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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Maybe, and I say maybe that could be the case. But then it is just as inappropriate a question to ask a lady as asking her if she is drug and disease free. For those men engaged in this lifestyle who may be new to this lifestyle every person is responsible for their own sexual health. It is completely innappropriate to ask a lady if she is D&D free or if she does bbfs as a trick test question Ladies don't insult gentlemen by asking those demeaning questions. So men shouldn't ask them of ladies And for those asking about bbfs because they want it, I hope they are blacklisted and ladies warned RG
  2. Congratuations Touch on your 2000 post milestone Looking forward to your next 2000 contributions RG
  3. Last week my cat took to washing himself too much...like all the time Was away for the weekend got home today. He had chewed his fur out in clumps and scratch marks on his skin. Got an infestation of fleas. Poor cat was just crying from suffering from the fleas. So first order of business give him a medicated shampoo, and boy do cats love water. Then a antibiotic ointment for his wounds from scratching And then a thorough cleaning of my apartment followed by spraying an anti flea spray. And now waiting for the last of my laundry to dry...it was clean before but who knows But now my cat seems really content RG
  4. Spaghetti with meat sauce Tossed salad w oil and vinegar dressing Fresh fruit salad for desert RG
  5. Damn...I thought it would be the guy getting to slide Nothing sexier than an overweight guy sliding toe to head Hey even sexier if the guy wearing a tight spandex head to toe outfit Sort of a sex version of the luge.......weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! BTW just kidding RG
  6. Oh come on Lee...your fishing skills...and I'm loath to call it fishing, is a joke Wasn't picking on you just stating the truth LOL Seriously I like Lee...his sense of humour brightens this community His presence on CERB is positive for this board RG
  7. I know last year when I signed with Rogers my 3year contract included my choice of any smartphone be it Blackberry, iPhone or Android I didn't even consider Blackberry they had a couple days when their network was down and there were rumblings back then...didn't want to end up with an electronic paperweight Decided on Samsung Galaxy Note largely because of its big screen No complaints it does what I want it to do RG
  8. I like Angela. A lady who I remember was the first to contact me offering moral support after I was ripped off. Not to mention she's a friend and a good SP...a good reason to drive four hours to Orleans RG
  9. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family RG
  10. What can I say about Meg...well besides I like her ;-) A positive and well respected contributer to the CERB community RG
  11. I am talking about ladies who deliberately steal (plagerise) another lady's website or ad title etc because they won't invest any time or effort to do their own websites, ad titles etc RG
  12. Maybe some ladies feel they are in competition with other ladies. Perhaps it is this belief that leads some SPs to trash talk other ladies...those ladies they feel they are in competition with The reality is when I want to see a lady it is something about that certain lady that interests me about her. The only person she is competiting with is herself. A lady trash talking only does a diservice to herself...she becomes a lady I don't want to meet Likewise a lady who steals from another lady, whether plagerizing websites, stealing advertising post titles, or not using her own photos is leads me to believe she is just not willing to invest any time or effort in herself and you are then left to wonder if she won't invest time or effort in herself what sort of time and effort will she spend with a client...if that makes sense A rambling RG
  13. A milestone reached by another of the pillers of the CERB Congratuations Lee on 3000 posts and laughs Looking forward to the next 3000 RG
  14. Someone innocent hasn't been punished A 22 year old having sex with a 16 year old is guilty of a crime, not innocent And a individual expressing she can forgive a 22 year old doesn't mean she believes the law is wrong or that she thinks what the 22 year old did was right Nor does it mean this 22 year old shouldn't accept responsibility under the law for his crime RG
  15. Does that mean graduated privileges for drinking, smoking, gambling, voting, etc etc etc makes sense to you, but when it comes to sex, no such restrictions should exist. That there should not be an legal age of consent? If you follow the logic of that argument, then anyone can have sex with anyone of any age. Frankly it sounds to me that is exactly what you are arguing for The reason for a legal age of consent is so the underage (underage of all ages) are legally protected from adults wanting to have sex with them. Well understand my confusion then. I just can't understand why someone would say the graduated privilege mentality to sex doesn't make sense if he was interested in adult only sex. Certainly the gist of your post leads one to believe that there could be an interest in the underage RG
  16. XTC Senses Working Overtime http://www.youtube.com/watch?v RG
  17. Congratulations Isabella on this milestone Looking forward to reading your next 2000 posts RG
  18. Even people who mature at a younger age still are bound by the same laws as everyone else. They can't vote until 18. Can't legally drive until 16. And can't legally drink until age 19. Likewise, an underage child cannot consent to have sex with an adult irrespective of perceived maturity. Who is going to determine if the child is both mature enough to have sex, and is giving informed consent to have sex. The adult who wants to prey on him/her? That would be self serving for the adult targeting the underage. Or does the underage child just need a note giving permission from mommy and daddy? Something you may not know, but should is that men go out with women, boys go out with girls. Men aren't supposed to target girls (or boys for that matter) for sex. Part of being a responsible adult is complying with the laws of the land. That includes not exploiting the underage for your own sexual gratification. RG
  19. No need to retire (from joking that is) Your jokes put a smile on our faces every day. I know I've copied/pasted quite a few of your jokes and emailed them to friends and to work. They've put smiles on other peoples' faces too So no, don't retire, we all enjoy and appreciate your sense of humour here RG
  20. Thanks a lot MF...implying it was the aftermath of our virtual honeymoon that left Gabriella ill LOL And btw I do not want children, virtual or otherwise, a virtual marriage is the most strings attached I want now :-) RG
  21. W is for Wedding With my "Wife" RG
  22. Was she pissed off or was it just a case of no chemistry? If no chemistry, well that sometimes happens. Not every two people will click. If pissed off, look back at your encounter, did you say or ask anything that could be construed by the lady as offensive. If you don't know then maybe send the lady a nice respectful email, and ask her if she is angry with you, and if so, why. The only person who can answer why the lady is angry (assuming she is in fact angry) is her. Then you can apologize to her if in fact she is angry, and you did something to cause her to be angry None of us on CERB know what happened during your encounter. Only you and the lady know what happened. You should, and just my opinion, direct your question to her, if you are concerned about if she is angry and why she is angry A rambling RG
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