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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. As I said I don't really understand it, well actually I said I was dumb on it LOL (I don't use social media, not just Twitter but also Facebook)...hence the reason for me starting this thread, just trying to educate myself, and probably others here too. And without knowing about it, all I could use for comparison is email and texting because that is what I know. My thread was to get more educated about Twitter, it wasn't in any way shape or form a bash of it. RG
  2. At least I haven't got the tap, ever, touch wood A Seinfeld episode for every occasion Just thrown in for a bit of humour But I do agree with you NLWC about communication. RG
  3. OK I confess I'm dumb in this area. But what is the benefit...advantage if you will of Twitter compared to say, email or texting. From my understanding it is short little statements (Tweets) that you post for all (well those who have access to your account) to see. Maybe (well likely) there is nothing tweet worthy in my life to post about which is why I don't fully understand it. And can everyone who has a Twitter account read your tweets. If restricted to only certain people, well those people would already be contacts in my two email accounts and via pm through CERB, so I don't know about any benefit for me at least to use Twitter I guess it is hard to understand for a guy whose text messages read like mini emails, so short posts are really hard for a guy like me to figure out BTW this isn't a bash of any sorts against Twitter, I truly don't understand it except for what I know already, and would appreciate any insights as to it's benefits. Thanks RG
  4. This app apparently doesn't just give away your location, it can intercept and monitor text messages and allow the user of the app to eavesdrop on phone conversations. It is a major invasion of privacy, everyone's cell phone is their own, unless you choose to share it with your SO and then you knowingly run your risks Anyhow posted for infor RG
  5. Well I'll offer up my two cents here. Except for three bj's, I enjoyed every one I received. One was bad because the lady was not gentle, in fact it hurt...even telling her go easy, she would go easy, then back to hard and hurting. The other, well the encounter went sour from the get go (no I won't say who or why) and no intimate act that day was going to be good. But in fairness there was a lot of YMMV that day, and I was probably as much at "fault" for lack of a better term for a bad encounter as she was. And the third, my first in this lifestyle, well she started, maybe would go about 30 seconds, stop, take a break, then start again (note to CERB members, avoid CL ladies LOL) Fortunately I haven't needed to give BJ technique requests, they were all pleasurable (except for the three) enjoyable and most of all, a very giving intimate gift, yes gift on the part of the lady What I've wondered, is how I do with my oral techniques. Would a lady feel comfortable telling a client what he is doing wrong and how to improve. Now mind you, different ladies like different things. One lady liked a certain act which if I did that to another lady I'd likely get kicked out of her incall and on her black list. But anyhow question is, would a lady feel comfortable telling a client what he could do to improve, what he is doing wrong and what he is doing right? A quick rambling and I hope not a hijack RG
  6. http://www.geektown.ca/2013/08/boyfriend-tracking-app-creepy-and-crazy-or-helpful-intelligence.html Married guys watch out, this could pose a threat to your partaking in this lifestyle Gives strength to the argument of using a dedicated cell phone that your SO knows nothing about for this lifestyle or buy a cheap disposable phone that you throw away after each encounter Remember, a separate phone or a throwaway phone cheaper than a divorce But btw, and just my opinion, an invasion of privacy, but think of what signals you are giving off that your SO suspects you in the first place RG
  7. No Country For Old Men Starring Tommy Lee Jones Javier Bardem, (played bad guy in James Bond Skyfall) and Josh Brolin Good movie RG
  8. I can see on-line boards in for lack of a better word "conventional" websites requiring or demanding that posters provide their real name. I am on a fishing board (although my account is likely inactive by now) which you can use a handle, but when you pull up the users profile, their real name and city comes up. But having an anonymous board with an anonymous profile behind it with no apparent link to your real name gives some comfort to posters, but also gives those who like to spam, shill and bully a comfort zone too to post their crap. In mainstream boards taking away anonymity can fly, because serious posters won't be scared away from positing, only the spammers, shill and bully type posters won't find a comfort zone there. Fortunately here on CERB we have a moderated community monitored by Mod and Town Council, not to mention most active members here through posts shut down the bullies. Now in a board like this, people, both ladies and gentlemen would feel uncomfortable providing such information. Probably more so that they will worry someone else on the board will discover their true identity. There are probably some ladies who keep this aspect of their lives secret from family and friends and gentlemen who don't want their SO's discovering that they partake in this lifestyle But no one should really think they are truly anonymous. Board handle or not, your real identity could end up being traced back to you through your ISP, yes even on CERB. That said, if a requirement for providing your real name to a escort recommendation board or review board, I believe memberships in such boards will dry up A quick few thoughts RG
  9. I am not disagreeing with you Phaedrus, actually I do agree with you. But if a gentleman wishes to not be considered the man who not sends the "Hey I think you're really hot, will you visit my city" emails but instead a serious gentleman who contacts a lady because he not only wants her to visit a city, but he will also schedule an encounter when she visits that city, there are proactive things he can do. He would be considered serious, if providing verification/screening information (what man would provide personal information about themselves to a lady if not serious about seeing her) and paying a deposit, likely go from those men who are "tire-kickers" and time wasters list, to a gentleman serious about an encounter. There is a need for serious gentlemen to be somewhat proactive in seeing a lady because of the "tire-kickers" and I'm suggesting two ways to do this A early morning rambling RG
