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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Yesterday for Christmas dinner had a pot roast (my second time doing one). One thing about a pot roast is you have leftovers. So for today I used some of the pot roast (instead of a steak) and made a cheese steak sandwich (well two, the slices of Italian bread were small)….beef, onion, cheeses (provolone and cheddar)….and damn it was good RG
  2. Just a thread of some shows watched on Netflix this year worth a watch. Some came out this year, some earlier but saw on Netflix this year. Ozark (Season One and Two) waiting for the next season to arrive Atomic Blonde spy movie starring Charlize Theron The Next Three Days movie Russel Crowe and Elizabeth Banks The Highwaymen starring Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson about the hunt for Bonnie and Clyde Rattlesnake In The Tall Grass El Camino (a movie that's a must for any one who's watched Breaking Bad) The Irishman if you liked Goodfellas and the Godfather movies you'll like this In The Shadow Of The Moon About a guy obsessed with tracking and finding a killer Murder On The Orient Express 6 Underground with Ryan Reynolds American Made starring Tom Cruise Based on smuggling Iran/Contra drug for guns ???on how historically accurate though Broken (documentary...informative) Don't F**k With Cats Hunting An Internet Killer (documentary about sick POS killer Luka Magnotta) watch with caution The Devil Next Door About Nazi guard Ivan The Terrible Not an exhaustive list, just some I've seen on Netflix this year and worth a watch (maybe) The last two I listed are disturbing, be forwarned A rambling RG
  3. Second That One...if you like Goodfellas and the Godfather movies (and Casino too I guess) you'll like this movie. The phrase "I heard you paint houses" means something entirely different. Atomic Blonde, also on Netflix worth a watch, just to see Charlize Theron RG
  4. Well my wallet sure took a hit...yesterday gassed up Then breakfast out this morning And just came back from the vet, today Beatrix Kiddo went in to be spayed and microchipped. Now Beatrix is sulking and hiding, mad at me LOL RG
  5. I agree they make millions of dollars. But they won't feel the least bit guilty about collecting past due amounts even if the reason for the bill being past due is a bookkeeping error on their part. If it was me I'd let them know of the error (of their ways LOL), see what they say. Maybe they'll give credit on this bill and then go back to a correct bill. Far better than to say nothing and a get a mega big bill to pay them after a year. That's what I'd do RG
  6. Bought my prescription (well one of them today) And filled up the truck...in Winter especially I like to keep the tank full RG
  7. Bottle of lo dose aspirin It was mispriced...$18.99 at the shelf, when I went to pay came up $16.99. Told the pharmacist, she checked and $18.99 was right...but she charged me the $16.99 🙂 Even though honesty is the best policy in and of itself, I got a little "thank you" for bringing it to the pharmacy's attention, even though it's only a $2.00 discount Or maybe it was just a Black Friday sale on drugs LOL RG
  8. It's only Nov 26 and the local "good time oldies" station is now doing Christmas songs alternating between a regular song and a Christmas song...and I'm guessing if like last year come Dec 1st it'll be Christmas music 24/7 till Jan 2. All to increase store sales...thats all. Fortunately the Classic Rock station plays classic rock so guess what's tuned in now till the New Year RG
  9. Not so much a highlight but gotta love poetic justice and it happened today Heading back home after breakfast out today, I was behind a cement mixer truck but going the speed limit...well 83km/hr meaning I was speeding and also the truck ahead of me was going 83km/hr. But there was a pick up behind me tailgating me, just an a$$hole. That sets the scene. Untill guy behind me passes me and the truck in front of me and he must have really floored it...because a cruiser 👮‍♂️ was ahead on the shoulder of the road...speed trap set up Guess who got pulled over😈 No not really a highlight of the day, just poetic justice for a a$$hole tailgating RG
  10. I had it in regards to some other matter. It took about a week to resolve but got resolved although a personal response not given. I don't think it's so much a absence of support as it is (I'm guessing on this) that CerbMod and Mod_Cat are doing moderator duties in addition to their outside life (reiterate I'm just guessing here) I think they're doing what they can to keep Lyla running. But this isn't their full time 24/7 job. Of course this may just be guessing (yes reiterating this again for the 3rd time LOL) on my part A rambling RG
