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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. I like Tracie for her positive contributions to the CERB community and her keeping track and posting threads of CERB members' milestones RG
  2. Obviously everyone must do what they are comfortable doing. But really email money transfer is a much more simplified way of transacting the financial side of an encounter. Saves going to the bank, withdrawing a large sum of money and carrying that large wad of cash to an encounter. Obviously it is something I would only do with ladies I know and trust, or ladies who have a stellar reputation. I certainly wouldn't use it for a lady who is just starting in this lifestyle, or ladies off BP. As for the record of an email money transfer, you can always open a separate bank account (one your SO knows nothing about) and do your transactions through it. Also most professional companions, at least in my experience, have discrete email addresses that they use for email money transfers, one would not associate the email address with this lifestyle. So even if the transaction is seen on record, no one would assume it is about seeing a professional companion. All that said, everyone has to do what is in their comfort zone. And I'm comfortable using email money transfer A rambling RG
  3. You Only Live Twice (James Bond) RG
  4. Cristy I am so sorry this is happening to your dog, and to you. My two cents, for what it's worth. Maybe try the status quo for the time being. Keep your dog on the current medications and see how she makes out If that doesn't work, then try the surgery. One thing, and this may be hard to do. But accept your dog's playing days may be over. Not only do her discs likely restrict her playing, but even if she did play, playing may aggravate and worsen her condition. Of course run by all options with a veterinarian, see what he or she thinks Good luck RG
  5. Ignore him, don't acknowledge him whatsoever. By acknowledging him you acknowledge his bullying, and that you still to this day remember it. Don't acknowledge him, then it means his bullying (and him) doesn't impact you today RG
  6. Right now watching an old John Wayne western, El Dorado Co-starring Robert Mitchum, James Caan and Edward Asner RG
  7. Well just my opinion, and I am not a lawyer by any stretch of the imagination. If the letter says full refund three weeks prior to the event, and he bails out of an event he must have contacted you to attend, 9 days prior to the event (less than three weeks), he isn't IMHO entitled to a full refund. He cancelled on you, you didn't cancel on him. And you made financial commitments based on his contacting you to attend. Considering the costs needed to put on such an event, not to mention credit card fees, refunding half the fees seem more than fair to me I think his threat to sue you is somewhat of an empty threat, more designed to scare you. Because if he sued he would have to pay for a lawyer and time in court which in itself would likely be more costly than any fees he paid you. Also courts are a public place, where his wife (assuming he is married) kids (assuming he has any) other family, friends, co-workers and so on would know he partakes in this lifestyle. I think he would just as likely want to keep his participation in this lifestyle discrete. My two cents worth, if it's worth that RG
  8. Here's my advice based on what you told us. Don't get hung up on her. Remember there are many good providers out there. She may very well just have got a vibe, or double booked or who knows what. Move on and see another companion. Good Luck RG
  9. Congratulations Sami on hitting the 500 post milestone Looking forward to reading your next 500 contributions RG
  10. Congratulations on your milestone Cinelli Looking forward to you reaching many more milestones RG
  11. Some people need to build themselves up by putting others down. Or they think somehow they are better than other people. And treating a person with disrespect because of the job he or she has is an easy way for such a person to build him/herself up What is important is who the person is on the inside. All a job is, is how a person earns a income, their livelihood. It isn't who they are. And who a person is determines if he or she is treated with respect by me, not the job they hold. A rambling RG
  12. For me I'm not a guy with atypical tastes, more a vanilla type of guy. But if there is a lady I would like to meet, and she requests a deposit, I'd be comfortable doing so. If I don't feel I could trust her to pay a deposit in advance, then likely my spidey sense is going off already and I'm wondering why I would want to see her to begin with. (BTW this came with some experience, I have had some bad encounters in my early years of this lifestyle) Now, I like paying not just the deposit, but for the whole encounter in advance via email money transfer. Saves me carrying a big wad of money around to an encounter and saves the lady from carrying that big wad of money after the encounter A quick rambling RG
  13. Well I'll throw in a thought or two. Recommendations are a tool for a gentleman looking to see a lady. Yes, recommendations don't tell you who not to see. Recommendations instead recommend a lady you might like to see. As for ladies not to see, no CERB isn't a review board. But there is a section on CERB to report bait and switch, scams and dangerous encounters. (it's at the bottom of the page on CERB) There is also Cowboy's Diary. And if you'd like reviews, there are also review boards out there. You can always use those boards in conjunction with CERB As for repeat recommendations of a lady by a gentleman, first second, third and so on encounters do get better (the connection with the lady and you evolves) and writing a recommendation of each encounter not only lets readers know of a wonderful companion. It also lets the readers know that you like this lady so much that you have seen her again, and again. You as a gentleman have many ladies you could see, and this lady is such a wonderful companion