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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I have nothing against a sugar daddy arrangement. If it is something that is mutually beneficial for the sugar daddy and sugar baby, and they are both happy then why be critical Likewise seeing a professional companion in a conventional SP/Client relationship, as long as it is mutually beneficial, why be critical or look down on this lifestyle And seeing professional companions is not an impersonal sex for money business arrangement. Gentlemen are seeking companionship, sex, and sometimes even friendships can develop. And if a professional companion doesn't like the gentleman, she won't see him again for a repeat encounter. Yes at it's core it this lifestyle is a business relationship, but then again so is a sugar daddy arrangement. Sugar daddy arrangements are just another variation of professional companionship, just maybe more exclusivity (ie only seeing 1 client) on the part of the sugar baby. A rambling for what it's worth RG
  2. H is for Honeymoon with my dear wife RG
  3. 1) Just finding out OD's friend was murdered. Life is precious, live each moment to the fullest 2) Hearing that my dear wife isn't feeling well. Some people don't understand (or care) the serious health ramifications when they serve people caffeinated products. My dad, rest his soul, because he had a stroke couldn't touch caffeine, if he did it affected his heart and he would be rushed to Emerg. Here's hoping you get better soon Gabriella XOXO 3) Minor considering the above two "things that suck" but went to the grocery store this morning, overall good except for one thing, they rearranged the damned store again. Just pi$$es me off. Didn't buy anything more than I would have if they kept it the same, just my time in the store longer RG
  4. Well lets see. Woke up today so I survived Friday the 13th Walked to the grocery store on a nice cool fall day Now back home, enjoying a coffee and apple danish from the bakery for breakfast while on CERB And it isn't even 0930am, and I have no pressing things to do today, well except the dishes and cook lunch and dinner RG
  5. Just walked to the grocery store and picked up...yup you guessed it, groceries RG
  6. There are some ladies that I see on a repeat basis. I see them because I like them and enjoy the companionship and escape they provide But I also see new ladies too. I read their posts on CERB, emails and pm's and from that determine if there is enough chemistry/connection and schedule an encounter. And quite often I'm pleasantly surprised, and meet a lady I want to meet with again One of the joys of this lifestyle is it's poly amorous nature. And seeing new (and unknown) ladies doesn't preclude you from also seeing known ladies for repeat. You can do both in this lifestyle And always keep this in mind, a lady you know, was when you first met her, an unknown lady But I can't answer the poll as such, because I have encounters with both known and unknown ladies, to me the choice isn't mutually exclusive, one or the other A rambling RG
  7. Maybe he should contact his g/f and suggest to her that they take a "time out" He should tell her he gets the feeling she is still hung up on her ex. And maybe by taking a break she can decide if she wants a relationship with her ex or him. And while on the break he can see other women and decide if he wants to date other women and maybe pursue a new relationship, or he wants to stay with his g/f If she is agreeable to a time out" she already had one foot out the door so to speak, so he is no worse off really If she doesn't want a time out and instead wants to stay with him and continue their relationship, maybe an improvement in their relationship will happen Also the upper hand in the relationship and all the control which appears to belong to the gf would be taken away and he would begin to have a say and get some control in a relationship. Hopefully the outcome would be a mutually beneficial and respectful relationship with each other, but if not and they break up, their relationship was doomed to break up already Anyhow, a quick rambling RG
  8. T is for Touring Ladies. Those ladies who travel, staying in hotels and live out of suitcases so we can enjoy the special and wonderful companionship they provide RG
  9. My preference, or any guy's preference isn't what matters. What matters is what is the lady's preference. If she prefers to be natural, she should remain natural. If she wants to have implants, she should get implants. But whatever her decision, it should be her decision, done for herself, not for someone else be it bf/cl/husband or even clients BTW the ladies I see don't tell me how to "improve" be it Rogaine because I'm follically challenged (I'm bald LOL) or weight loss, they see me for the man I am. Likewise, the women are beautiful, and don't need some guy telling them how to "improve" when no improvement is needed. I see them for the ladies they are Hope that comes out right A rambling RG