  10. One way to alleviate the lady's concern of no shows and let her know you are a client who will be a solid booker is to pay the lady a deposit in advance of her touring your city. Also, many ladies require verification/screening. Being open and forthcoming with a lady in providing this information shows the lady amongst other things, you are serious about seeing her, your not going to be a no show. A quick rambling RG
  11. Ask a lady who tours, that you would like to see, when is the next time she will be coming to your city. When you know her touring schedule, book an encounter with her. I have run into a case where a lady I want to meet announces her touring dates but not in time enough for me to get to see her. So I proposed to her a date and city to meet in, far enough in advance that she could possibly schedule it. And happily she was agreeable to the proposed date and I will get to meet her Of course being from smalltown Ontario, I need to schedule my touring dates too, complicating the situation, but if you are willing to work with the ladies' touring schedule, my experience, they will work with you too. A quick rambling RG
  12. G is for Goddesses, for that is what the ladies of CERB are, Goddesses RG
  13. WBS you are right about the last sentence. And MBR just a quick thought. I'm single, and was not dating for three years (long story) when I decided to seek out a paid companion. Well I found this lifestyle opened up a new dimension to my life, and brought me happiness that I didn't have for a few years. We all deserve happiness in our lives. Taking the plunge may bring you that same happiness without jeopardizing your marriage Again, good luck RG
  14. First don't worry that this is in the PEI section, why we partake in this lifestyle (sorry, I refuse to call what I do a hobby, stamp collecting is a hobby, but that's me) it is a subject that all gentlemen here can comment on. Second, if your wife is denying you sex, while yes, she has the right to chose for herself to live a sexless life. But she doesn't have the right to decide unilaterally make you live a sexless life as well. And your not cheating if what you are seeking is not available at home...who are you cheating on? If your thinking about seeing a companion, contact her by her preferred method of contact and set up an encounter. Your first encounter is the one that gets you over the hurdle of seeing companions. And don't worry about discretion, the ladies are very discrete And seeing a companion is not having an affair, where there is another woman competing with your wife for your affection. It is a no strings, no complications mutually beneficial arrangement, for only a set period of time. It really shouldn't threaten the marriage, because the husband likely won't leave his wife and family because he is seeing a professional companion. One word of advice, don't fall in love with an SP Good luck RG
  15. http://video.ca.msn.com/watch/video/friend-reacts-to-escort-deaths/16auwpmbb?from=en-ca-infopane RG
  16. I guess I'd be called an introvert, in the outside world. Not that I'm shy, but I have a few close people...friends, that I trust and would open up with. Other people, I'm more guarded and cautious about what I reveal about myself. People might call that shy, me just guarded. In this lifestyle, when seeing a lady, most of the time, even on a first date I am pretty open. If the lady trusts me enough to be intimate with me I certainly trust her to be open with her. So if I have an encounter with a lady and I am open with her, I am getting a good vibe and trust you But really all in all, I'm wouldn't say I'm so much an introvert as a person who is selective about who I share parts of my life about and who I want sharing parts of their life with me, if that comes out right RG
  17. Z is for zelophile-getting aroused by their partner's jealousy RG
  18. I put smalltown Ontario, but I do travel. Where I live is so small that no ladies would come here. But I do travel, and my encounters have taken me from the following Ontario cities, London, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston, and Ottawa. I guess I could be called a touring gentleman LOL But any ladies thinking of touring to Ontario, well you see where my travels take me, living in smalltown Ontario still allows me to enjoy the companionship of ladies who only go to the big city. Gee the preacher was right, seeing the ladies from the big city would take away this small town boy's innocence. But he was wrong, it wasn't a sin, it was two people enjoying each other's company, in a mutually beneficial encounter and it was sure fun :-) A rambling from a not so innocent small town boy RG
  19. Personally it's not something I have thought of trying, but if a lady I was having an encounter with brought the subject up I might be game to try it. Now a question, are you talking about anal sex with the man as a giver and lady as a receiver, or vice versa, with the lady as the giver (with strap on) and the man as receiver? Or both? And irrespective, as Tracie points out, go slow and easy and no forcing. Probably lots of lube too. This as in all aspects of an encounter should be a mutually beneficial activity. A quick rambling RG
  20. Hagen Daz Dulce De Leche ice cream. A caramel flavour ice cream But I suppose for the purpose of the game I'll have to go to my childhood favourite chocolate. Mind you pretty much all ice cream is open for play, well eating, except strawberry, I hate strawberry. Not to say I hate those who like strawberry RG
  21. Welcome to the CERB community. To find companions out west scroll down to the province, then city you would like to see a lady in. Not only are there likely local ladies in the city you would like to have an encounter in, there are some ladies who tour coast to coast, and may be in a city near you Again welcome to CERB RG
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