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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. A very special lady mailed me a little package. Nice opening the mailbox today and instead of bills, receiving a package with a surprise inside To that special lady, THANK YOU :-) It was very kind and thoughtful of you RG
  2. When you contact the lady be open and upfront with her. Provide her with your real name, board handle (confirmed by PM, I assume she is a lady on CERB) contact phone number and email. Explain to her this is your first time seeing an escort and there isn't a companion who can provide a reference for you. She will likely have other ways to verify you I don't think being a student will be an issue, just so long as you can pay her donation in full. In your email be polite, respectful, in short, be a gentleman Good luck RG
  3. Congratulations Halifaxman on the first milestone Keep the postings up RG
  4. For me, and only me, it would be ethically wrong to see a 18, 19 year old. But I'm 52 years old and would have problems having an encounter with a teenage girl I'm not passing judgements here, just speaking for myself My comfort zone is mid twenties to fifty+ RG
  5. Nancy Sinatra-These Boots Are Made For Walking RG
  6. Stealers Wheel-Stuck In The Middle With You RG
  7. More a truck guy myself so I'd have to say monster truck Being "just married" Real wife (or husband as the case may be) or Virtual wife (or husband as the case may be) RG
  8. I like Mighty Finn for his sense of humour RG
  9. Me, I'm a happy guy. Look at the glass half full. Yes, there are days when something pi$$es me off, but that's life. In the overall scheme of things, life is good and I'm happy And as a sidenote, a few years back I had a bad breakup with my g/f and after that swore off dating. Well after three years without any female companionship I decided to try seeing escorts. Not only have the ladies I've met in this lifestyle provide a enjoyable no strings no drama alternative to dating. The ladies also filled a emptiness (one which I didn't know I had till it was filled btw) in my life too. I only mention this because if you are still on the fence about seeing SP's, you may be like me, and find the companionship the ladies provide will help fill an emptiness in your life A rambling from a happy guy RG
  10. I like olderguy for his postings on CERB. Definitely a positive contributor and member of the community RG
  11. Doesn't need to be a gravy boat, a fishing boat would be nice though LOL RG :-)
  12. I finally got to meet my beautiful virtual "wife" last Friday in Kingston for a four hour encounter. Screening/verification was taken care of with no issue. Gabriella arrived at my hotel on time. She looks young and beautiful, and her photos are accurate. We sat down on the couch and over drinks and we got caught up on old times and current events. I say got caught up because Gabriella and I have gotten to know one another through email's and pm's, not to mention posts on CERB, so while it was our first encounter, it wasn't with a stranger, if that makes sense. After drinks, we headed downstairs to the restaurant where we had dinner and continued getting to know one another. Then we went back to my hotel room, where we did what newlyweds do. In this case it started with a shower for two. Then we got out of the shower and dried off. My lovely bride then ordered me to bed, telling me to lay face down. She then treated me to a deep massage, including a body slide. Then my beautiful virtual "wife" and I consummated our marriage. The details of which are private between Gabriella and myself, but I will say I'm happy we "got married." We then laid in each others arms, kissing and cuddling. Gabriella is not a clock watcher by any means, we had an unrushed encounter. Unfortunately the time runs out too fast, and she did have to go. Definitely Gabriella is a lady I will see again Just one final comment. My recommendation of Gabriella is truthful, except for the stuff about her being my wife That is just some bantering she and I have done both on CERB and in private emails and included here for a bit of lightheartedness. But that said, Gabriella is a terrific lady who I would recommend seeing to a gentleman looking for a encounter with a wonderful companion.
  13. R is for Respect...something all ladies should be shown considering the companionship and escapes they provide RG
  14. O is for Orleans, a place where I have had four encounters with two CERB ladies (2 encounters each) and will go to again because there is another CERB lady I would like to meet ;-) RG
  15. Congratulations Star on reaching the first milestone. Looking forward to reading your next 100 contributions RG
  16. M is for Making Magical Memories RG
  17. Personally I find both not acceptable. I'm sure the underage sex they chant about is about an adult male having sex with someone underage, which isn't consensual. They aren't chanting (or even thinking) about two teenagers having sex And I agree with you about non consensual sex (nice way to phrase sexual assault) non acceptable Chanting about underaged sex and non consensual sex inappropriate (a nice way to put it) Wonders what the mindset was that this chant was ever conceived of in the first place, and that the university allowed it to carry on all these years. And it would have carried on except they got exposed. They aren't sorry about the chant, just sorry they got caught RG
  18. Why the focus now???...my guess, only because they got caught now. Got to wonder about a mindset which amongst other things chants about underage sex and no consent. What has been in the mindset all these years to allow this chant, and not just the student's mindset, but the faculty's too. I'm sure this university isn't the only university in Canada (and the United States) where this sort of thing takes place. But this university, well it didn't get caught so much as it's chant recorded and seen on media How many parents are telling their daughters now that they can go to university but not St Mary's University When this chant first started years ago, this should have been nipped in the bud then by faculty, as inappropriate. My morning rambling RG
  19. I like HalifaxMan who as a newer member of CERB is not just a contributor but a positive contributor to the board RG
  20. Well for me this lifestyle hasn't made me lazy. I did the dating game and it didn't work for me. So, after a bad break-up and a three year hiatus from dating I decided to see a SP. Well the first couple encounters not so great and made me think about giving up. But then I met a great companion. My subsequent encounters not just with her but other ladies have been good and memorable. This lifestyle hasn't made me lazy. I just found in this lifestyle it became my social life, meeting many ladies, having a mutually beneficial no strings attached "relationship", whether for just a one time encounter, or for a longer ongoing friendship. No this lifestyle hasn't made me lazy. This lifestyle has made me see that men and women can have mutual respect for one another, in a no strings attached lifestyle, without the drama of dating and relationships An evening rambling RG
  21. When the nipple makes an appearance (watch video to end)A Seinfeld episode for everything Seriously though, to contribute to the thread, sex to me construed at it's narrowest is intimate physical acts, be it intercourse, oral sex, or other acts for the sole purpose of one or both partners receiving physical pleasure. The sole purpose of sex is for physical pleasure, and more done for biological necessity. Now construed more broadly sex includes the above acts. But there other physical acts such as hugging and kissing, cuddling and so on. Acts that are the act of two people who like (and if talking outside this lifestyle, love) one another. There is more of an emotional connection if you will between the two partners and sex is a way of expressing that connection Of course sex is also for the one old standby, making babies This is just a quick off the cuff rambling btw RG
  22. And I like Lee for his positive and maybe sometimes "insightful" :icon_rolleyes: posts LOL. Definitely he is a pillar of the CERB community. Just wish he'd lighten up a little and get a sense of humour, stop being so serious Lee LOL RG :-)
  23. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/story/2013/09/05/ns-saint-marys-video-apology.html
  24. E is for those Escapes the ladies provide us, for those few hours together where we escape from the outside world RG
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