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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. Although I don't have the travel bug (especially after two drives with a carload of family to Nova Scotia) if the opportunity arose I'd like to see Newfoundland, Nunavut, NWT and the Yukon. Aside from those places I've seen the rest of Canada (not every square inch LOL) I do enjoy my monthly trips to Toronto, Kingston, London, Ottawa or Hamilton, mind you less for the trip and city than for the wonderful company I'll have when I'm there ;-) RG
  2. First, when contacting the lady you wish to see be open with her. Provide full verification/screening information (real name, phone, email, board handle confirmed by PM) Then explain to her that the SP you saw is no longer in the on line community and not able to provide a reference. Likely the lady will have other ways to screen you if a reference isn't available. The alternative, the lady may also utilize reference sites in the alternative of having a reference, such as SP411 and Date Check. Finally when a lady requests a reference she is concerned that the client is a gentleman, has good hygiene, pays in full, in short treats her with respect, and she is safe being alone with him. She isn't concerned with whether sex took place or not, or the details of the encounter for that matter. So if that is worrying you, don't worry, your worries are unfounded Good Luck RG
  3. Congratulations on the 2000 post milestone Miquelon Looking forward to your next 2000 posts RG
  4. And what is there not to love about Angela RG
  5. The client plays a large factor in YMMV, but I would say in such an intimate interpersonal lifestyle both the lady and gentleman combined also play a part in YMMV. For example, from the client's side, yes, hygiene and behaviour play a major factor in YMMV. If the client hasn't showered, shaved, fresh breath, and is rude, don't expect a lady to treat him as good if you will as with a client who not only has good hygiene but is a gentleman too. But YMMV may also be a combination of the lady and gentleman combined. Sometimes chemistry is a factor. We're all people here, and sometimes two people just don't click, there is no chemistry. Nobody's fault, it sometimes happens. Sometimes, at least in my experience, very rarely, but instead of the man being rude, the lady is rude, or treats the client just like a paycheque, nothing else. Being told when she walks in the room "gotta pay the bills hun, gotta pay the bills" or going to the ladies incall, handing the donation and being told "oh good, now I can buy groceries" makes for a poor encounter. As for physical attractiveness. Well here I disagree. My experience is a gentleman's physical attractiveness plays no role in YMMV. I'm middle aged, bald, overweight, would never make the cover of GQ. But the ladies I see, Goddesses all, could be models, and they make heads turn. They treat me like they just got asked out on a date with a male model. The ladies are professional, and treat their clients, at least in my experience, like they are seeing a good looking male model, not a middle aged overweight bald guy. So I disagree, looks play no part in YMMV, at least in my experience. I'm sure a lady may for whatever reason not be at one hundred percent at times (we're all human after all) and it could affect YMMV. I know one lady, who had something personal going on and our encounter was say, eighty five percent (mind you her eighty five percent was much better than some other lady's one hundred percent's) But I saw her again, and was treated to encounters which were one hundred and fifty percent encounters. So on the tally sheet of life, well maybe you might get less than one hundred percent in YMMV from an SP. but you may also be treated to that lady giving more than one hundred percent in future encounters...it more than balances out (btw as a sidebar I miss this lady) YMMV in my experience is time variable. The first time you meet, it is two strangers SP and Client meeting. But repeat encounters, well the lady is now seeing a man she knows, and the man seeing a lady he knows. It's no longer two people who only know each other through emails and pm's. And if there are repeat encounters, well obviously SP Client relationship aside, they both must like and trust one another, or they wouldn't agree to see each other again. YMMV certainly is going to be different with a lady and gentleman that know and like one another than with a lady and gentleman who have just met one another for the first time. And YMMV may include certain intangible undefinable aspects, nothing having to do with a menu of services, that just make repeat encounters very special And I agree with EmilyJ about YMMV not just restricted to this lifestyle. Case in point. Restaurant up the street from me, I go to for take out frequently. At the take out they have a tip jar, for the ladies taking the orders and cooks preparing the meals. Most people there drop a quarter or two in for a tip. Me, I always drop a $5.00 bill. Well now I always get extra feta and olives on my greek salad, or extra tatziki on my souvlaki, or