  10. The world is indeed a small place. I have relatives in the United States. One is my cousin who was in the US Air Force, assigned to the Pentagon. Just by chance his office and other's offices were having renovations done on them, so they actually worked out of an office building, not the actual Pentagon while renovation work was going on. He could have been killed except that they were doing renovations in his office area And my second cousin, works as a manager in some company in Long Island. On 9/11 she had a meeting at the WTC. On her way to the meeting she received a call that the meeting was cancelled. Had the meeting not been cancelled she could have been killed And finally, at work, a co-worker's daughter was touring in NYC. After the attacks he couldn't get a hold of his daughter for two days. Never seen a man so scared waiting for bad news, and when she finally got a hold of him, never saw a man so happy that his daughter was alive RG
  11. I was in my truck waiting to go to work. PSAC had a picket line up Heard about the first plane flying into the twin tower, disbelief but thought some horrible accident, nothing more, till the radio reported about the second plane. Then you knew it was a hijacking and terrorist attack. Picket lines were down fast. Now there are the horrors of the attack, not to mention lives lost of firefighters and police going in after the attack. And lets not forget the soldiers, sailors and airman and women who contributed to the war on terror. But here is something a little heartwarming http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2011/09/11/canada-sept11.html RG
  12. This is the OP's original question, we are talking about seeing teenagers in this business which may be legal but is it ethical. Additional Comments: Now this is what you are arguing, basically it's ok to have sex with an underage child, be it man with underage girl, or woman with underage boy. Mind you, you never said anything about a man with underage boy or woman with underage girl. Since this thread is about seeing teenage companions, even if legal is it ethical, are you arguing about seeing underage escorts. Honestly beyond your obvious disdain for a minimum legal age, I don't know. And for fact, the minimum legal age in Canada isn't an abstraction, it's real, set out in the Criminal Code of Canada. you don't like it, go to France or Sweden. But French law or Swedish law applies to France or Sweden, not to Canada Just how low in age do you want to go? http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=511551#post511551 Why this thread, apparently in Yemini it is legal for a "man" to marry a 8 year old...do you think the age should be lowered to 8 now if your argument for lower legal ages is other countries do it. Law of the land in Canada is 18 years old. Don't like it, go find another country to live in catering to your predilections. And one more thing, maybe you should read the CERB Rules & FAQ. Couple copied and pasted here for you Streetwalkers - Car Dates - FS MASSAGE SPA'S - ETC .... (ALL ILLEGAL IN CANADA)We DO NOT discuss ILLEGAL activities here. This includes. - Streetwalkers (Public prostitution is illegal) - Car Dates (Something streetwalkers do - public prostitution is illegal in Canada) - FS Commercial unit (Massage Spa - Brothel - etc... are all considered common bawdy houses and illegal) - Underage Prostitution - Drugs - Etc... Please use common sense people! You must be 18 years of age older to participate, advertise or be advertised or discussed on cerb You must be of legal age (That is 18+ years of age in Canada) to use (AND JOIN) this website. We may ask you to prove your legal age if at anytime your legal age is in question. If you are under the legal age of 18 you are not welcome to post on this site and you should not be involved in this business.. If you are asked for proof of age and you refuse a bulletin will be posted on the site and your name will be added to the DNR LIST (Do not recommend or discus list) and you will not be allowed to post here, all posts about you will be removed and we will tell the members why you have been placed on this list. Just finding this advocating of seeing someone underage, especially on a thread talking about seeing teenage legal aged companions disturbing to say the least. Eighteen years old is the real and true age in Canada, not some abstraction. Find out how well your arguments go in Court if caught and charged by the police having sex with someone underage. RG
  13. I've never thought about my participation in this lifestyle in terms of being an ethical consumer. I have viewed it as a gentleman seeking the companionship of a lady. The only difference, instead of me looking for a date the conventional way, which includes strings attached, I now reject the notion of conventional dating for me. Instead I prefer this lifestyle where connections can be made, but no strings, and no expectations are attached. Now in talking about being an ethical consumer. Which is more ethical. Two consenting adults involved in this lifestyle. Everything is open honest and above board, no expectations beyond the encounter. It is mutually beneficial. Or a man and woman dating. The man knows he doesn't want to continue seeing her, but the woman says she wants to sleep with him (thinking he is as interested in her as she is in him) so he sees it as an opportunity for sex, but the next morning he is gone, never heard from again. And she is left with a broken heart (OK maybe a little melodramatic here) Where are the ethics here and who is more