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Everything posted by roamingguy

  1. N is for "nice ladies and gentlemen do....." RG
  2. L is for that emotion laden four letter word that describes my feelings for most of the ladies I see............LIKE RG
  3. I went through my friends list once, deleting those members whose accounts were no longer active. Now one time I did delete someone off my friends list. Long story short, she turned out not to be a nice person, to put it mildly. And when I found out about certain things about her, I didn't want her as a "friend" BTW she is no longer on CERB But day to day, no I don't check and edit my friends list RG
  4. Happy Birthday Mister C Enjoy your special day RG
  5. First, no argument, there are some bad providers out there, just as there are some bad clients. That said, if you have a bad encounter, there are already review boards out there to post a review of that encounter. No need for CERB to become another review board Second, recommendations on CERB are written for ladies who provide great or good encounters. If a lady doesn't provide a good encounter, she isn't going to be recommended, well at least I wouldn't recommend her. Point I'm getting at the recommendations here are about ladies who provided good encounters. Want to read and write negative reviews, well there are the erb boards, and other boards too RG
  6. Well my guess. I believe the stats on masturbation are 95% of men masturbate and 89% of women masturbate What does that tell us. In filling out the questionnaire 5% of men and 11% of women lied in filling out the form...whether because of shame, embarrassment or whatever My 2 cents worth RG
  7. Well I for one am happy with CERB just the way it is. Nothing wrong with having a positive escort recommendation board in a internet world full of escort review boards I like having a community where both the ladies and gentlemen are equal participants and the ladies feel safe here My fear if CERB becomes a review board, a lot of the ladies won't be here posting, and may even close their accounts. Not to mention the Mod and Town Council have a hard enough (and do a great) job of moderating this site. Do they wanted the added burden of having to police a review board Guys that want a review board, well there are already a lot out there, why the need to turn CERB into one too escapes me. And if anyone doesn't like CERB the way it is, a question, why are you here My two cents worth RG
  8. R is for reverse cowgirl RG
  9. And I've driven the four hours to see Meg and Angela (actually I've seen both ladies twice)...two ladies well worth the drive to see. And Nicolette, when 2014 rolls around she is one lady I want to schedule an encounter with, of course only if she'll have me ;-) RG
  10. Well after 38 months it looks like we have a contract. It was due three years and two months ago, and finally a deal negotiated If it gets ratified, likely in about a month or two I can say goodbye to my old pick-up (2001 Ram) and I'll be in a newer (used) vehicle, and pay cash for it RG
  11. Frankly you made it everyone's business by posting for everyone here to see. If you don't want any more posts now, you shouldn't have made that second last post...at least now the ladies here all know what you really think of them, not to mention the CERB community as a whole RG
  12. M is for marriage. That wonderful institution (and fortunately I've never been institutionalized LOL) that is one of the reasons this lifestyle exists ;-) RG
  13. Once a photo goes out on the internet be it on a website or email or whatever it is out there forever and for anyone to see. You can't delete after the send button is pushed Even if legal redress is available it doesn't undo any possible embarrassment a photo might have A quick rambling RG
  14. Seriously, especially with your posts, comments implying suicide nothing to joke about at all. The "facts" we know about your situation are the ones you told us You posted asking for advice, you came to the CERB community so to speak, it wasn't us coming to you Suicidal comments nothing to kidd about. That just strikes me as someone now just seeking attention and again if you need that much attention you need help I'm now done with your thread. I think you just want to seek attention and I'm done giving you any. RG
  15. Seriously, first comments about drinking and drugs now about a 38 special you need professional help, a psychologist or psychiatrist You may think your life is a mess reality your infatuated with a professional companion who doesn't reciprocate those same feelings Stop seeing her. Men and women survive breakups, divorce, crushes where the feelings weren't reciprocated and so on...there isn't a reason for you to get past this and get on with your life Seriously pick up the phone and see a professional therapist RG
  16. Just playing around on the web on my phone and stumbled across something that may be an answer Here's the link http://www.sync-mac.com/iphone-sync.html Don't know if that can sync your Mac outlook and iphone but worth a look Hope it helps Good Luck RG
  17. X is for hugs and kisses....ooppps I mean XOXO :-) RG
  18. V is for verification/screening Not so sexy but something a lot of ladies have to do so you can have a great memorable encounter with a wonderful lady RG
  19. Well I'll step out on a limb here and say you aren't in love with her You are infatuated with her, you like her but are also in lust with her Do you really think you are in love...try this. See her for a few dates obviously only if she agrees. No sex, no massage, no happy endings....just dinner and movie type date First will she charge you or will she see you as a conventional "civilian" date Second are you infatuated with her because of sex or because of the person she is I'm guessing she liked you as a client and opened up because she trusted you, and you vice versa. She may even consider you a friend...a friend who is a paying client For your sake and hers stop seeing her, no offence you don't seem able to emotionally handle this situation And stop the boozing and drugs they won't help you at all just start a downward spiral compounding your existing problem See NA and AA if you have too Good Luck RG
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