extra cheese on a pizza. YMMV is something that happens to a client when he sees an SP but he may not even know it is happening when it does happen. That is first because no two encounters, even between the same two people are the same. A client who shows a lady appreciation and respect (maybe tip and gift), and treats the encounter and treats his time with her as more than a simple business transaction, but an special escape between two (or more) people, will likely see that YMMV means one thing, namely that the client will be treated special. A client who reduces the encounter to just a simple business transaction, nothing more, well his encounter will likely be different than from the gentleman who treats the encounter as a special escape. And for a client who is rude, haggles and/or has poor hygiene, well he'll find YMMV means something else A morning rambling RG
  6. Open minded means whatever the lady advertising it wants it to mean. Like others have said, best to ask the lady before hand what she means. RG
  7. I won't pick. Each ad put out by a professional companion is unique...a reflection of that lady's personality, who she is. To me it is as unique as a person's signature. For me to pick an ad would be like publicly picking a lady What is appreciated by this guy is the time and effort a lady invests in herself to present ads that reflect who she is. What isn't appreciated is those, hopefully very few, ladies who steal, well plagarize from professional companions trying to ride a professional companion's coattails. There are no shortcuts in being a professional companion as ladies will tell you. You need to take the time and effort to invest in yourself, not steal from other ladies A rambling RG
  8. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=1fc_1324038018 Got this in an email, thought I'd share And no, these aren't RCAF Hornets, they are U.S. Navy RG
  9. G is for the gratitude I have to the ladies for the much needed escape they provide me RG
  10. E is for Extraordinary Encounter RG
  11. Agreed. Which is why I believe his threat to take legal action is an empty threat. Not only are lawyer's fees expensive (there would be pre-trial preparation, then time in court) and likely much more than any fees he paid to Victoria, but the public exposure he would get from taking the case to court would, or should make him think twice about legal action. Not to mention the letter would already have stated fees fully refundable three weeks prior to the encounter, not nine days before. I'm not a lawyer but I don't think he would have a case. My guess, he already knows this and his threat is an empty threat I do hope everything works out for you too Victoria RG
  12. Raiders Of The Lost Ark RG
  13. Geez, why not instead just put ankle bracelets on your SO and kids like a court would do if someone gets granted bail This is just creepy, if someone's spouse is to the point that you monitoring him/her like this, the relationship is already over RG
  14. Z is for Zooerastia Sexual arousal from petting animals RG
  15. Agree with you Meaghan I'm sure this lady would like a recommendation in the recommendation page of the city you saw her in It goes in the general discussion area for all of Canada very soon it will be buried for no one to see. In the recommendation page easily accessible for other gentlemen to read about RG
  16. Agree 100 percent with Meg I am curious though how, if you password protect your phone, someone else could download this tracking app RG
  17. I don't know about grossed out, but sh*t and puke not on my list of things to see or have to clean up Why someone would wait twenty five years to clean out a pore I don't know. God an ingrown hair drives me up the wall, that pore must have been annoying as hell I remember I took a first aid course many years ago and we had to watch a film on childbirth and what to do, which showed a women giving birth. None of the women got grossed out, but a few guys were green around the gills. When we had our break went to the store across the street, got a soda and bag of chips, one of the guys, still green, asked, how can you eat after seeing that. RG
  18. I know my phone, an android is password protected, so how to upload it I don't know. And my guess every type phone could be vulnerable, from what I read Apple sued Samsung (android) because they claimed it was a copy of the Apple technology RG
  19. I'll ask another question then. Do you have to allow other Twitter users access to your account to read your Tweets, and vice versa, or if you know the member's user name (I guess that's what it's called) you can read his/her Tweets and he/her can read yours In a roundabout way, god I'm longwinded LOL, do you have a contact list and only anyone on your contacts can see your Tweets and vice versa Is that making sense RG
  20. P is for Psycho (1960) RG
  21. No I understood that you were explaining the context, but just trying to show I have no frame of reference to understand Twitter, hence my comparison of it to email or texting that's all. We're good here :-) RG
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