you have seen her for repeat encounters So if you see a lady for repeat encounters, and they were recommendation worthy encounters, write a recommendation of each encounter with that lady. Not only will gentlemen appreciate it, so will the lady I know for me, if the lady brings up or insinuates about getting a recommendation during an encounter, that is a sure-fire guarantee she isn't getting one. It makes me feel put on the spot, not to mention if even before an encounter is over she assumes the encounter is recommendation worthy. And for me, being the cockeyed optimist that I am, I always assume before an encounter, even with a lady I haven't met before, that I will end up writing a reco. That is because I look forward to an encounter and expect a wonderful time with the lady. And more often than not I have been proved right, I have good encounters with the ladies I see...I just hope the ladies have had a good encounter too. Personally I don't write recommendations with a detailed play by play. The details of what happens behind closed doors are private and remain so. I might infer in a light hearted way "something" happened, but if details are important, readers have to use their imagination...and guaranteed, it is more often than not, wrong ;-) Really a recommendation just needs to say the lady arrived on time, photos accurate, had a good time, and would see her again. Only mentioned because some guys aren't writers and feel awkward writing recommendations. You don't need to write a essay I've also read some recommendations from guys that sounded less like a recommendation for the lady, than the guy bragging to his friends (locker room talk) about his prowess. These guys are 40+, not some young guy yet has the stamina of a teenager. (must have stock in Pfizer for all the Viagra he must have to takeLOL) Saw more of these reco's on other boards, and take them with a big grain of salt. Now recommendations are but one tool to help a gentleman looking to see a lady. For me, I know a lot of guys use recommendations to help decide who to see. Me, I write them, in part as a thank you to the lady for a wonderful time, and maybe it will help her building her business. But also to give back to the CERB community helping guys in who to see. Me personally, I find reading ladies' posts on CERB helps give me an idea of who they are and if we will click. EMails, PM's and information off their websites also helps. But that is what I do and it's worked for me A long winded rambling RG
  14. Short answer to the OP's question. To find a provider who offers MSOG, seeing you are posting in the Winnipeg Forum, use the search feature on CERB and search MSOG and narrow the search to the Winnipeg Forums. Find a lady who interests you, contact her and tell her you'd like MSOG (keep your email respectful) A GFE, and this is just my opinion and experience, isn't focused on MSOG, not even SOG. It is about a connection, chemistry, and companionship. It is so much more than SOG, in fact that isn't what a GFE is about at all. The sexual side of a GFE experience is a natural unfolding of time spent with a companion who you have spent time getting to know. It isn't scripted, it isn't a menu, it is man and woman who like one another and want to be intimate with one another. And for those who say it is a paid encounter, yes you are right. But I have had encounters with ladies who provide a GFE and encounters with those who provide a menu. There is a difference, and I prefer a GFE. Just my opinion A rambling RG
  15. Although I think this lady looks like Ann Margaret some think she looks like Elizabeth Montgomery, so if you are ever in Ottawa, you might like to contact Meg For Fun. Mind you she is pretty hot and sexy in her own right, not to mention a wonderful companion too RG
  16. And there are some companions like you Emily who offer two unforgettable and memorable acts. The first, like you said, is a GFE, the second act you provide, a Class Act Not to mention the many magical memories :-) RG
  17. For me I like a GFE, and part of a GFE is the intimacy and privacy such an encounter entails. To me there would be no intimacy (intimacy in the broadest sense of the word) in a gang bang. The purpose of such an encounter. It seems to me, it is strictly the lady having sex with as many gentlemen as she is comfortable seeing during that encounter There wouldn't be social time (such as conversation over drinks) nor would the atmosphere of such an encounter be conducive to social time Now don't misunderstand me, I'm not criticizing the idea of gang bangs, as long as it is all consenting adults. This lifestyle allows for different activities and interests. It's just this sort of activity doesn't interest me But for those that do enjoy it, have fun RG
  18. For sitcoms I guess ones from the past are what Iike Seinfeld Cheers Frasier WKRP In Cincinnatti (wish it would be brought back) A rambling RG
  19. Congratulations on your milestone Looking forward to seeing you achieve many more milestones RG
  20. Some quick off the cuff comments About the donation. Always look after it right away. And for those ladies you trust and feel comfortable with, email money transfer is the way to go. Saves you carrying a large wad of cash to an encounter and saves the lady from having to carry it when she leaves This just from my experience and opinion. But let the encounter unfold naturally instead of having the encounter pre planned And the ladies are much more than just providers of sex. Have time for conversation over drinks, maybe dinner out. It is, IMHO more enjoyable being intimate with a lady you spent time getting to know than a lady who really is a stranger. If a lady has screening/verification requirements, provide the information requested. It is a normal practice for many ladies, and there is nothing to be concerned about by providing this information. You want a lady to trust you to be alone with her intimately, the least you can do is be open with her when she screens you Just a quick off the cuff rambling RG
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