  11. Highlight Of The Day (well both yesterday and today) Took a three block walk (well six counting it being a round trip yesterday) and today walked to the grocery store (round trip over a mile so not really far but...) I walked with no limp, no pain in my knees and able to climb the stairs two at a time. The exercises the doctor prescribed are working, and now I'm going to add a daily walk (even in Winter) to my routine. And I've been home for an hour now, knees not hurting at all😃 Fingers crossed I won't need surgery, at least for now, maybe down the road but who knows. You don't appreciate the basics like walking till it's a painful task to do all the time A rambling RG
  12. Back from the doctor's office...Beatrix Kiddo's doctor that is She got her first check up, booster shots plus rabies, and parasite exam Oh and special order kitten food too My VISA took a hit LOL But she's my daughter after all...one that likes toilet paper at times, but still my daughter LOL RG
  13. Today took a bit of a road trip Picked up my prescription...well some of the drugs I take Then went to Mark's Work Wearhouse (touted as the biggest one, don't know how true that is) and bought a pair of jeans and some socks. The jeans, just because 🙂 and the socks,well it was about time don't you think LOL 😂 And on the way home my truck said it was thirsty so I filled it up RG
  14. Real Special Highlight Today. I hardly walked with a limp (my knees bother me) Doctor has me doing twice daily exercises and today I really noticed a difference. Still a slight, ever so slight pain, but I didn't need to limp😃 I'm going to continue the exercises and touch wood, maybe I won't need surgery or it'll be down the road a ways (I hate surgery, just the laser surgery on my eye was bad enough for this big baby) Keeping My Fingers Crossed for no surgery RG
  15. New snow shovel (the blade on the old one, it was cheap plastic, was cracking) for the truck (decided it's better to be safe than sorry and Winter's around the corner) Breakfast Bag of fresh curd and block of 7 year old cheddar Renewed my Medic Alert And Thats All Folks RG
  16. Agree with Greenteal, 18 is JB territory And TOFTT...OldandNerdy is right, you should be the one to TOFTT and get back to Lyla members with either a recommendation if deserved or a warning if JB RG
  17. Require a deposit from potential clients and don't consider that you have a booking until a deposit is received. JMO Legitimate clients have no problem with a deposit, those clients who intend to be NCNS are the ones who don't like them. Again JMO Good Luck RG
  18. A day late (but it was the last thing I bought) A automatic feeder and automatic water dispenser plus a scrunchie catnip toy for Beatrix Kiddo RG
  19. A few things today Weekly breakfast out so...breakfast Then went to the cheese factory, picked up a bag of fresh curd (dinner), some 7 year old cheddar (makes extra old taste like mild), salsa cheese and jalapeno & red chili cheese (not for children) I'm coming off of keto tomorrow and plan nachos for dinner tomorrow as a treat After the cheese factory got gas, just a top up ($34.00) And then picked up a few groceries A rambling RG
  20. You might try near the airport. Sometimes hotels by an airport have a day rate. Don't know about Stanfield Airport, just a general suggestion, something you might want to check out RG
  21. I mentioned the lines being painted in the parking lot yesterday as a Highlight of the Day with the bonus, my spot is away from the trees. Well this morning I went out and not only is my spot away from the trees it's right next to the apartment building entry door. Couldn't ask for a better spot. Only took eleven years LOL RG
  22. After years of being promised "this year we're painting lines in the parking lot" today (well this evening) the lines are almost finished being painted. As a bonus my parking spot is away from the trees which means my truck won't be covered in leaves RG
  23. Picked up my prescription (well one of them) Got a passport photo taken (no not for a passport, but to get my Veteran's Identification Card) and mailed off Express Post the package to NDHQ. Bought groceries And filled up the truck with gas A rambling RG
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