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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Congrats on your first milestone Looking forward to your next 100 contributions RG
  2. Congratulations Lexy on your 3000 post milestone Looking forward to another 3000 contributions RG
  3. This rapport being looked for has nothing at all to do with discounted rates Rapport is about a chemistry/connection with a lady you like. If you find a companion you develop such a rapport with, and you like her, continue to see her. The reward of such a connection is the special relationship that can develop with a companion and gentleman. And a lady may genuinely enjoy the company of the gentlemen she sees, but she still sees them under a money/time arrangement, because it is her profession. It is not at all about seeing a companion for the maximum time possible as cheaply as possible. That isn't a sign of seeking a special relationship. It's just a sign of someone who doesn't respect the lady for the companionship she provides and her livelihood, which she does to pay her bills. A morning rambling RG
  4. There is flexible plastic corrugated tubing (having brain lock right now, can't think of what it's called someone can think of what it's called please interrupt LOL) used to cover and protect electrical wires. It is split down the length of the tubing, so just cut it to the length of the wire needed to protect, snap the wire inside the tubing, and the tubing will protect the wire. And it comes in small enough diameters to use on the cord of computer charger And that toy does drive cats nuts, mine sits on the table watching it (it's on the floor) and then pounces and attacks RG
  5. Control-Alt-Delete not a mistake, just part of operating a computer Now Windows 8, that is a mistake, one big f**king mistake. RG
  6. When Summer posted her thread today about this, she said she just heard it today. She also asked what do you think of when you hear these words. I expressed merely my thoughts, nothing more, the same as others have. It isn't a case of being certain of it's meaning, it's just my take on the phrase, without having heard it before, that's all. RG
  7. My point though, is if a spouse said to his/her spouse he/she had monogamy of the heart, it would lead to raising warning flags that an affair is going on, or said if caught in an affair. I am referring to couples in conventional monogamous relationships. I am not referring to those who are in poly amorous lifestyles. The phrase to me leads me to think along those lines. That the statement monogamy of the heart, which btw I haven't heard until today, is something which is said to attempt to minimize the hurt of an affair and reassure the spouse who has been cheated on (sorry hate using judgment laden terms) that the cheating partner still really loves her/him. In a poly amorous relationship there is no such need for such a phrase. Both partners accept that they will both see other people and don't view their partner seeing other people as a threat needing a reassurance of being told monogamy of the heart. They can say the normal "I love you" A phrase, monogamy of the heart is not something normally heard of, and strikes me more as I said, something said by a spouse having or caught in an affair RG
  8. That was my point, I guess not clearly made. Someone caught in an affair, if even an affair for sexual release only, can tell their spouse that they are monogamous in their heart. I also would believe that if a spouse told his/her spouse out of the blue that he/she had monogamy of the heart, that would be a red flag that an affair, if even for sexual release only, was going on. BTW I am not in any way shape or form implying that anyone having an affair doesn't love his/her spouse or family...every relationship is unique RG
  9. Monogamy of the heart...well for me, and speaking only for me, back in the day when I was dating and had a girlfriend, I was monogamous. Never cheated. And if I had married (mind you I offer this caveat, never got tested) I would have been faithful. BTW no judgements implied here, every relationship is unique. But my thoughts on monogamy of heart, I believe it is a phrase used for someone caught in an affair. He/she once caught can say something like I really wasn't unfaithful, it was only physical etc etc etc, I still love you and you only...monogamy of the heart. If a married spouse hears that from their partner, that would at least for me make me suspicious that an affair is going on My two cents A rambling RG
  10. V is for Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir (hope my French spelling is correct) RG
  11. Maybe I'm just dumb, don't know. But to me a lady's rate is a lady's rate, not to be haggled over AT ALL!!! whether you are seeing the lady for the first time or the hundredth time. The reward of being a regular client with a lady is the special connection that can develop between the two of you. Guys shouldn't be looking for discounts in my opinion from a lady. A discounted rate means the lady has less money coming in and she has bills to pay too. From the lady's perspective why would she want a regular client if it meant she got less money for seeing a regular, she'd be further ahead to just see new clients This is a wonderful lifestyle, but it is a luxury lifestyle too, if you can't afford to see a lady, then don't contact her and haggle. But like I said, maybe I'm just dumb and don't get it A rambling RG
  12. S is for Sploshing Something I heard about when I was with two Goddesses in a bedroom and a chocolate birthday cake was served to the birthday girl Goddess...the rest is to your imaginations ;-) RG
  13. I enjoy seeing the ladies that I meet. Yes I have met a couple of ladies where the encounters are less SP/Client and more two friends getting together. But even in those encounters as with all encounters, I never forget, at it's very core, it still is a business transaction and for the lady it is her livelihood. I have never asked for, nor would I accept a discount if it was ever offered. In fact if a discount forced on me (not hardly likely or expected btw) all the lady would get is a much higher tip to offset the discount...for me I'm looking for, and appreciate the quality time I have with a lady. This lifestyle isn't about discounts. My experience generally speaking with the ladies I have met, isn't that they are just looking for money/time. Yes they do want to be compensated for their time, it is their livelihood after all. But they want to provide me with an escape, a memory, and hopefully a connection. And the escapes provided have a value far exceeding the donation asked for. I haven't experienced a money/time attitude from these ladies. I have experienced escapes, ladies who treat me with the same respect as much as I do them A rambling RG
  14. I guess a trip to Home Depot is in order to get replacement cranks for screwing in. RG
  15. X is hugs and kisses which is XOXO RG
  16. S is for surprises...never ever would I have thought I would be mentioned in a thread of Sex ABCs RG
  17. Happy belated birthday Boomer Hope you had a great day RG
  18. I like emiafish for his positive contributions to this community Not to mention his original name, which is gutsy to post when there is a fisherman or two here on CERB ;-) RG
  19. Q is for quickie Just something that doesn't interest me But not saying there is anything wrong with it RG
  20. Congratulation Thumper on the 100 post milestone Looking forward to your next 100 posts RG
  21. A is for Another round of Sex ABCs RG
  22. Tacos Bought the kit well two kits (extra for lunch tomorrow) Onion, lettuce, tomato, cheese and sour cream for toppings Washed down with no alcohol beer RG
  23. Is this it? Damn I wish my phone copied paste http://en.m.wikipodia.org/wiki/Route_flapping RG And my virtual wife just beat me to the punch
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