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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. No blocked numbers is a no brainer. It is the very minimum a lady requires. You want her to be with you alone intimately, which requires a high degree of trust. You want her to give you her phone number so you can phone her. You want her to provide you with her address. What, is it a one way street here for you, she provides you with her phone number, her address, and then is supposed to spend time alone with you intimately? Yet you can't provide your phone number to the lady. That's usually just a minimum that ladies require btw before they would even consider seeing a potential client Seeing ladies isn't about anonymous sexual encounters. Most ladies, well at least the ones I see require full verification, including real name. I'm at a loss as to why your "need" to put it out there...an unblocked phone number an issue for you, really? What is she to think, a potential client who won't even respect minimum screening requirements like no blocked numbers, what other boundaries will the man try to cross if she agrees to see him? If giving your phone number to a companion is that big a concern for you, just remember, you not giving your phone number is going to be more than a concern for the ladies, it is likely going to raise flags with her. And instead of seeing you as a client, she'll see someone else, a gentleman who will respect her screening methods. RG
  2. Congratulations WBS on achieving the 500 post milestone Looking forward to your next 500 contributions RG
  3. Congratulations on reaching that first milestone MBR. Looking forward to your next 100 contributions RG
  4. Well no one is laughing at Steve. Just trying to show another perspective, that because there is another lady in an apartment discretely it isn't necessarily a case of b&s, but may just be a case of the lady's safety and security. And while some ladies would introduce the second person in the apartment, other ladies may feel it is better to keep the second person discrete, not only because of safety, but it would make the client more relaxed RG Oooppps my bad about the laughing and yes I agree, the ladies shouldn't have laughed after Steve left, that did show a definite lack of courtesy on their part
  5. If the lady has another lady in the apartment for her safety and security (which btw is one possible method ladies could use to protect themselves) it would completely defeat the purpose of having that person there if you were told she was there. Some guys have concerns about b&s, revealing personal information to a companion through verification/screening, and so on. But the ladies have even bigger concerns, their safety. They are being alone intimately with a man they don't know. They just want to make sure their safety and security is ensured that's all. From reading your posts, I'm guessing that this is what the second lady was there for. And how would you have reacted if you knew someone else was in the apartment when you showed up. The only way I can see a lady using a second person in her apartment for security, is if that person is there discretely RG
  6. Quick question and quick point. Did you enjoy your encounter with the lady while you were there? And maybe there was a second lady in the apartment, but she could have been this lady's security as you point out...someone who can phone the police if an encounter goes south. Also, the lady may just have changed her hairstyle that's all. Not saying there wasn't b&s, but it may not have been b&s, you may have seen the lady you booked an encounter with RG
  7. One of my favourite shows, Vegas, isn't being renewed for a second season, not happy I am however looking forward to The Blacklist RG
  8. How come the grocery store keeps moving their products around. The first layout and everyone knew where everything was. They rearranged things, and then it was a search to find things when shopping. Now that everyone got used to the new layout, you guessed it, they changed things around again RG
  9. Sorry about your first experience. Sometimes two people just don't click, it happens. Chalk it up as a learning experience and move forward. I didn't have my first great encounter until I met my fourth companion (and even now, even though she is retired, she is still special to me). My first three encounters, two absolute failures and one ok, not outstanding, but ok. See another lady, you may turn out to have a great encounter and will post a recommendation instead Good Luck RG
  10. http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/screaming-walk-in-vagina-at-a-former-womens-prison/1ylz0rzo7?from=en-ca-infopane
  11. Congratulations to Emily on 4000+ contributions to CERB You are one of the ladies who are cornerstone of the CERB community. Not only are your posts insightful, but the ads you post are a honest and real reflection of who you are. As unique to you as your signature and photographs Congratulations again Em, looking forward to your next 4000 posts RG
  12. If money was absolutely no object this is my wishlist Ford F150 4x4 pick-up but for fun driving a Ford Mustang And the reason for the truck, would need it for towing my dream boat But money is an object, and I detest financing...after paying off my truck a few years back and my line of credit I prefer no payments. So in a couple months my poor old Ram will be able to rest in peace, and I'll have this vehicle, not a car, but not quite a SUV, a crossover, a used 2007 Pontiac Torrent that I can pay cash for. And the deal is already set up. At least it can tow a smaller boat, which I plan to have in a year or so Oh well, may not be exactly what I was looking for, but I do know the vehicle I'm getting is reliable and has been looked after. And it can tow a boat like this, which is what I'm aiming for RG
  13. A is for Amore, like in the Dean Martin song, That's Amore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3uo2OF2Qb7I RG :-)
  14. Since Tracie was overlooked, I like Tracie for her constant support of this community and it's members. And while I don't know Corvo seeing as he is a new member, I'll use this post to welcome him to CERB RG
  15. It isn't something like this is it Lexy http://www.staples.ca/en/Staedtler-Rasoplast-Pen-Pencil-Erasers/product_27804_2-CA_1_20001 Just thinking if it's for tech ed it is a eraser used in drafting Likely can find it in Staples or some other office/drafting supply store Good luck RG
  16. Certainly not what would be considered artistic or the classics but just finished watching "There's Something About Mary" starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz and now starting to watch "Major League" starring Tom Berenger, Charlie Sheen and Rene Russo Lighthearted and funny RG
  17. naked Hotel for an encounter...a room or suite RG
  18. Treating myself tonight Spaghetti Carbonara spaghetti with butter, cream, eggs, bacon and parmesan Yum, I'm making my mouth water already RG
  19. I would. Because even if you see for miles and miles those cops are tricky and sure as sh*t you'd find a cruiser after you, lights and sirens going, if you ran the stop sign And true story, years ago, stop sign, but early in the morning, no traffic, no one apparently around, did a rolling stop and went through the intersection. Guess what, cruiser out of nowhere lights and sirens going, and RG gets a ticket. So live and learn, come to a full stop at a stop sign RG
  20. I don't find this site's rules discourage me (probably others too) from being here. Actually I find that the rules and the policies and the efforts made by Mod and Council make CERB the positive board it is and has me using this site exclusively. And my experiences in this lifestyle have been good and positive. I really don't see what is confusing about this website, it seems pretty straightforward to me...mind you I have been here since Feb 2010. But in fairness you are new to the board and it may take a bit of time to get comfortable with the format and knowing the rules. But seeing as you are new and apparently unfamiliar with CERB format and rules you shouldn't be criticizing policies which CERB has found to work, and keeps this community having a positive atmosphere, instead of the free for all found in some other boards. Complaining about the rules of a board you chose to join really doesn't make sense. If you didn't like CERB's policies why did you join. And posting publicly about your dislike about CERB's policies when you are new certainly doesn't get you started off on the right foot. RG
  21. E is for an enjoyable escape with an enchanting goddess RG
  22. I like Miquelon for his contributions to the CERB community RG
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