ethical, a client in an SP Client relationship where both know what the expectations and outcome will be or a man dating a woman he doesn't want to date, but sleeping with her while leading her to believe there is a future for them When I see a companion, or look to book an encounter with a companion I treat the lady like a gentleman. First and foremost, I treat the lady like a gentleman because I am a gentleman. And the SP's I see are ladies. This isn't just semantics, the ladies are ladies. Being professional companions and being ladies are not mutually exclusive. And being a gentleman and also a client partaking in this lifestyle is also not mutually exclusive. In short ladies and gentlemen can also be SP/Client, the two are not in conflict. How do I select a lady to see. I look first and foremost at her board presence on CERB. Her postings give me an idea of who she is, and whether we will click. I then follow her contact, screening/verification methods and respect all boundaries, including not ever negotiating. I stick with independent companions, mid twenties or over. A website is useful but not a necessity. One lady when I first met her had her information contained in her CERB profile. She didn't have a website. (she does now) She is a good companion one I plan to see for a third encounter in 2014 Not all companions can get involved in sex worker's activism, they may hold other jobs and need to be discrete. That isn't a deciding factor for me Finally, as I said I see ladies. You'd think with all the talk in mainstream society, by now I would have run into a hooker, whore, prostitute etc. Not one, not ever, all I've met are ladies. My opinion, for what it's worth. Mainstream society uses such terms because it allows them to feel morally superior and treat the ladies with condescension, like they are in need of society's help, unwanted as it may be. They can also call gentlemen john's, reinforcing their POV that ladies are exploited. They can't envision that non committal paid intimate relations can be a mutually beneficial non exploitive lifestyle, and ladies and gentlemen can partake in this lifestyle while being ladies and gentlemen. As for sex work, and yes, I never forget this is their livelihood, is because economic circumstances force the lady to do so. Well that can be said of any profession, we all have jobs first and foremost because economic circumstances force us to work. And even the term sex work is, at least for me, a misnomer. Yes sex is an aspect of an encounter, but at least for me, a more accurate term is professional companionship. I see a lady for her company, to socialize, have conversations, yes, sex too, but also just kissing and cuddling. And sometimes, circumstances allowing, we have dinner out, maybe breakfast too. If an encounter was solely about sex, well I'd book a half hour and that's it. But an encounter is about companionship, and why I like longer encounters OK you can all catch your breath now, my rambling over RG
  14. The only Toronto lady I know and would recommend without reservation is Kylie Daniels I have had a good encounter with another lady, Jordan Hahn who was on the Escort Canada site but her profile is gone. Don't know if she has retired or not Also, take a look at some touring ladies schedules and see if they are coming to Toronto. Right off the top of my head, Emily Rushton comes to mind. If she is coming to Toronto, schedule an encounter with her Just a couple ladies I can recommend RG
  15. Well for me it would be a longer encounter, like maybe a week long escape (as long as the lady is agreeable) Whether a holiday somewhere, or get a hotel in a Canadian city don't know, that would be done in discussion with the lady. Mind you, at least for me, to some degree I do that now. I schedule longer encounters (now three to four hours) and am planning a weekend escape for 2014. Point is, I won't wait till retirement to plan a special experience, I'm always hoping each and every encounter will be special in some way Also, if money is no object (and your single) why retire. Even if getting older (and I am too) well seeing a companion, at least for me, is more than just about sex. It is about an escape, companionship, maybe friendship, with no strings attached. If you can continue to afford this lifestyle and enjoy it, why retire A morning rambling RG
  16. P is for privileged which is how this guy feels after being in the company and making a connection with the ladies of CERB RG
  17. I like Halifax Man, a newer member of CERB, but fitting in and not shy about contributing to the community RG
  18. I forgot one, I used to watch a few years back. Street Legal. Show about lawyers in a small law firm in Toronto. The one character, a Crown Attorney was sleazier than the criminals he prosecuted RG
  19. Ice Pilots NWT Ice Road Truckers Canadian Pickers RG
  20. Well me personally I now use CERB exclusively. I saw a few ladies from other sites (CL, er*s Canada, site that rhymes with CERB etc) and all those encounters were bad encounters. Not saying all the ladies you see from those sites are bad, just the bad encounters I had were when I strayed off the reserve so to speak My encounters with the ladies from CERB have been good, so why go elsewhere? RG
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