this is my private life, and I treat it with discretion, not telling anyone (well except for those on CERB and ladies I see ;-) ) It's no one's business Now if discovered I would tell, obviously without revealing ladies names. But what would come as a surprise to most I know is first, that I am even seeing professional companions. I doubt I would fit society's stereotype of a male who sees escorts. And second, that sex is only a small part of an encounter, companionship entails far more than sex and it is all aspects of companionship I enjoy. A rambling RG
  12. Congratulations CH on your 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 RG
  13. Congratulations my dear virtual wife on achieving this milestone Looking forward (amongst other things ;-) ) to your next 4000 posts From Hubby
  14. Lets see, cat knock my smartphone on the floor (hardwood floor) and the screen cracked. So took it to Rogers, and they could send it out for an estimate for repair. Decided instead of repairing it (if it could be repaired) I decided to just upgrade my phone to a Samsung Galaxy II but a few hundred unexpected dollars spent today Then on the way home felt a vibrating in the truck and crash. Clamp holding the fuel tank broke off. On the plus side, no tank or fuel line damage, but a couple hundred dollars for repairs. I was just hoping the truck wouldn't need anything done (except oil change) and hold together till I got my new (well new to me) vehicle in the new year So that was my day today RG
  15. Well here on CERB there are many wonderful ladies who provide companionship. I would suggest looking for a lady offering a GFE and schedule an encounter with her. One thing, allow enough time for such an encounter, maybe two hours. And relax and enjoy the companionship she provides Just a thought RG
  16. Emily I definitely agree with you. I don't like his know it all attitude. But in fairness to him, he has three recommendations to his credit (I checked ;-) ). But this thread, and his thread on no shows makes me wonder about his true motives in posting, especially in such a strong condescending attitude to the CERB members. RG
  17. A recommendation needs to be written from the heart, because a gentlemen had a good encounter with a lady and wishes to share. It's not written because if he doesn't write one he deserves a good swift kick in the ass. That isn't the right reason for writing a recommendation RG
  18. Congratulations Alb on the 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 RG
  19. I would proceed with caution. If I'm ever in the United States, one thing I would avoid doing is seeing a professional companion, just because of the potential legal ramifications of doing so. If you get caught you can get a criminal record, and likely not allowed back into the US again You'll likely find professional companions in the States require full verification/screening before agreeing to see you. My two cents RG
  20. What can we gentlemen do. Continue to be gentlemen, and show and not troll. And if we have to cancel provide ample notice, or compensate her if a last minute cancellation. And through posts educate those no shows/trollers. Ladies can always employ methods (screening/verification, deposits) Ladies deserve to be treated like ladies, meaning with respect. And no shows are disrespectful RG
  21. Like Lee I hear what you are saying and understand where you are coming from Me, I personally don't use recommendations to decide who to see, but I know that some gentlemen do. That said, I do write recommendations, and love writing them. It is just my way of providing the lady with a public thank you for providing me with a wonderful encounter. Second maybe it will help her business, she might get another client, or more. And finally sort of the opposite side of number two, some gentlemen will know of a wonderful lady to see. Why do I love writing them, it means I just had a wonderful encounter with a lady, and I love wonderful encounters So recommendations are just my way of saying thank you to the lady and giving back to this community But many gentlemen are shy about posting, especially recommendations. They think it has to be a university essay. But a simple couple lines such as "I saw _________for an incall/outcall. Place clean. Photos accurate. She arrived on time. Had a very good time (don't even need details here) Would see her again" would suffice for a recommendation What really irks me though, is those members who won't see a lady citing lack of recommendations, but you pull up those member's posts, they never have posted a recommendation in their life. Consumers of recommendations also need to be producers of recommendations (of course when they are due;-) ) A rambling RG
  22. There's much more to an encounter than an orgasm. Take time to have conversation over drinks. Spend time getting to know one another. Then go to the bedroom. Being intimate with a lady, and just my opinion, is much more enjoyable with someone you spent time getting to know a little. After sex, and you orgasm, continue to lie in bed with the lady, kiss, cuddle, conversation. Ladies are much more than providers of sex, they are providers of companionship. And companionship is special My two cents RG
  23. Feel your pain, we've all been there. If you are looking for a professional companion to have a paid escape with, this is the right place. If you are looking to find another girlfriend, this isn't the site, a better site is eHarmony or LavaLife, or go out to a bar. Hope all works out for you Good Luck RG
  24. Oooppps disregard I did send you birthday wishes But another happy birthday anyway Using my phone for the past while, I'm disorganized :-) RG
  25. I am recalling a old (original) Law and Order episode. The detective went undercover as a "john" to arrest a prostitute needed in an investigation. After he convinced her he was a "john" she told him the rates and services. No surprise, out came his badge and she was arrested Back at the precinct while booking her, (and I'm paraphrasing) she says words to the effect "you lied, isn't that against the law" to which he replies words to the effect, "they pay me to lie" Point to this, there is no requirement for police to reveal they are police...that is a myth. And even though fiction, as the detective in Law and Order says, "they pay me to lie" Just think, if police really were required to identify themselves if undercover as really being police, then any criminals be it Mafia, outlaw bikers etc would not have anything to fear anymore RG
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